| 40 columns | |
| >>> Postfix increment. |
| value ++ ; |
| <<< |
| value++; |
| >>> Postfix decrement. |
| value -- ; |
| <<< |
| value--; |
| >>> Increment and decrement as subexpressions. |
| value ++ - other --; |
| <<< |
| value++ - other--; |
| >>> Null-assert. |
| obj ! ; |
| <<< |
| obj!; |
| >>> Null-assert after method call. |
| obj . method() ! ; |
| <<< |
| obj.method()!; |
| >>> Null-assert after property. |
| obj . prop ! ; |
| <<< |
| obj.prop!; |
| >>> Null-assert inside method chain. |
| obj ! . getter ! . method ( arg ) ! + 3; |
| <<< |
| obj!.getter!.method(arg)! + 3; |
| >>> Null-assert before index and call operators. |
| obj ! [ index ] ! ( call ) ! + 3; |
| <<< |
| obj![index]!(call)! + 3; |
| >>> Simple index expression. |
| list [ 123 ]; |
| <<< |
| list[123]; |
| >>> Index expressions don't split. |
| verylongIdentifier[someParticularlyLongArgument]; |
| <<< |
| verylongIdentifier[someParticularlyLongArgument]; |
| >>> Split inside index. |
| verylongIdentifier[someParticularly + longArgument]; |
| <<< |
| verylongIdentifier[someParticularly + |
| longArgument]; |
| >>> Nested index expressions. |
| verylongIdentifier[longIdentifier[someParticularlyLongArgument]]; |
| <<< |
| verylongIdentifier[longIdentifier[someParticularlyLongArgument]]; |
| >>> Chained index expressions do not split. |
| identifier[longArgument][longArgument][longArgument]; |
| <<< |
| identifier[longArgument][longArgument][longArgument]; |
| >>> Null-aware index expression. |
| list ? [ 123 ]; |
| <<< |
| list?[123]; |
| >>> Chained null-aware index expressions do not split. |
| identifier?[longArgument][longArgument]?[longArgument]; |
| <<< |
| identifier?[longArgument][longArgument]?[longArgument]; |