blob: b01b4787e81da0bc860486139fb6e1ed41315f7c [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> Discard newlines before first export.
export 'a.dart';
export 'a.dart';
>>> Don't split after "export" even with long string.
export 'package:some/very/long/export/path.dart';
export 'package:some/very/long/export/path.dart';
>>> Handle "show" and "hide" combinators.
### Most tests of "show" and "hide" use import, but we just do a token test
### here to make sure that export directives handle the combinators.
export 'a.dart'show Ape,Bear hide Cat;
export 'a.dart' show Ape, Bear hide Cat;
>>> Configuration.
### More detailed configuration tests are handled under import.
export'a'if(b . c=='d' )'e';
export 'a' if (b.c == 'd') 'e';