blob: 1a932bbae05e16784e712af8621091457e8b9331 [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> Unsplit.
if (o case 1 || 2 && 3 ) {}
if (o case 1 || 2 && 3) {}
>>> Nested as subpattern.
if (o case 1 && ( 2 || 3 ) ) {}
if (o case 1 && (2 || 3)) {}
>>> Chain of same logic operator all split together.
if (object case first || second || third || fourth) {;}
if (object
case first ||
second ||
third ||
fourth) {
>>> Chains of different logic operators split separately.
if (object case first && second || third && fourth && fifth && sixth) {;}
if (object
case first && second ||
third &&
fourth &&
fifth &&
sixth) {
>>> Chains of different logic operators split separately.
if (object case first && second && third && fourth || fifth && sixth) {;}
if (object
case first &&
second &&
third &&
fourth ||
fifth && sixth) {
>>> Multiple split variables as logic operands.
if (object case SomeVeryLongTypeName anAlsoLongVariableName || AnotherLongTypeName anotherLongVariableName) {;}
if (object
case SomeVeryLongTypeName
anAlsoLongVariableName ||
anotherLongVariableName) {