blob: 1d73031006b7ceb05632317a8d8a1cde0966b724 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.src.rule.combinator;
import '../chunk.dart';
import 'rule.dart';
/// Handles a list of "combinators".
/// A combinator is a keyword followed by a list of nodes used to modify some
/// declaration. It's used for actual hide and show combinators as well as
/// "with" and "implements" clauses in class declarations.
/// Combinators can be split in a few different ways:
/// // All on one line:
/// import 'animals.dart' show Ant hide Cat;
/// // Wrap before each keyword:
/// import 'animals.dart'
/// show Ant, Baboon
/// hide Cat;
/// // Wrap either or both of the name lists:
/// import 'animals.dart'
/// show
/// Ant,
/// Baboon
/// hide Cat;
/// These are not allowed:
/// // Wrap list but not keyword:
/// import 'animals.dart' show
/// Ant,
/// Baboon
/// hide Cat;
/// // Wrap one keyword but not both:
/// import 'animals.dart'
/// show Ant, Baboon hide Cat;
/// This ensures that when any wrapping occurs, the keywords are always at
/// the beginning of the line.
class CombinatorRule extends Rule {
/// The set of chunks before the combinators.
final Set<Chunk> _combinators = new Set();
/// A list of sets of chunks prior to each name in a combinator.
/// The outer list is a list of combinators (i.e. "hide", "show", etc.). Each
/// inner set is the set of names for that combinator.
final List<Set<Chunk>> _names = [];
int get numValues {
var count = 2; // No wrapping, or wrap just before each combinator.
if (_names.length == 2) {
count += 3; // Wrap first set of names, second, or both.
} else {
assert(_names.length == 1);
count++; // Wrap the names.
return count;
/// Adds a new combinator to the list of combinators.
/// This must be called before adding any names.
void addCombinator(Chunk chunk) {
_names.add(new Set());
/// Adds a chunk prior to a name to the current combinator.
void addName(Chunk chunk) {
bool isSplitAtValue(int value, Chunk chunk) {
switch (value) {
case 1:
// Just split at the combinators.
return _combinators.contains(chunk);
case 2:
// Split at the combinators and the first set of names.
return _isCombinatorSplit(0, chunk);
case 3:
// If there is two combinators, just split at the combinators and the
// second set of names.
if (_names.length == 2) {
// Two sets of combinators, so just split at the combinators and the
// second set of names.
return _isCombinatorSplit(1, chunk);
// Split everything.
return true;
return true;
/// Returns `true` if [chunk] is for a combinator or a name in the
/// combinator at index [combinator].
bool _isCombinatorSplit(int combinator, Chunk chunk) {
return _combinators.contains(chunk) || _names[combinator].contains(chunk);
String toString() => "Comb${super.toString()}";