blob: 041bfd2210f5dd9e7431a55636164b34bed44a89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:firebase/firebase.dart' as firebase;
import 'package:firebase/firestore.dart' as firestore;
import 'package:quiver/iterables.dart' as iterables;
class FirestoreService {
static const bool loginEnabled = true;
firebase.App app;
bool get isLoggedIn => app?.auth()?.currentUser != null;
Future logIn() async {
if (isLoggedIn) return;
if (loginEnabled) {
final provider = firebase.GoogleAuthProvider();
try {
final user = await app.auth().signInWithPopup(provider);
// Our application settings already disallow non-org users,
// so we don't even get to this additional check.
if (!'')) await logOut();
} catch (e) {
Future logOut() => app.auth().signOut();
Future<List<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>> fetchCommits(
int beforeIndex, int limit) async {
final commits = app.firestore().collection('commits');
var query = commits.orderBy('index', 'desc');
if (beforeIndex != null) {
query = query.where('index', '<', beforeIndex);
query = query.limit(limit);
return (await query.get()).docs;
Future<List<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>> fetchChanges(
int startIndex,
int endIndex,
bool failuresOnly,
bool unapprovedOnly,
String singleTest) async {
firestore.Query query = app.firestore().collection('results');
if (singleTest != null) {
query = query.where('name', '==', singleTest);
} else if (failuresOnly) {
// Because the index contains 'active' and 'approved', we
// always need to give values for both of them (or neither).
query = query
.where('active', '==', true)
.where('approved', 'in', [false, if (!unapprovedOnly) true]);
final snapshot = await query
.where('blamelist_end_index', '>=', startIndex)
.where('blamelist_end_index', '<=', endIndex)
Future<firestore.DocumentSnapshot> fetchReviewInfo(int review) async {
await getFirebaseClient();
return app.firestore().doc('reviews/$review').get();
Future<List<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>> fetchPatchsetInfo(int review) async {
await getFirebaseClient();
final collection =
await app.firestore().collection('reviews/$review/patchsets');
return (await collection.orderBy('number').get()).docs;
Future<List<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>> fetchTryChanges(
int review, int patchset) async {
final results = app.firestore().collection('try_results');
final snapshot = await results
.where('review', '==', review)
.where('patchset', '==', patchset)
Future<List<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>> fetchTryBuilds(int review) async {
final results = app.firestore().collection('try_builds');
final snapshot = await results.where('review', '==', review).get();
Future<firestore.DocumentSnapshot> fetchComment(String id) =>
Future<List<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>> fetchCommentsForRange(
int start, int end) async {
final results = app.firestore().collection('comments');
final snapshot = await results
.where('blamelist_end_index', '>=', start)
.where('blamelist_end_index', '<=', end)
Future<List<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>> fetchCommentsForReview(
int review) async {
final results = app.firestore().collection('comments');
final snapshot = await results.where('review', '==', review).get();
Future<firestore.DocumentSnapshot> fetchBuild(
String builder, int index) async {
final builds = app.firestore().collection('builds');
final snapshot = await builds
.where('index', '>=', index)
.where('builder', '==', builder)
.orderBy('index', 'asc')
Future<List<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>> fetchBuilders() async {
final snapshot = await app.firestore().collection('configurations').get();
Future pinResults(int pin, List<String> resultIds) async {
final collection = app.firestore().collection('results');
// If resultIds.length > 500, break into multiple batches.
for (final results in iterables.partition(resultIds, 500)) {
final batch = app.firestore().batch();
for (final id in results) {
.update(collection.doc(id), fieldsAndValues: ['pinned_index', pin]);
await batch.commit();
Future<firestore.DocumentSnapshot> saveComment(bool approve, String comment,
{List<String> resultIds,
List<String> tryResultIds,
int blamelistStart,
int blamelistEnd,
int review}) async {
final reference = await app.firestore().collection('comments').add({
'author': app.auth(),
if (comment != null) 'comment': comment,
if (approve != null) 'approved': approve,
if (resultIds != null) 'results': resultIds,
if (tryResultIds != null) 'try_results': tryResultIds,
if (blamelistStart != null) 'blamelist_start_index': blamelistStart,
if (blamelistStart != null) 'blamelist_end_index': blamelistEnd,
if (review != null) 'review': review
return reference.get();
Future<void> saveApprovals(
{bool approve, List<String> resultIds, List<String> tryResultIds}) async {
if (approve == null) return;
// Update approved field in results documents.
Future<void> approveResults(List<String> ids, String collectionName) async {
if (ids == null) return;
// If resultIds.length > 500, break into multiple batches.
for (final results in iterables.partition(ids, 500)) {
final batch = app.firestore().batch();
final collection = app.firestore().collection(collectionName);
for (final id in results) {
fieldsAndValues: ['approved', approve]);
await batch.commit();
await approveResults(resultIds, 'results');
await approveResults(tryResultIds, 'try_results');
Future<void> getFirebaseClient() async {
if (app != null) return;
// Firebase api key is public, and must be sent to client for use.
// It is invalid over any connection except https to the app URL.
// It is not used for security, only usage accounting.
app = firebase.initializeApp(
apiKey: 'AIzaSyBFKKpPdV3xPQU4jPYiMvUnUfhB5pDDMRI',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
projectId: 'dart-ci',
storageBucket: '',
messagingSenderId: '410721018617');
await app.auth().setPersistence(firebase.Persistence.LOCAL);
class StagingFirestoreService extends FirestoreService {
Future<void> getFirebaseClient() async {
if (app != null) return;
// Firebase api key is public, and must be sent to client for use.
// It is invalid over any connection except https to the app URL.
// It is not used for security, only usage accounting.
app = initializeApp();
await app.auth().setPersistence(firebase.Persistence.LOCAL);
static firebase.App initializeApp({String name}) {
return firebase.initializeApp(
apiKey: 'AIzaSyBky7KGq1dbVn_J48iAI6oVyKRcMrRanns',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
messagingSenderId: '287461583823',
projectId: 'dart-ci-staging',
storageBucket: '',
name: name);
class TestingFirestoreService extends StagingFirestoreService {
// TestingFirestoreService uses the Firestore database at
// dart-ci-staging.
// It includes local password-based authentication for
// tests that write to staging.
Future<void> getFirebaseClient() async {
await super.getFirebaseClient();
await logIn();
Future logIn() => logInWithPassword(app);
static Future<void> logInWithPassword(firebase.App app) async {
try {
await app.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(
'', r'');
// Password must be entered locally before testing.
// Because this is running in a browser, cannot read password from
// a file or environment variable. Investigate what testing framework
// supports for local secrets.
} catch (e) {
class FirestoreTestSetup {
firebase.App app;
Future<void> initialize() async {
app = StagingFirestoreService.initializeApp(name: 'testing');
await TestingFirestoreService.logInWithPassword(app);
Future<void> writeDocumentsFrom(Map<String, dynamic> documents,
{bool delete = false}) async {
for (final keys in iterables.partition(documents.keys, 500)) {
final batch = app.firestore().batch();
for (final key in keys) {
if (delete) {
} else {
batch.set(app.firestore().doc(key), documents[key]);
await batch.commit();
Future<void> deleteCommentsForReview(int review) async {
final snapshot = await app
.where('review', '==', review)
for (final document in {
await document.ref.delete();
Future<int> lastIndex() async {
final commits = app.firestore().collection('commits');
var snapshot = await commits.orderBy('index', 'desc').limit(3).get();
if ( < 3) {
throw Exception('Staging database does not contain 3 commits');