blob: 401d01eb7cef23b4ad7ff1ddd74dc8459bf91d5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import '../debug.dart' as debug;
import '../piece/piece.dart';
import '../profile.dart';
import 'solution.dart';
import 'solution_cache.dart';
/// To ensure the solver doesn't go totally pathological on giant code, we cap
/// it at a fixed number of attempts.
/// If the optimal solution isn't found after this many tries, it just uses the
/// best it found so far.
const _maxAttempts = 10000;
/// Selects states for each piece in a tree of pieces to find the best set of
/// line splits that minimizes overflow characters and line splitting costs.
/// This problem is combinatorial over the number of pieces and each of their
/// possible states, so it isn't feasible to brute force. There are a few
/// techniques we use to avoid that:
/// - The initial state for each piece has no line splits or only mandatory
/// ones. Thus, it tries solutions with a minimum number of line splits
/// first.
/// - Solutions are explored in priority order. We explore solutions with the
/// the lowest cost first. This way, as soon as we find a solution with no
/// overflow characters, we know it will be the best solution and can stop.
/// - When selecting states for pieces to expand solutions, we only look at
/// pieces in the first line containing overflow characters or invalid
/// newlines. See [Solution._nextPieceToExpand] for more details.
/// - If a subtree Piece is sufficiently isolated from surrounding content
/// (usually this means it is on its own line), then we hoist that entire
/// subtree out, format it with a separate Solver, and then insert the
/// result into the Solution. We also memoize the result of doing this and
/// use it across different Solutions. This enables us to both divide and
/// conquer the Piece tree and solve portions separately, while also
/// reusing work across different solutions.
class Solver {
final SolutionCache _cache;
final int _pageWidth;
final int _leadingIndent;
final PriorityQueue<Solution> _queue = PriorityQueue();
Solver(this._cache, {required int pageWidth, int leadingIndent = 0})
: _pageWidth = pageWidth,
_leadingIndent = leadingIndent;
/// Finds the best set of line splits for [root] piece and returns the
/// resulting formatted code.
/// If [rootState] is given, then [root] is bound to that state.
Solution format(Piece root, [State? rootState]) {
if (debug.traceSolver) {
var unsolved = <Piece>[];
void traverse(Piece piece) {
if (piece.states.length > 1) unsolved.add(piece);
var label = [
'Solving $root',
if (rootState != null) 'at state $rootState',
if (unsolved.isNotEmpty) 'for ${unsolved.join(', ')}',
].join(' ');
var solution = Solution(_cache, root,
pageWidth: _pageWidth,
leadingIndent: _leadingIndent,
rootState: rootState);
Profile.begin('Solver enqueue');
Profile.count('Solver enqueue');
Profile.end('Solver enqueue');
// The lowest cost solution found so far that does overflow.
var best = solution;
var attempts = 0;
while (_queue.isNotEmpty && attempts < _maxAttempts) {
Profile.count('Solver dequeue');
var solution = _queue.removeFirst();
if (debug.traceSolver) {
debug.log(debug.bold('Try #$attempts $solution'));
if (solution.isValid) {
// Since we process the solutions from lowest cost up, as soon as we
// find a valid one that fits, it's the best.
if (solution.overflow == 0) {
best = solution;
// If not, keep track of the least-bad one we've found so far.
if (!best.isValid || solution.overflow < best.overflow) {
best = solution;
// Otherwise, try to expand the solution to explore different splitting
// options.
for (var expanded in solution.expand(_cache, root,
pageWidth: _pageWidth, leadingIndent: _leadingIndent)) {
Profile.count('Solver enqueue');
// If we didn't find a solution without overflow, pick the least bad one.
if (debug.traceSolver) {
debug.log(debug.bold('Solved $root to $best:'));
return best;