[cloud functions] Add error handling to Firestore requests

This adds error handlers to all Firestore requests, that record information
about that request and all other pending Firestore requests to the thrown
exception.  They also track how long requests have been pending for, and
how many documents are read and written.  This information is available
on all executions, not just failing runs.

Change-Id: I818a2e7676f88a4bef3b553a32dba0738d2b2c8f
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/dart_ci/+/141861
Reviewed-by: Karl Klose <karlklose@google.com>
diff --git a/functions/node/builder.dart b/functions/node/builder.dart
index c7bed59..5bb747b 100644
--- a/functions/node/builder.dart
+++ b/functions/node/builder.dart
@@ -51,14 +51,16 @@
     await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builderName, endIndex, success);
     final report = [
-      "Processed ${results.length} results from $builderName build $buildNumber",
-      if (countChanges > 0) "Stored $countChanges changes",
-      if (commitsFetched != null) "Fetched $commitsFetched new commits",
-      if (!success) "Found unapproved new failures",
+      'Processed ${results.length} results from $builderName build $buildNumber',
+      if (countChanges > 0) 'Stored $countChanges changes',
+      if (commitsFetched != null) 'Fetched $commitsFetched new commits',
+      '${firestore.documentsFetched} documents fetched',
+      '${firestore.documentsWritten} documents written',
+      if (!success) 'Found unapproved new failures',
       if (countApprovalsCopied > 0) ...[
-        "$countApprovalsCopied approvals copied",
+        '$countApprovalsCopied approvals copied',
-        if (countApprovalsCopied > 10) "..."
+        if (countApprovalsCopied > 10) '...'
@@ -88,9 +90,9 @@
           await commitsCache.getCommit(firstResult['previous_commit_hash']);
       startIndex = startCommit[fIndex] + 1;
       if (startIndex > endIndex) {
-        throw ArgumentError("Results received with empty blamelist\n"
-            "previous commit: ${firstResult['previous_commit_hash']}\n"
-            "built commit: $commitHash");
+        throw ArgumentError('Results received with empty blamelist\n'
+            'previous commit: ${firstResult['previous_commit_hash']}\n'
+            'built commit: $commitHash');
@@ -151,7 +153,7 @@
         if (countApprovalsCopied <= 10)
-              .add("Copied approval of result ${testResult(change)}");
+              .add('Copied approval of result ${testResult(change)}');
     } else {
       approved = await firestore.updateResult(
diff --git a/functions/node/firestore.dart b/functions/node/firestore.dart
index 340531e..9edabc2 100644
--- a/functions/node/firestore.dart
+++ b/functions/node/firestore.dart
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 /// The implementation must be in a separate file, so that testing can
 /// run on Dart native, not just on the nodeJS platform.
 abstract class FirestoreService {
+  int get documentsFetched;
+  int get documentsWritten;
   Future<bool> isStaging();
   Future<bool> hasPatchset(String review, String patchset);
diff --git a/functions/node/firestore_impl.dart b/functions/node/firestore_impl.dart
index 18c4b33..0c51013 100644
--- a/functions/node/firestore_impl.dart
+++ b/functions/node/firestore_impl.dart
@@ -19,14 +19,106 @@
     ..settings(FirestoreSettings(timestampsInSnapshots: true));
-class FirestoreServiceImpl implements FirestoreService {
-  Future<bool> isStaging() =>
-      firestore.collection('staging').get().then((s) => s.isNotEmpty);
+class ActiveRequest {
+  final String type;
+  final String info;
+  final DateTime start;
-  Future<bool> hasPatchset(String review, String patchset) => firestore
-      .document('reviews/$review/patchsets/$patchset')
-      .get()
-      .then((s) => s.exists);
+  ActiveRequest(this.type, this.info) : start = DateTime.now();
+  String toString() => 'Request $type of $info started at $start';
+class FirestoreServiceError {
+  final ActiveRequest request;
+  final DateTime errorTime;
+  final Set<ActiveRequest> activeRequests;
+  final firestoreError;
+  FirestoreServiceError(this.request, this.firestoreError, this.activeRequests)
+      : errorTime = DateTime.now();
+  String toString() => '''
+Error in ${request.type} of ${request.info}:
+Request failed at $errorTime, after running for ${errorTime.difference(request.start)}
+Concurrent Firestore requests pending:
+class FirestoreServiceImpl implements FirestoreService {
+  int documentsFetched = 0;
+  int documentsWritten = 0;
+  Set<ActiveRequest> activeRequests = {};
+  Future<T> traceRequest<T>(
+      String type, String info, Future<T> firestoreCall()) async {
+    final request = ActiveRequest(type, info);
+    activeRequests.add(request);
+    T result;
+    try {
+      result = await firestoreCall();
+      if (result is QuerySnapshot && result.isNotEmpty) {
+        documentsFetched += result.documents.length;
+      } else if (result is DocumentSnapshot && result.exists) {
+        documentsFetched++;
+      }
+    } catch (e) {
+      throw FirestoreServiceError(request, e, activeRequests);
+    }
+    activeRequests.remove(request);
+    return result;
+  }
+  Future<DocumentSnapshot> getDocument(DocumentReference reference) =>
