blob: 0e03addc6030616c8562f4ae91e89bdcb4d3371a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Sample database records used by try_results_test.dart
final createComponentReview = 123;
final createComponentPatchset = 2;
final commentId1 = 'sampleId00001';
final commentText = 'test comment approving a test';
final tryResultsCreateComponentSampleData = <String, dynamic>{
'reviews/$createComponentReview': {
'subject': 'Test review for try_results_test \'create component\''
'reviews/$createComponentReview/patchsets/1': {
'description': 'initial upload',
'kind': 'REWORK',
'number': 1,
'patchset_group': 1,
'reviews/$createComponentReview/patchsets/2': {
'description': 'initial upload',
'kind': 'REWORK',
'number': 2,
'patchset_group': 1,
'comments/$commentId1': {
'author': '',
'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-20 20:18:00Z'),
'comment': 'Sample comment approving a test',
'approved': true,
'results': [],
'review': 123
'try_results/try_result_1': {
'approved': false,
'review': 123,
'configurations': ['unittest-asserts-release-linux'],
'name': 'pkg/front_end/test/fasta/analyze_test',
'patchset': 2,
'result': 'Fail',
'expected': 'Pass',
'previous_result': 'Pass'
'try_results/try_result_2': {
'approved': false,
'review': 123,
'configurations': ['analyzer-asserts-win', 'analyzer-asserts-linux'],
'name': 'pkg/front_end/test/fasta/analyze_test',
'patchset': 2,
'result': 'CompileTimeError',
'expected': 'Pass',
'previous_result': 'Pass'
'try_results/try_result_3': {
'approved': false,
'review': 123,
'configurations': ['analyzer-asserts-win', 'analyzer-asserts-linux'],
'name': 'sample_suite/sample_test',
'patchset': 2,
'result': 'RuntimeError',
'expected': 'Pass',
'previous_result': 'Pass'
'try_results/try_result_4': {
'approved': true,
'review': 123,
'configurations': ['unittest-asserts-release-linux'],
'name': 'sample_suite/second_test',
'patchset': 2,
'result': 'Fail',
'expected': 'Pass',
'previous_result': 'Pass'