blob: 8d8d31ca420bee55498733d8e294cf573c9d4111 [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> single-line assert
assert("some short string");
assert("some short string");
>>> wrapped assert
assert("some very long string that wraps");
"some very long string that wraps");
>>> single-line assert with message
assert(true, "blah");
assert(true, "blah");
>>> split assert with message before both
assert(true, "looong string that wraps");
true, "looong string that wraps");
>>> split assert with message after first
assert(veryLongCondition, "long string that wraps");
"long string that wraps");
>>> split assert with message at both
assert(veryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongCondition, "long string that wraps");
"long string that wraps");
>>> split in do-while condition
do {} while ("some long string that wraps");
do {} while (
"some long string that wraps");
>>> split in switch value
switch ("a long string that must wrap") {
case 0:
return "ok";
switch (
"a long string that must wrap") {
case 0:
return "ok";
>>> don't split empty block in if without else
if (condition) {
if (condition) {}
>>> split empty block in if if there is an else
if (condition) {} else {
if (condition) {
} else {}