blob: 2485659cba37fd8a1f1bb71fb1c4bf0eb9a5edf0 [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> Fix whitespace.
" ${ interp+olate } and ${fn ( 1 ) } end";
" ${interp + olate} and ${fn(1)} end";
>>> Don't split in interpolation, even if the result doesn't fit.
"some text that is long ${interpolate + a + thing} more";
"some text that is long ${interpolate + a + thing} more";
>>> Split elsewhere when possible since interpolation doesn't split.
"first string ${has + interpolation}" + "another ${inter + polated}";
"first string ${has + interpolation}" +
"another ${inter + polated}";
>>> Don't split interpolation in multi-line string.
some text that is pretty long
some more text that is pretty long ${ interpolate + a + thing } more text
some text that is pretty long
some more text that is pretty long ${interpolate + a + thing} more text
>>> Don't split in nested interpolation.
"some text that is ${pretty + 'long ${ interpolate +
a + thing } more'} text";
"some text that is ${pretty + 'long ${interpolate + a + thing} more'} text";
>>> Allow mandatory newlines in interpolation.
"before ${(){statement();statement();statement();}} after";
"before ${() {
}} after";
>>> Deeply nested interpolation.
${b +
+ '''e
+ i}
j ${k
${b + """c
${d + '''e
f''' + g}
h""" + i}
j ${k + l}''';
>>> Line comment at beginning of interpolation.
"before ${// comment
a + b} after";
"before ${ // comment
a + b} after";
>>> Line comment inside interpolation.
"before ${
a + // comment
b} after";
"before ${a + // comment
b} after";