+      traceRequest('get document', reference.path, reference.get);
+  Future<QuerySnapshot> runQuery(DocumentQuery query, String debugInfo) =>
+      traceRequest('run query', debugInfo, query.get);
+  Future<void> setDocument(
+          DocumentReference reference, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
+      traceRequest('set document', reference.path, () {
+        documentsWritten++;
+        return reference.setData(
+            DocumentData.fromMap(data), SetOptions(merge: true));
+      });
+  Future<void> updateDocument(
+          DocumentReference reference, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
+      traceRequest('update document', reference.path, () {
+        documentsWritten++;
+        return reference.updateData(UpdateData.fromMap(data));
+      });
+  // Because we can't read the number of documents written from a
+  // WriteBatch object, increment documentsWritten where we add writes
+  // to the write batch at use sites.
+  Future<void> commitBatch(WriteBatch batch, String info) =>
+      traceRequest('commit batch', info, batch.commit);
+  // The update function may be run multiple times, if the transaction retries.
+  // Increment documentsWritten and documentsRead in the update function body.
+  // The counts will include reads and attempted writes during retries.
+  Future<T> runTransaction<T>(
+          String info, Future<T> update(Transaction t)) =>
+      traceRequest<T>(
+          'run transaction', info, () => firestore.runTransaction(update));
+  Future<void> add(CollectionReference reference, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
+      traceRequest('add document', reference.path, () {
+        documentsWritten++;
+        return reference.add(DocumentData.fromMap(data));
+      });
+  Future<bool> isStaging() =>
+      runQuery(firestore.collection('staging'), 'staging')
+          .then((s) => s.isNotEmpty);
+  Future<bool> hasPatchset(String review, String patchset) =>
+      getDocument(firestore.document('reviews/$review/patchsets/$patchset'))
+          .then((s) => s.exists);
   Map<String, dynamic> _commit(DocumentSnapshot document) {
     if (document.exists) {
@@ -35,47 +127,45 @@
     return null;
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommit(String hash) => firestore
-      .document('commits/$hash')
-      .get()
-      .then((document) => _commit(document));
+  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommit(String hash) =>
+      getDocument(firestore.document('commits/$hash'))
+          .then((document) => _commit(document));
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommitByIndex(int index) => firestore
-      .collection('commits')
-      .where('index', isEqualTo: index)
-      .get()
+  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommitByIndex(int index) => runQuery(
+          firestore.collection('commits').where('index', isEqualTo: index),
+          'commits where index == $index')
       .then((s) => _commit(s.documents.first));
   Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getLastCommit() async {
-    QuerySnapshot lastCommit = await firestore
-        .collection('commits')
-        .orderBy('index', descending: true)
-        .limit(1)
-        .get();
+    QuerySnapshot lastCommit = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('commits')
+            .orderBy('index', descending: true)
+            .limit(1),
+        'commits by descending index, limit 1');
     return _commit(lastCommit.documents.first);
   Future<void> addCommit(String id, Map<String, dynamic> data) async {
     data['created'] = Timestamp.fromDateTime(data['created']);
-    final docRef = firestore.document('commits/$id');
-    await docRef.setData(DocumentData.fromMap(data));
+    await setDocument(firestore.document('commits/$id'), data);
   Future<List<String>> getConfigurations(String builder) async {
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore
-        .collection('configurations')
-        .where('builder', isEqualTo: builder)
-        .get();
+    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('configurations')
+            .where('builder', isEqualTo: builder),
+        'configurations where builder == $builder');
     return [for (final document in snapshot.documents) document.documentID];
   Future<void> updateConfiguration(String configuration, String builder) async {
     final record =
-        await firestore.document('configurations/$configuration').get();
+        await getDocument(firestore.document('configurations/$configuration'));
     if (!record.exists || record.data.getString('builder') != builder) {
-      await firestore
-          .document('configurations/$configuration')
-          .setData(DocumentData.fromMap({'builder': builder}));
+      await setDocument(firestore.document('configurations/$configuration'),
+          {'builder': builder});
       if (!record.exists) {
             .log('Configuration document $configuration -> $builder created');
@@ -90,15 +180,10 @@
   Future<void> updateBuildInfo(
       String builder, int buildNumber, int index) async {
     final documentRef = firestore.document('builds/$builder:$index');
-    final record = await documentRef.get();
