blob: 90e7595108af3c9a62134b831c21ece887e6bc69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import '../back_end/code_writer.dart';
import '../back_end/solution_cache.dart';
import '../back_end/solver.dart';
import '../dart_formatter.dart';
import '../debug.dart' as debug;
import '../piece/adjacent.dart';
import '../piece/list.dart';
import '../piece/piece.dart';
import '../piece/text.dart';
import '../profile.dart';
import '../source_code.dart';
import 'comment_writer.dart';
import 'delimited_list_builder.dart';
import 'piece_factory.dart';
import 'sequence_builder.dart';
/// Builds [TextPiece]s for [Token]s and comments.
/// Handles updating selection markers and attaching comments to the tokens
/// before and after the comments.
class PieceWriter {
final DartFormatter _formatter;
final SourceCode _source;
final CommentWriter _comments;
/// The most recent previously-created [CodePiece].
/// We hold a reference to this so we can attach hanging comments to it,
/// which we don't discover until we reach the token after the one used to
/// create this piece.
CodePiece? _previousCode;
/// Whether we have reached a token or comment that lies at or beyond the
/// selection start offset in the original code.
/// Makes sure we insert the start marker in some piece even if it happens to
/// lie between two tokens in the input.
bool _passedSelectionStart = false;
/// Whether we have reached a token or comment that lies at or beyond the
/// selection end offset in the original code.
/// Makes sure we insert the end marker in some piece even if it happens to
/// lie between two tokens in the input.
bool _passedSelectionEnd = false;
/// The character offset of the end of the selection with any trailing
/// whitespace removed.
/// This can only be accessed if there is a selection.
late final int _selectionEnd = _findSelectionEnd();
/// The stack of pieces being built by calls to [build()].
/// Each call to [build()] pushes a new list onto this stack. All of the
/// pieces written during that call to [build()] end up in that list. When
/// the [build()] callback returns, the topmost list is popped and the result
/// returned as an [AdjacentPiece] (or just the single piece if there is
/// only one).
final List<List<Piece>> _pieces = [];
/// The last piece in [_elements], if it's a [CodePiece] that can have more
/// code appended to it or `null` if there is no trailing element or the
/// trailing piece can't be appended to.
CodePiece? _currentCode;
/// If [space()] has been called and we haven't appended a space to the
/// previous code or adding a [SpacePiece] yet.
bool _pendingSpace = false;
PieceWriter(this._formatter, this._source, this._comments);
/// Wires the [PieceWriter] to the [AstNodeVisitor] (which implements
/// [PieceFactory]) so that [PieceWriter] can visit nodes.
void bindVisitor(PieceFactory visitor) {
_visitor = visitor;
late final PieceFactory _visitor;
/// Writes [token] to the piece currently being written.
/// Does nothing if [token] is `null`. If [spaceBefore] is `true`, writes a
/// space before the token, likewise with [spaceAfter].
void token(Token? token,
{bool spaceBefore = false, bool spaceAfter = false}) {
if (token == null) return;
if (spaceBefore) space();
// TODO(perf): If [_currentCode] is `null` but [_pendingSpace] is `true`,
// it should be possible to create a new code piece and write the leading
// space to it instead of having a leading SpacePiece. Unfortunately, that
// sometimes leads to duplicate spaces in the output, so it might take some
// tweaking to get working.
if (token.precedingComments != null) {
// Don't append to the previous token if there is a comment after it.
} else if (_currentCode case var code?) {
// Append to the current code piece.
if (_pendingSpace) {
code.append(' ');
_pendingSpace = false;
_write(code, token.lexeme, token.offset);
} else {
if (spaceAfter) space();
/// Writes [token], which may contain internal newlines.
void multilineToken(Token token) {
var comments = _comments.commentsBefore(token);
var piece = CodePiece(_splitComments(comments, token));
_write(piece, token.lexeme, token.offset, multiline: true);
// Remember it so we can attach hanging comments later.
_previousCode = piece;
// Multiline tokens are always their own pieces.
/// Visits [node] if not `null` and writes the result.
void visit(AstNode? node,
{bool spaceBefore = false,
bool spaceAfter = false,
NodeContext context = NodeContext.none}) {
if (node == null) return;
if (spaceBefore) space();
_visitor.visitNode(node, context);
if (spaceAfter) space();
/// Appends a space before the previous code being written and the next.
void space() {
_pendingSpace = true;
/// Writes an optional modifier that precedes other code.
void modifier(Token? keyword) {
token(keyword, spaceAfter: true);
/// Adds [piece] to the current piece being built.
void add(Piece piece) {
_currentCode = null;
/// Creates a returns a new piece.
/// Invokes [buildCallback]. All tokens and AST nodes written during that
/// callback are collected into the returned piece.
/// If [metadata] is non-empty, then wraps the resulting piece in another
/// piece beginning with that metadata. If [inlineMetadata] is `true`, then
/// the metadata is allowed to stay on the same line as the content.
/// Otherwise, a newline is inserted after every annotation.
