| 40 columns | |
| >>> Start at beginning. |
| ‹123›45; |
| <<< |
| ‹123›45; |
| >>> Start at end. |
| 12345;‹› |
| <<< |
| 12345;‹› |
| >>> Length at beginning. |
| ‹›12345; |
| <<< |
| ‹›12345; |
| >>> Length at end. |
| 12‹345;› |
| <<< |
| 12‹345;› |
| >>> Zero length in middle. |
| 123‹›45; |
| <<< |
| 123‹›45; |
| >>> Unchanged. |
| f‹oo(a, b›, c); |
| <<< |
| f‹oo(a, b›, c); |
| >>> Include added whitespace. |
| a+f‹irst+se›cond; |
| <<< |
| a + f‹irst + se›cond; |
| >>> In beginning of multi-line string literal. |
| """f‹irs›t |
| second"""; |
| <<< |
| """f‹irs›t |
| second"""; |
| >>> In middle of multi-line string literal. |
| """first |
| se‹cond |
| thi›rd |
| fourth"""; |
| <<< |
| """first |
| se‹cond |
| thi›rd |
| fourth"""; |
| >>> In end of multi-line string literal. |
| """first |
| sec‹ond""" ;› |
| <<< |
| """first |
| sec‹ond""";› |
| >>> In string interpolation. |
| foo( "$fi‹rst", "${ sec›ond }" ); |
| <<< |
| foo("$fi‹rst", "${sec›ond}"); |
| >>> Only whitespace in zero space selected. |
| foo( ‹ › argument); |
| <<< |
| foo(‹›argument); |
| >>> Only whitespace in space selected. |
| operand ‹ › + another; |
| <<< |
| operand ‹›+ another; |
| >>> Inside block. |
| { |
| first(); |
| sec‹ond(); |
| third(); |
| fou›rth(); |
| fifth(); |
| } |
| <<< |
| { |
| first(); |
| sec‹ond(); |
| third(); |
| fou›rth(); |
| fifth(); |
| } |