+    final record = await getDocument(documentRef);
     if (!record.exists) {
-      await documentRef.setData(
-          DocumentData.fromMap({
-            'builder': builder,
-            'build_number': buildNumber,
-            'index': index
-          }),
-          SetOptions(merge: true));
+      await setDocument(documentRef,
+          {'builder': builder, 'build_number': buildNumber, 'index': index});
       console.log('Created build record: '
           'builder: $builder, build_number: $buildNumber, index: $index');
     } else if (record.data.getInt('index') != index) {
@@ -112,15 +197,19 @@
     String name = change['name'];
     String result = change['result'];
     String previousResult = change['previous_result'] ?? 'new test';
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore
-        .collection('results')
-        .orderBy('blamelist_end_index', descending: true)
-        .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
-        .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
-        .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
-        .where('expected', isEqualTo: change['expected'])
-        .limit(5) // We will pick the right one, probably the latest.
-        .get();
+    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('results')
+            .orderBy('blamelist_end_index', descending: true)
+            .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
+            .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
+            .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
+            .where('expected', isEqualTo: change['expected'])
+            .limit(5) // We will pick the right one, probably the latest.
+        ,
+        'results by descending blamelist_end_index where name == $name,'
+        'result == $result, previous_result == $previousResult, '
+        'expected == ${change['expected']}, limit 5');
     bool blamelistIncludesChange(DocumentSnapshot groupDocument) {
       var group = groupDocument.data;
@@ -142,9 +231,10 @@
       {bool failure}) {
     DocumentReference reference = firestore.document('results/$result');
-    // Update the change group in a transaction.
-    Future<bool> updateGroup(Transaction transaction) =>
+    // Update the result in a transaction.
+    Future<bool> updateResultTransaction(Transaction transaction) =>
         transaction.get(reference).then((resultSnapshot) {
+          documentsFetched++;
           final data = resultSnapshot.data;
           // Allow missing 'approved' field during transition period.
           bool approved = data.getBool('approved') ?? false;
@@ -164,21 +254,23 @@
           transaction.update(reference, update);
+          documentsWritten++;
           return approved;
-    return firestore.runTransaction(updateGroup);
+    return runTransaction(
+        'update result ${reference.path}', updateResultTransaction);
   Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> findRevertedChanges(int index) async {
-    QuerySnapshot pinned = await firestore
-        .collection('results')
-        .where('pinned_index', isEqualTo: index)
-        .get();
-    QuerySnapshot unpinned = await firestore
-        .collection('results')
-        .where('blamelist_end_index', isEqualTo: index)
-        .get();
+    QuerySnapshot pinned = await runQuery(
+        firestore.collection('results').where('pinned_index', isEqualTo: index),
+        "results where pinned_index == $index");
+    QuerySnapshot unpinned = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('results')
+            .where('blamelist_end_index', isEqualTo: index),
+        'results where blamelist_end_index == $index');
     return [
       for (final document in pinned.documents) document.data.toMap(),
       for (final document in unpinned.documents)
@@ -195,28 +287,36 @@
     String expected = change['expected'];
     String previousResult = change['previous_result'] ?? 'new test';
     // Find an existing TryResult for this test on this patchset.
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore
-        .collection('try_results')
-        .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-        .where('patchset', isEqualTo: patchset)
-        .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
-        .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
-        .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
-        .where('expected', isEqualTo: expected)
-        .limit(1)
-        .get();
+    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('try_results')
+            .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
+            .where('patchset', isEqualTo: patchset)
+            .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
+            .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
+            .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
+            .where('expected', isEqualTo: expected)
+            .limit(1),
+        'try_results where review == $review, patchset == $patchset, '
+        'name == $name, result == $result, '
+        'previous_result == ${previousResult}, expected == $expected, '
+        'limit 1');
     if (snapshot.isEmpty) {
       // Is the previous result for this test on this review approved?
