blob: 47c06eb16d5f74be684eb2a7cc66fd9fa5cd4962 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Base class for an object that represents fully formatted code.
/// We use this instead of immediately generating a string for the resulting
/// formatted code because of separate formatting. Often, a subtree of the
/// [Piece] tree can be solved and formatted separately. The resulting
/// [Solution] may be used by multiple different surrounding solutions while
/// the [Solver] works its magic looking for the best solution. When a
/// separately formatted child solution is merged into its parent, we want that
/// to be fast. Appending strings to a [StringBuffer] is fairly fast, but not
/// as fast simply appending a single [GroupCode] to the parent solution's
/// [GroupCode].
sealed class Code {}
/// A [Code] object which can be written to and contain other child [Code]
/// objects.
final class GroupCode extends Code {
/// The child [Code] objects contained in this group.
final List<Code> _children = [];
/// Appends [text] to this code.
void write(String text) {
/// Writes a newline and the subsequent indentation to this code.
/// If [blank] is `true`, then a blank line is written. Otherwise, only a
/// single newline is written. The [indent] parameter is the number of spaces
/// of leading indentation on the next line after the newline.
void newline({required bool blank, required int indent}) {
_children.add(_NewlineCode(blank: blank, indent: indent));
/// Adds an entire existing code [group] as a child of this one.
void group(GroupCode group) {
/// Mark the selection start as occurring [offset] characters after the code
/// that has already been written.
void startSelection(int offset) {
_children.add(_MarkerCode(_Marker.start, offset));
/// Mark the selection end as occurring [offset] characters after the code
/// that has already been written.
void endSelection(int offset) {
_children.add(_MarkerCode(_Marker.end, offset));
/// Traverse the [Code] tree and build the final formatted string.
/// Whenever a newline is written, writes [lineEnding]. If omitted, defaults
/// to '\n'.
/// Returns the formatted string and the selection markers if there are any.
({String code, int? selectionStart, int? selectionEnd}) build(
[String? lineEnding]) {
lineEnding ??= '\n';
var buffer = StringBuffer();
int? selectionStart;
int? selectionEnd;
_build(buffer, lineEnding, (marker, offset) {
if (marker == _Marker.start) {
selectionStart = offset;
} else {
selectionEnd = offset;
return (
code: buffer.toString(),
selectionStart: selectionStart,
selectionEnd: selectionEnd
void _build(StringBuffer buffer, String lineEnding,
void Function(_Marker marker, int offset) markSelection) {
for (var i = 0; i < _children.length; i++) {
var child = _children[i];
switch (child) {
case _NewlineCode():
// Don't write any leading newlines at the top of the buffer.
if (i > 0) {
if (child._blank) buffer.write(lineEnding);
buffer.write(_indents[child._indent] ?? (' ' * child._indent));
case _TextCode():
case GroupCode():
child._build(buffer, lineEnding, markSelection);
case _MarkerCode():
markSelection(child._marker, buffer.length + child._offset);
/// A [Code] object for a newline followed by any leading indentation.
final class _NewlineCode extends Code {
final bool _blank;
final int _indent;
_NewlineCode({required bool blank, required int indent})
: _indent = indent,
_blank = blank;
/// A [Code] object for literal source text.
final class _TextCode extends Code {
final String _text;
/// Marks the location of the beginning or end of a selection as occurring
/// [_offset] characters past the point where this marker object appears in the
/// list of [Code] objects.
final class _MarkerCode extends Code {
/// What kind of selection endpoint is being marked.
final _Marker _marker;
/// The number of characters past this object where the marker should appear
/// in the resulting code.
final int _offset;
_MarkerCode(this._marker, this._offset);
/// Which selection marker is pointed to by a [_MarkerCode].
enum _Marker { start, end }
/// Pre-calculated whitespace strings for various common levels of indentation.
/// Generating these ahead of time is faster than concatenating multiple spaces
/// at runtime.
const _indents = {
2: ' ',
4: ' ',
6: ' ',
8: ' ',
10: ' ',
12: ' ',
14: ' ',
16: ' ',
18: ' ',
20: ' ',
22: ' ',
24: ' ',
26: ' ',
28: ' ',
30: ' ',
32: ' ',
34: ' ',
36: ' ',
38: ' ',
40: ' ',
42: ' ',
44: ' ',
46: ' ',
48: ' ',
50: ' ',
52: ' ',
54: ' ',
56: ' ',
58: ' ',
60: ' ',