blob: 5cfcecf0f41bea5f26966bdd7aa422537fade021 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.src.line_splitter;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'chunk.dart';
import 'debug.dart' as debug;
import 'line_prefix.dart';
import 'line_writer.dart';
import 'rule/rule.dart';
/// Takes a series of [Chunk]s and determines the best way to split them into
/// lines of output that fit within the page width (if possible).
/// Imagine a naïve solution. You start at the first chunk in the list and work
/// your way forward. For each chunk, you try every possible value of the rule
/// that the chunk uses. Then, you ask the rule if that chunk should split or
/// not when the rule has that value. If it does, then you try every possible
/// way you could modify the expression nesting context at that point.
/// For each of those possible results, you start with that as a partial
/// solution. You move onto the next chunk and repeat the process, building on
/// to that partial solution. When you reach the last chunk, you determine the
/// cost of that set of rule values and keep track of the best one.
/// Once you've tried every single possible permutation of rule values and
/// nesting stacks, you will have exhaustively covered every possible way the
/// line can be split and you'll know which one had the lowest cost. That's
/// your result.
/// The obvious problem is that this is exponential in the number of values for
/// each rule and the expression nesting levels, both of which can be quite
/// large with things like long method chains containing function literals,
/// large collection literals, etc. To tame that, this uses dynamic programming.
/// As the naïve solver is working its way down the chunks, it's building up a
/// partial solution. This solution has:
/// * A length—the number of chunks in it.
/// * The set of rule values we have selected for the rules used by those
/// chunks.
/// * The expression nesting stack that is currently active at the point where
/// the current chunk splits.
/// We'll call this partial solution a [LinePrefix]. The naïve solution starts
/// with an empty prefix (zero length, no rule values, no expression nesting).
/// It grabs the next chunk after that prefix and says, OK, given this prefix
/// what are all of the possible ways we can split that chunk (rule values and
/// nesting stacks). Create a new, one-chunk-longer prefix for each of those
/// and then recursively solve each of their suffixes.
/// Normally, this would basically be a depth-first traversal of the entire
/// possible solution space. However, there is a simple optimization we can
/// make. When brute forcing the solution tree, we will often solve many
/// prefixes with the same length.
/// For example, if the first chunk's rule can take three different values, we
/// will solve three line prefixes of length one, one for each rule value.
/// Those in turn may have lots of permutations leading to even more solutions
/// all with line prefixes of length two, and so on.
/// In many cases, we have to treat these line prefixes separately. If two
/// prefixes have the same length, but fix a different value for some rule, they
/// may lead to different ways of splitting the suffix since that rule may
/// appear in a later chunk too.
/// But in many cases, the line prefixes are equivalent. For example, consider:
/// function(
/// first(arg, arg, arg, arg, arg, arg),
/// second,
/// third(arg, arg, arg, arg, arg, arg));
/// The line splitter will try a number of different ways to split the argument
/// list to `first`. For each of those, it then has to try all of the different
/// ways it could split `third`. *However*, those two are unrelated. The way
/// you split `first` has no impact on how you split `third`.
/// The precise way to state that is that as the line prefix grows *past*
/// `first()` and its argument list, it contains *less* state. It discards the
/// rule value it selected for the argument list rule since that rule doesn't
/// appear anywhere in the suffix and can't affect it. Any expression nesting
/// inside the argument list has been popped off by the time we get to `second`.
/// We'll try every possible way to split `first()`'s argument list and then
/// recursively solve the remainder of the line for each of those possible
/// splits. But each of those remainders will end up having identical prefixes.
/// For any given [LinePrefix], there is a single best solution for the suffix.
/// So, once we've found it, we can just reuse it the next time that same
/// prefix comes up.
/// In other words, we add a memoization table, [_bestSplits]. It is a map from
/// [LinePrefix]es to [SplitSet]s. For each prefix, it stores the best set of
/// splits to use for the following suffix. With this, instead of exploring the
/// entire solution *tree*, which would be exponential, we just traverse the
/// solution *graph* where entire branches of the tree that are identical
/// collapse back together.