-      QuerySnapshot previous = await firestore
-          .collection('try_results')
-          .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-          .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
-          .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
-          .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
-          .where('expected', isEqualTo: expected)
-          .orderBy('patchset', descending: true)
-          .limit(1)
-          .get();
+      QuerySnapshot previous = await runQuery(
+          firestore
+              .collection('try_results')
+              .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
+              .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
+              .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
+              .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
+              .where('expected', isEqualTo: expected)
+              .orderBy('patchset', descending: true)
+              .limit(1),
+          'try_results where review == $review, '
+          'name == $name, result == $result, '
+          'previous_result == ${previousResult}, expected == $expected, '
+          'order by descending patchset, limit 1');
       // Create a TryResult for this test on this patchset.
       // Allow a missing 'approved' field during a transition period
       final approved = previous.isNotEmpty &&
@@ -234,10 +334,10 @@
       return approved;
     } else {
       // Update the TryResult for this test, adding this configuration.
-      final update = UpdateData()
-        ..setFieldValue('configurations',
-            Firestore.fieldValues.arrayUnion([change['configuration']]));
-      await snapshot.documents.first.reference.updateData(update);
+      await updateDocument(snapshot.documents.first.reference, {
+        'configurations':
+            Firestore.fieldValues.arrayUnion([change['configuration']])
+      });
       // Return true if this result is approved
       return snapshot.documents.first.data.getBool('approved') == true;
@@ -247,28 +347,32 @@
       Map<String, dynamic> activeResult, String configuration) async {
     final document = firestore.document('results/${activeResult['id']}');
     if (activeResult['active_configurations'].length > 1) {
-      final removeConfiguration = UpdateData()
-        ..setFieldValue('active_configurations',
-            Firestore.fieldValues.arrayRemove([configuration]));
-      await document.updateData(removeConfiguration);
-      activeResult = (await document.get()).data.toMap();
+      await updateDocument(document, {
+        'active_configurations':
+            Firestore.fieldValues.arrayRemove([configuration])
+      });
+      activeResult = (await getDocument(document)).data.toMap();
       if (!activeResult.containsKey('active_configurations') ||
           activeResult['active_configurations'].isNotEmpty) return;
-    final deleteActiveFields = UpdateData()
-      ..setFieldValue('active_configurations', Firestore.fieldValues.delete())
-      ..setFieldValue('active', Firestore.fieldValues.delete());
-    return document.updateData(deleteActiveFields);
+    return updateDocument(document, {
+      'active_configurations': Firestore.fieldValues.delete(),
+      'active': Firestore.fieldValues.delete()
+    });
   Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> findActiveResults(
       Map<String, dynamic> change) async {
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore
-        .collection('results')
-        .where('active_configurations', arrayContains: change['configuration'])
-        .where('active', isEqualTo: true)
-        .where('name', isEqualTo: change['name'])
-        .get();
+    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('results')
+            .where('active_configurations',
+                arrayContains: change['configuration'])
+            .where('active', isEqualTo: true)
+            .where('name', isEqualTo: change['name']),
+        'results where active_configurations contains '
+        '${change['configuration']}, active == true, '
+        'name == ${change['name']}');
     final results = [
       for (final document in snapshot.documents)
         document.data.toMap()..['id'] = document.documentID
@@ -283,24 +387,22 @@
   Future<void> storeReview(String review, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
-      firestore.document('reviews/$review').setData(DocumentData.fromMap(data));
+      setDocument(firestore.document('reviews/$review'), data);
   Future<void> storePatchset(
           String review, int patchset, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
-      firestore
-          .document('reviews/$review/patchsets/$patchset')
-          .setData(DocumentData.fromMap(data));
+      setDocument(
+          firestore.document('reviews/$review/patchsets/$patchset'), data);
   /// Returns true if a review record in the database has a landed_index field,
   /// or if there is no record for the review in the database.  Reviews with no
   /// test failures have no record, and don't need to be linked when landing.