Piece build(void Function() buildCallback,
{List<Annotation> metadata = const [], bool inlineMetadata = false}) {
_currentCode = null;
var metadataPieces = const <Piece>[];
if (metadata.isNotEmpty) {
metadataPieces = [
for (var annotation in metadata) _visitor.nodePiece(annotation)
_currentCode = null;
var builtPieces = _pieces.removeLast();
var builtPiece = builtPieces.length == 1
? builtPieces.first
: AdjacentPiece(builtPieces);
if (metadataPieces.isEmpty) {
// No metadata, so return the content piece directly.
return builtPiece;
} else if (inlineMetadata) {
// Wrap the metadata and content in a splittable list.
var list = DelimitedListBuilder(
const ListStyle(
commas: Commas.none,
spaceWhenUnsplit: true,
for (var piece in metadataPieces) {
} else {
// Wrap the metadata and content in a sequence.
var sequence = SequenceBuilder(_visitor);
for (var piece in metadataPieces) {
return true);
/// Creates a separate piece for [token], including any comments that should
/// be attached to that token.
/// If [discardedToken] is given, it is a token immediately before [token]
/// that is going to be discarded. Passing it in here ensures any comments
/// before it are preserved.
/// If [commaAfter] is `true`, looks for and writes a comma following the
/// token if there is one.
Piece tokenPiece(Token token,
{Token? discardedToken, bool commaAfter = false}) {
var tokenPiece = _makeCodePiece(discardedToken: discardedToken, token);
if (commaAfter) {
var nextToken =!;
if (nextToken.lexeme == ',') {
return AdjacentPiece([tokenPiece, _makeCodePiece(nextToken)]);
return tokenPiece;
/// Writes [metadata] followed by the code written by [buildCallback].
/// If [metadata] is empty, then invokes [buildCallback] directly. Otherwise,
/// creates a new [Piece] that contains the pieces written from [metadata]
/// followed by the code written by [buildCallback].
void withMetadata(List<Annotation> metadata, void Function() buildCallback,
{bool inlineMetadata = false}) {
// If there's no metadata (the common case), then call the callback
// directly instead of creating a separate AdjacentBuilder. That way, we
// avoid splitting pieces at the boundary here if not needed.
if (metadata.isEmpty) {
} else {
metadata: metadata, inlineMetadata: inlineMetadata));
// TODO(tall): Much of the comment handling code in CommentWriter got moved
// into here, so there isn't great separation of concerns anymore. Can we
// organize this code better? Or just combine CommentWriter with this class
// completely?
/// Creates a new [Piece] for [comment] and returns it.
Piece commentPiece(SourceComment comment,
[Whitespace trailingWhitespace = Whitespace.none]) {
var piece = CommentPiece(trailingWhitespace);
_write(piece, comment.text, comment.offset,
multiline: comment.type.mayBeMultiline);
return piece;
/// Applies any hanging comments before [token] to the preceding [CodePiece]
/// and takes and returns any remaining leading comments.
List<Piece> takeCommentsBefore(Token token) {
return _splitComments(_comments.takeCommentsBefore(token), token);
/// Begins a new [CodeToken] that can potentially have more code written to
/// it.
void _beginCodeToken(Token token) {
var code = _makeCodePiece(token);
_currentCode = code;
/// Outputs any pending space before more code is written or the current
/// piece is completed.
void _flushSpace() {
if (!_pendingSpace) return;
_pendingSpace = false;
/// Creates a [CodePiece] for [token] and handles any comments that precede
/// it, which get attached either as hanging comments on the preceding
/// [CodePiece] or leading comments on this one.
/// If [discardedToken] is given, it is a token immediately before [token]
/// that is going to be discarded. Passing it in here ensures any comments
/// before it are preserved.
CodePiece _makeCodePiece(Token token, {Token? discardedToken}) {
var comments = _comments.commentsBefore(token);
// Include any comments on the preceding discarded token, if there is one.
if (discardedToken != null) {
comments = _comments.commentsBefore(discardedToken).concatenate(comments);
var piece = CodePiece(_splitComments(comments, token));
_write(piece, token.lexeme, token.offset);
// Remember it so we can attach hanging comments later.
return _previousCode = piece;
/// Splits [comments] which precede [token] into [CommentPiece]s that hang
/// off the preceding [CodePiece] and those that are leading comments on the
/// [CodePiece] for [token].
/// Attaches hanging comments to [_previousCode]. Returns the list of leading
/// comments that should precede [token].
List<Piece> _splitComments(CommentSequence comments, Token token) {
if (comments.isEmpty) return const [];
var leadingComments = <Piece>[];
for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
var comment = comments[i];
// The whitespace after this comment before the next comment or code.
var trailingWhitespace = switch (token.lexeme) {
_ when comment.requiresNewline => Whitespace.newline,
// No space between a comment and delimiting punctuation.
']' || '}' || ',' || ';' => Whitespace.none,
_ =>,
var piece = commentPiece(comment, trailingWhitespace);
if (comments.isHanging(i)) {
// Attach it to the previous CodePiece.