/// The trick to making this work is storing the minimal amount of data in the
/// line prefix to *uniquely* identify a suffix while still collapsing as many
/// branches as possible. In practice, this means aggressively forgetting state
/// when the prefix grows. In particular, we do not need to keep track of
/// rule values we selected in the prefix if that rule does not affect anything
/// in the suffix.
/// There are a couple of other smaller scale optimizations too. If we ever hit
/// a solution whose cost is zero, we know we won't do better, so we stop
/// searching. If we make it to the end of the chunk list and we haven't gone
/// past the end of the line, we know we don't need to split anywhere.
/// But the memoization is the main thing that makes this tractable.
class LineSplitter {
final LineWriter _writer;
/// The list of chunks being split.
final List<Chunk> _chunks;
/// The number of characters of additional indentation to apply to each line.
/// This is used when formatting blocks to get the output into the right
/// column based on where the block appears.
final int _blockIndentation;
/// Memoization table for the best set of splits for the remainder of the
/// line following a given prefix.
final _bestSplits = <LinePrefix, SplitSet>{};
/// The rules that appear in the first `n` chunks of the line where `n` is
/// the index into the list.
final _prefixRules = <Set<Rule>>[];
/// The rules that appear after the first `n` chunks of the line where `n` is
/// the index into the list.
final _suffixRules = <Set<Rule>>[];
/// Creates a new splitter for [_writer] that tries to fit [chunks] into the
/// page width.
LineSplitter(this._writer, this._chunks, this._blockIndentation);
/// Convert the line to a [String] representation.
/// It will determine how best to split it into multiple lines of output and
/// write the result to [writer].
/// [firstLineIndent] is the number of characters of whitespace to prefix the
/// first line of output with.
SplitSolution apply(int firstLineIndent, {bool flushLeft}) {
if (debug.traceSplitter) {
debug.dumpChunks(0, _chunks);
// Ignore the trailing rule on the last chunk since it isn't used for
// anything.
var ruleChunks = _chunks.take(_chunks.length - 1);
// Pre-calculate the set of rules appear before and after each length. We
// use these frequently when creating [LinePrefix]es and they only depend
// on the length, so we can cache them up front.
for (var i = 0; i < _chunks.length; i++) {
_prefixRules.add(ruleChunks.take(i).map((chunk) => chunk.rule).toSet());
_suffixRules.add(ruleChunks.skip(i).map((chunk) => chunk.rule).toSet());
var prefix = new LinePrefix(firstLineIndent + _blockIndentation,
flushLeft: flushLeft);
var solution = new SplitSolution(prefix);
_tryChunkRuleValues(solution, prefix);
return solution;
/// Finds the best set of splits to apply to the remainder of the chunks
/// following [prefix].
/// This can only be called for a suffix that begins a new line. (In other
/// words, the last chunk in the prefix cannot be unsplit.)
SplitSet _findBestSplits(LinePrefix prefix) {
// Use the memoized result if we have it.
if (_bestSplits.containsKey(prefix)) {
if (debug.traceSplitter) {
debug.log("memoized splits for $prefix = ${_bestSplits[prefix]}");
return _bestSplits[prefix];
if (debug.traceSplitter) {
debug.log("find splits for $prefix");
var solution = new SplitSolution(prefix);
_tryChunkRuleValues(solution, prefix);
if (debug.traceSplitter) {
debug.log("best splits for $prefix = ${solution.splits}");
return _bestSplits[prefix] = solution.splits;
/// Updates [solution] with the best rule value selection for the chunk
/// immediately following [prefix].
void _tryChunkRuleValues(SplitSolution solution, LinePrefix prefix) {
// If we made it to the end, this prefix can be solved without splitting
// any chunks.