   Future<bool> reviewIsLanded(int review) =>
-      firestore.document('reviews/$review').get().then((document) =>
+      getDocument(firestore.document('reviews/$review')).then((document) =>
           !document.exists || document.data.getInt('landed_index') != null);
-  Future<void> linkReviewToCommit(int review, int index) => firestore
-      .document('reviews/$review')
-      .updateData(UpdateData.fromMap({'landed_index': index}));
+  Future<void> linkReviewToCommit(int review, int index) => updateDocument(
+      firestore.document('reviews/$review'), {'landed_index': index});
   Future<void> linkCommentsToCommit(int review, int index) async {
     QuerySnapshot comments = await firestore
@@ -310,48 +412,56 @@
     if (comments.isEmpty) return;
     final batch = firestore.batch();
     for (final comment in comments.documents) {
+      documentsWritten++;
               {'blamelist_start_index': index, 'blamelist_end_index': index}));
-    await batch.commit();
+    await commitBatch(batch, 'linkCommentsToCommit');
   Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tryApprovals(int review) async {
-    final patchsets = await firestore
-        .collection('reviews/$review/patchsets')
-        .orderBy('number', descending: true)
-        .limit(1)
-        .get();
+    final patchsets = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('reviews/$review/patchsets')
+            .orderBy('number', descending: true)
+            .limit(1),
+        'reviews/$review/patchsets by descending number limit 1');
     if (patchsets.isEmpty) return [];
     final lastPatchsetGroup =
-    QuerySnapshot approvals = await firestore
-        .collection('try_results')
-        .where('approved', isEqualTo: true)
-        .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-        .where('patchset', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: lastPatchsetGroup)
-        .get();
+    QuerySnapshot approvals = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('try_results')
+            .where('approved', isEqualTo: true)
+            .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
+            .where('patchset', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: lastPatchsetGroup),
+        'try_results where approved == true, review == $review, '
+        'patchset >= $lastPatchsetGroup');
     return [for (final document in approvals.documents) document.data.toMap()];
   Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tryResults(
       int review, String configuration) async {
-    final patchsets = await firestore
-        .collection('reviews/$review/patchsets')
-        .orderBy('number', descending: true)
-        .limit(1)
-        .get();
+    final patchsets = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('reviews/$review/patchsets')
+            .orderBy('number', descending: true)
+            .limit(1),
+        'reviews/$review/patchsets by descending number limit 1');
     if (patchsets.isEmpty) return [];
     final lastPatchsetGroup =
-    QuerySnapshot approvals = await firestore
-        .collection('try_results')
-        .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-        .where('configurations', arrayContains: configuration)
-        .where('patchset', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: lastPatchsetGroup)
-        .get();
+    QuerySnapshot approvals = await runQuery(
+        firestore
+            .collection('try_results')
+            .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
+            .where('configurations', arrayContains: configuration)
+            .where('patchset', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: lastPatchsetGroup),
+        'try_results where review == $review, '
+        'configurations contains $configuration, '
+        'patchset >= $lastPatchsetGroup');
     return [for (final document in approvals.documents) document.data.toMap()];
@@ -365,12 +475,14 @@
     for (final configuration in configurations) {
       // Find out if there are any unapproved unfixed failures,
       // which we call "active" failures, to give sticky redness.
-      final snapshot = await firestore
-          .collection('results')
-          .where('active_configurations', arrayContains: configuration)
-          .where('approved', isEqualTo: false)
-          .limit(1)
-          .get();
+      final snapshot = await runQuery(
+          firestore
+              .collection('results')
+              .where('active_configurations', arrayContains: configuration)
+              .where('approved', isEqualTo: false)
+              .limit(1),
+          'results where active_configurations contains $configuration, '
+          'approved == false, limit 1');
       if (snapshot.isNotEmpty) {
         activeFailures = true;
@@ -378,6 +490,7 @@
     Future<void> updateStatus(Transaction transaction) async {
       final snapshot = await transaction.get(document);
+      documentsFetched++;
       final data = snapshot.data.toMap();
       final int chunks = data['num_chunks'];
       final int processedChunks = data['processed_chunks'] ?? 0;