} else {
// Add it to the list of leading comments for the upcoming token.
return leadingComments;
/// Appends [text] to [piece] and updates any selection markers that fall
/// within it.
/// The [offset] parameter is the offset in the original source code of the
/// beginning of where [text] appears.
void _write(TextPiece piece, String text, int offset,
{bool multiline = false}) {
multiline: multiline,
selectionStart: _findSelectionStartWithin(offset, text.length),
selectionEnd: _findSelectionEndWithin(offset, text.length));
/// Finishes writing and returns a [SourceCode] containing the final output
/// and updated selection, if any.
SourceCode finish(Piece rootPiece) {
if (debug.tracePieceBuilder) {
Profile.begin('PieceWriter.finish() format piece tree');
var cache = SolutionCache();
var solver = Solver(cache,
pageWidth: _formatter.pageWidth, leadingIndent: _formatter.indent);
var solution = solver.format(rootPiece);
var (:code, :selectionStart, :selectionEnd) =;
Profile.end('PieceWriter.finish() format piece tree');
// Be a good citizen, end with a newline.
if (_source.isCompilationUnit) code += _formatter.lineEnding!;
int? selectionLength;
if (_source.selectionStart != null) {
// If we haven't hit the beginning and/or end of the selection yet, they
// must be at the very end of the code.
selectionStart ??= code.length;
selectionEnd ??= code.length;
selectionLength = selectionEnd - selectionStart;
return SourceCode(code,
uri: _source.uri,
isCompilationUnit: _source.isCompilationUnit,
selectionStart: selectionStart,
selectionLength: selectionLength);
/// Returns the number of characters past [position] in the source where the
/// selection start appears if it appears within `position + length`.
/// Returns `null` if the selection start has already been processed or is
/// not within that range.
int? _findSelectionStartWithin(int position, int length) {
// If there is no selection, do nothing.
var absoluteStart = _source.selectionStart;
if (absoluteStart == null) return null;
// If we've already passed it, don't consider it again.
if (_passedSelectionStart) return null;
// Calculate the start position relative to [offset].
var relativeStart = absoluteStart - position;
// If it started in whitespace before this text, push it forward to the
// beginning of the non-whitespace text.
if (relativeStart < 0) relativeStart = 0;
// If we haven't reached it yet, don't consider it. If the start point is
// right at the end of the token, don't consider that as reaching it.
// Instead, we'll reach it on the next token, which will correctly push
// it past any whitespace after this token and move it to the beginning of
// the next one.
if (relativeStart >= length) return null;
// We found it.
_passedSelectionStart = true;
return relativeStart;
/// Returns the number of characters past [position] in the source where the
/// selection endpoint appears if it appears before `position + length`.
/// Returns `null` if the selection endpoint has already been processed or is
/// not within that range.
int? _findSelectionEndWithin(int position, int length) {
// If there is no selection, do nothing.
if (_source.selectionLength == null) return null;
// If we've already passed it, don't consider it again.
if (_passedSelectionEnd) return null;
var relativeEnd = _selectionEnd - position;
// If it started in whitespace before this text, push it forward to the
// beginning of the non-whitespace text.
if (relativeEnd < 0) relativeEnd = 0;
// If we haven't reached the end point yet, don't consider it. Note that,
// unlike [_findSelectionStartWithin], we do consider the end point being
// right at the end of this token to be reaching it. That way, we don't
// push the end point *past* the next span of whitespace and instead pull
// it tight to the end of this text.
if (relativeEnd > length) return null;
// In [_findSelectionStartWithin], if the start marker is between two
// tokens, we push it forward to the next one. In the above statement, we
// push the end marker earlier to the previous token. If the entire
// selection is in whitespace between two tokens, that would cause the
// start and ends to cross. Prevent that and instead push the end marker
// to the beginning of the next token where the start marker will also be
// pushed.
if (relativeEnd == length && _selectionEnd == _source.selectionStart!) {
return null;
// We found it.
_passedSelectionEnd = true;
return relativeEnd;
/// Calculates the character offset in the source text of the end of the
/// selection.
/// Removes any trailing whitespace from the selection. For example, if the
/// original selection markers are:
/// function(lotsOfSpac‹eAfter, › andBefore);
/// Then this function moves the end marker to:
/// function(lotsOfSpac‹eAfter,› andBefore);
/// We do this because the formatter itself rewrites whitespace so it's not
/// useful or even meaningful to try to preserve a selection's location within
/// whitespace. Instead, we "rubberband" the end marker forward to the nearest
/// non-whitespace character.
int _findSelectionEnd() {
var end = _source.selectionStart! + _source.selectionLength!;
// If the selection bumps to the end of the source, pin it there.
if (end == _source.text.length) return end;
// Trim off any trailing whitespace.
while (end > _source.selectionStart!) {
// Stop if we hit anything other than space, tab, newline or carriage
// return.
var char = _source.text.codeUnitAt(end - 1);
if (char != 0x20 && char != 0x09 && char != 0x0a && char != 0x0d) {
return end;