blob: 5b59faa366d5ca85b9b1c0bbadd86fdb858b3a2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.src.code_formatter;
import 'package:analyzer/src/string_source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'error_listener.dart';
import 'source_visitor.dart';
/// Describes a chunk of source code that is to be formatted or has been
/// formatted.
class SourceCode {
/// The [uri] where the source code is from.
/// Used in error messages if the code cannot be parsed.
final String uri;
/// The Dart source code text.
final String text;
/// Whether the source is a compilation unit or a bare statement.
final bool isCompilationUnit;
/// The offset in [text] where the selection begins, or `null` if there is
/// no selection.
final int selectionStart;
/// The number of selected characters or `null` if there is no selection.
final int selectionLength;
{this.uri, this.isCompilationUnit: true, this.selectionStart,
this.selectionLength}) {
// Must either provide both selection bounds or neither.
if ((selectionStart == null) != (selectionLength == null)) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Is selectionStart is provided, selectionLength must be too.");
if (selectionStart != null) {
if (selectionStart < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError("selectionStart must be non-negative.");
if (selectionStart > text.length) {
throw new ArgumentError("selectionStart must be within text.");
if (selectionLength != null) {
if (selectionLength < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError("selectionLength must be non-negative.");
if (selectionStart + selectionLength > text.length) {
throw new ArgumentError("selectionLength must end within text.");
/// Dart source code formatter.
class DartFormatter {
/// The string that newlines should use.
/// If not explicitly provided, this is inferred from the source text. If the
/// first newline is `\r\n` (Windows), it will use that. Otherwise, it uses
/// Unix-style line endings (`\n`).
String lineEnding;
/// The number of characters allowed in a single line.
final int pageWidth;
/// The number of levels of indentation to prefix the output lines with.
final int indent;
/// Creates a new formatter for Dart code.
/// If [lineEnding] is given, that will be used for any newlines in the
/// output. Otherwise, the line separator will be inferred from the line
/// endings in the source file.
/// If [indent] is given, that many levels of indentation will be prefixed
/// before each resulting line in the output.
DartFormatter({this.lineEnding, int pageWidth, this.indent: 0})
: this.pageWidth = (pageWidth == null) ? 80 : pageWidth;
/// Formats the given [source] string containing an entire Dart compilation
/// unit.
/// If [uri] is given, it is a [String] or [Uri] used to identify the file
/// being formatted in error messages.
String format(String source, {uri}) {
if (uri == null) {
uri = "<unknown>";
} else if (uri is Uri) {
uri = uri.toString();
} else if (uri is String) {
// Do nothing.
} else {
throw new ArgumentError("uri must be `null`, a Uri, or a String.");
return formatSource(
new SourceCode(source, uri: uri, isCompilationUnit: true)).text;
/// Formats the given [source] string containing a single Dart statement.
String formatStatement(String source) {
return formatSource(new SourceCode(source, isCompilationUnit: false)).text;
/// Formats the given [source].
/// Returns a new [SourceCode] containing the formatted code and the resulting
/// selection, if any.
SourceCode formatSource(SourceCode source) {
var errorListener = new ErrorListener();
// Tokenize the source.
var reader = new CharSequenceReader(source.text);
var stringSource = new StringSource(source.text, source.uri);
var scanner = new Scanner(stringSource, reader, errorListener);
var startToken = scanner.tokenize();
var lineInfo = new LineInfo(scanner.lineStarts);
// Infer the line ending if not given one. Do it here since now we know
// where the lines start.
if (lineEnding == null) {
// If the first newline is "\r\n", use that. Otherwise, use "\n".
if (scanner.lineStarts.length > 1 &&
scanner.lineStarts[1] >= 2 &&
source.text[scanner.lineStarts[1] - 2] == '\r') {
lineEnding = "\r\n";
} else {
lineEnding = "\n";
// Parse it.
var parser = new Parser(stringSource, errorListener);
parser.parseAsync = true;
var node;
if (source.isCompilationUnit) {
node = parser.parseCompilationUnit(startToken);
} else {
node = parser.parseStatement(startToken);
// Format it.
var visitor = new SourceVisitor(this, lineInfo, source);