if (prefix.length == _chunks.length - 1) {
solution.update(this, new SplitSet());
var chunk = _chunks[prefix.length];
// See if we've already selected a value for the rule.
var value = prefix.ruleValues[chunk.rule];
if (value == null) {
// No, so try every possible value for the rule.
for (value = 0; value < chunk.rule.numValues; value++) {
_tryRuleValue(solution, prefix, value);
} else if (value == -1) {
// A -1 "value" means, "any non-zero value". In other words, the rule has
// to split somehow, but can split however it chooses.
for (value = 1; value < chunk.rule.numValues; value++) {
_tryRuleValue(solution, prefix, value);
} else {
// Otherwise, it's constrained to a single value, so use it.
_tryRuleValue(solution, prefix, value);
/// Updates [solution] with the best solution that can be found by setting
/// the chunk after [prefix]'s rule to [value].
void _tryRuleValue(SplitSolution solution, LinePrefix prefix, int value) {
// If we already have an unbeatable solution, don't bother trying this one.
if (solution.cost == 0) return;
var chunk = _chunks[prefix.length];
if (chunk.rule.isSplit(value, chunk)) {
// The chunk is splitting in an expression, so try all of the possible
// nesting combinations.
var ruleValues = _advancePrefix(prefix, value);
var longerPrefixes = prefix.split(chunk, _blockIndentation, ruleValues);
for (var longerPrefix in longerPrefixes) {
_tryLongerPrefix(solution, prefix, longerPrefix);
// If we find an unbeatable solution, don't try any more.
if (solution.cost == 0) break;
} else {
// We didn't split here, so add this chunk and its rule value to the
// prefix and continue on to the next.
var extended = prefix.extend(_advancePrefix(prefix, value));
_tryChunkRuleValues(solution, extended);
/// Updates [solution] with the solution for [prefix] assuming it uses
/// [longerPrefix] for the next chunk.
void _tryLongerPrefix(
SplitSolution solution, LinePrefix prefix, LinePrefix longerPrefix) {
var remaining = _findBestSplits(longerPrefix);
// If it wasn't possible to split the suffix given this nesting stack,
// skip it.
if (remaining == null) return;
solution.update(this, remaining.add(prefix.length, longerPrefix.column));
/// Determines the set of rule values for a new [LinePrefix] one chunk longer
/// than [prefix] whose rule on the new last chunk has [value].
/// Returns a map of [Rule]s to values for those rules for the values that
/// span the prefix and suffix of the [LinePrefix].
Map<Rule, int> _advancePrefix(LinePrefix prefix, int value) {
// Get the rules that appear in both in and after the new prefix. These are
// the rules that already have values that the suffix needs to honor.
var prefixRules = _prefixRules[prefix.length + 1];
var suffixRules = _suffixRules[prefix.length + 1];
var nextRule = _chunks[prefix.length].rule;
var updatedValues = {};
for (var prefixRule in prefixRules) {
var ruleValue =
prefixRule == nextRule ? value : prefix.ruleValues[prefixRule];
if (suffixRules.contains(prefixRule)) {
// If the same rule appears in both the prefix and suffix, then preserve
// its exact value.
updatedValues[prefixRule] = ruleValue;
// If we haven't specified any value for this rule in the prefix, it
// doesn't place any constraint on the suffix.
if (ruleValue == null) continue;
// Enforce the constraints between rules.
for (var suffixRule in suffixRules) {
if (suffixRule == prefixRule) continue;
// See if the prefix rule's value constrains any values in the suffix.
var value = prefixRule.constrain(ruleValue, suffixRule);
// Also consider the backwards case, where a later rule in the suffix
// constrains a rule in the prefix.
if (value == null) {
value = suffixRule.reverseConstrain(ruleValue, prefixRule);
if (value != null) {
updatedValues[prefixRule] = ruleValue;
updatedValues[suffixRule] = value;
return updatedValues;
/// Evaluates the cost (i.e. the relative "badness") of splitting the line
/// into [lines] physical lines based on the current set of rules.