@@ -389,19 +502,22 @@
         if (completed && activeFailures) 'active_failures': true
       transaction.update(document, update);
+      documentsWritten++;
-    await retry(() => firestore.runTransaction(updateStatus), retryIf: (e) {
-      console.error("Retrying failed update: $e");
+    await retry(
+        () => runTransaction(
+            'update build status ${document.path}', updateStatus),
+        retryIf: (e) {
+      console.error("Retrying storeChunkStatus failed transaction: $e");
       return e.toString().contains('Please try again.');
   Future<void> storeBuildChunkCount(
       String builder, int index, int numChunks) async {
-    return firestore
-        .document('builds/$builder:$index')
-        .updateData(UpdateData.fromMap({'num_chunks': numChunks}));
+    return updateDocument(firestore.document('builds/$builder:$index'),
+        {'num_chunks': numChunks});
   Future<void> storeTryChunkStatus(String builder, int buildNumber,
@@ -413,6 +529,7 @@
     Future<void> updateStatus(Transaction transaction) async {
       final snapshot = await transaction.get(reference);
+      documentsFetched++;
       final data = snapshot.data.toMap();
       final int chunks = data['num_chunks'];
       final int processedChunks = data['processed_chunks'] ?? 0;
@@ -424,10 +541,14 @@
         if (completed) 'completed': true
       transaction.update(reference, update);
+      documentsWritten++;
-    await retry(() => firestore.runTransaction(updateStatus), retryIf: (e) {
-      console.error("Retrying failed update: $e");
+    await retry(
+        () => runTransaction(
+            'update try build status ${reference.path}', updateStatus),
+        retryIf: (e) {
+      console.error("Retrying storeTryChunkStatus failed transaction: $e");
       return e.toString().contains('Please try again.');
@@ -436,16 +557,17 @@
       String buildbucketID, int review, int patchset, int numChunks) async {
     await _ensureTryBuildRecord(
         builder, buildNumber, buildbucketID, review, patchset);
-    final reference =
-        firestore.document('try_builds/$builder:$review:$patchset');
-    await reference.updateData(UpdateData.fromMap({'num_chunks': numChunks}));
+    await updateDocument(
+        firestore.document('try_builds/$builder:$review:$patchset'),
+        {'num_chunks': numChunks});
   Future<void> _ensureTryBuildRecord(String builder, int buildNumber,
       String buildbucketID, int review, int patchset) async {
     final reference =
-    var snapshot = await reference.get();
+    var snapshot = await getDocument(reference);
     if (snapshot.exists && snapshot.data.getInt('build_number') > buildNumber) {
       throw ArgumentError("Received chunk from previous build $buildNumber"
           " after chunk from a later build");
@@ -453,29 +575,31 @@
     if (snapshot.exists && snapshot.data.getInt('build_number') < buildNumber) {
       Future<void> deleteEarlierBuild(Transaction transaction) async {
         final snapshot = await transaction.get(reference);
+        documentsFetched++;
         if (snapshot.exists &&
             snapshot.data.getInt('build_number') < buildNumber) {
+          documentsWritten++;
       try {
-        await firestore.runTransaction(deleteEarlierBuild);
+        await runTransaction(
+            'delete earlier build on patchset: ${reference.path}',
+            deleteEarlierBuild);
       } finally {
-        snapshot = await reference.get();
+        snapshot = await getDocument(reference);
     if (!snapshot.exists) {
-      await reference.setData(
-          DocumentData.fromMap({
-            'builder': builder,
-            'build_number': buildNumber,
-            if (buildbucketID != null) 'buildbucket_id': buildbucketID,
-            'review': review,
-            'patchset': patchset,
-          }),
-          SetOptions(merge: true));
+      await setDocument(reference, {
+        'builder': builder,
+        'build_number': buildNumber,
+        if (buildbucketID != null) 'buildbucket_id': buildbucketID,
+        'review': review,
+        'patchset': patchset,
+      });
diff --git a/functions/node/tryjob.dart b/functions/node/tryjob.dart
index f18ee3a..e290148 100644
--- a/functions/node/tryjob.dart
+++ b/functions/node/tryjob.dart
@@ -78,11 +78,13 @@
         builderName, buildNumber, buildbucketID, review, patchset, success);
     final report = [
-      "Processed ${results.length} results from $builderName build $buildNumber",
-      "Tryjob on CL $review patchset $patchset",
-      if (countChanges > 0) "Stored $countChanges changes",
-      if (!success) "Found unapproved new failures",
-      if (countUnapproved > 0) "$countUnapproved tests found",
+      'Processed ${results.length} results from $builderName build $buildNumber',
+      'Tryjob on CL $review patchset $patchset',
+      if (countChanges > 0) 'Stored $countChanges changes',
+      if (!success) 'Found unapproved new failures',
+      if (countUnapproved > 0) '$countUnapproved tests found',
+      '${firestore.documentsFetched} documents fetched',
+      '${firestore.documentsWritten} documents written',