int _evaluateCost(LinePrefix prefix, SplitSet splits) {
assert(splits != null);
// Calculate the length of each line and apply the cost of any spans that
// get split.
var cost = 0;
var length = prefix.column;
var splitRules = new Set();
endLine() {
// Punish lines that went over the length. We don't rule these out
// completely because it may be that the only solution still goes over
// (for example with long string literals).
if (length > _writer.pageWidth) {
cost += (length - _writer.pageWidth) * Cost.overflowChar;
// The set of spans that contain chunks that ended up splitting. We store
// these in a set so a span's cost doesn't get double-counted if more than
// one split occurs in it.
var splitSpans = new Set();
for (var i = prefix.length; i < _chunks.length; i++) {
var chunk = _chunks[i];
length += chunk.text.length;
if (i < _chunks.length - 1) {
if (splits.shouldSplitAt(i)) {
if (chunk.rule != null && !splitRules.contains(chunk.rule)) {
// Don't double-count rules if multiple splits share the same
// rule.
cost += chunk.rule.cost;
// Include the cost of the nested block.
if (chunk.blockChunks.isNotEmpty) {
cost += _writer.formatBlock(chunk, splits.getColumn(i)).cost;
// Start the new line.
length = splits.getColumn(i);
} else {
if (chunk.spaceWhenUnsplit) length++;
// Include the nested block inline, if any.
length += chunk.unsplitBlockLength;
// Add the costs for the spans containing splits.
for (var span in splitSpans) cost += span.cost;
// Finish the last line.
return cost;
/// Keeps track of the best set of splits found so far for a suffix of some
/// prefix.
class SplitSolution {
/// The prefix whose suffix we are finding a solution for.
final LinePrefix _prefix;
/// The best set of splits currently found.
SplitSet get splits => _bestSplits;
SplitSet _bestSplits;
/// The lowest cost currently found.
int get cost => _lowestCost;
int _lowestCost;
/// Whether a solution that fits within a page has been found yet.
bool get isAdequate => _lowestCost != null && _lowestCost < Cost.overflowChar;
/// Compares [splits] to the best solution found so far and keeps it if it's
/// better.
void update(LineSplitter splitter, SplitSet splits) {
var cost = splitter._evaluateCost(_prefix, splits);
if (_lowestCost == null || cost < _lowestCost) {
_bestSplits = splits;
_lowestCost = cost;
if (debug.traceSplitter) {
var best = _bestSplits == splits ? " (best)" : "";
debug.log(debug.gray("$_prefix $splits \$$cost$best"));
debug.dumpLines(splitter._chunks, _prefix, splits);
/// An immutable, persistent set of enabled split [Chunk]s.
/// For each chunk, this tracks if it has been split and, if so, what the
/// chosen column is for the following line.
/// Internally, this uses a sparse parallel list where each element corresponds
/// to the column of the chunk at that index in the chunk list, or `null` if
/// there is no active split there. This had about a 10% perf improvement over
/// using a [Set] of splits or a persistent linked list of split index/indent
/// pairs.
class SplitSet {
List<int> _columns;
/// Creates a new empty split set.
SplitSet() : this._(const []);
/// Returns a new [SplitSet] containing the union of this one and the split
/// at [index] with next line starting at [column].
SplitSet add(int index, int column) {
var newIndents = new List(math.max(index + 1, _columns.length));
newIndents.setAll(0, _columns);
newIndents[index] = column;
return new SplitSet._(newIndents);
/// Returns `true` if the chunk at [splitIndex] should be split.
bool shouldSplitAt(int index) =>
index < _columns.length && _columns[index] != null;
/// Gets the zero-based starting column for the chunk at [index].
int getColumn(int index) => _columns[index];
String toString() {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < _columns.length; i++) {
if (_columns[i] != null) {
return result.join(" ");