[current results ui] Remove the partial results indicator

Now that results are fetched sorted by test name, all visible
results are almost always complete, and the indicator is not helpful.

We might add a UI element showing summary counts of loaded results in
the future, which would help show if results are still loading.

Change-Id: I53923ee7b1486c44b0b6a4b4dacc9f0c38808836
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/dart_ci/+/163180
Reviewed-by: Karl Klose <karlklose@google.com>
2 files changed
tree: be628ede705a7891912a5b6f9caa785dcc1fa069
  1. appengine/
  2. common/
  3. current_results/
  4. current_results_ui/
  5. functions/
  6. github-label-notifier/
  7. results_feed/
  8. .firebaserc
  9. .gitignore
  11. firebase.json
  13. PRESUBMIT.py
  14. README.md


Tools used by Dart's continuous integration (CI) testing infrastructure.

The repository is based at dart.googlesource.com/dart_ci. It is mirrored to github.com/dart-lang/dart_ci. Do not land pull requests on Github.

Results Feed

The results feed is an angular Dart application that displays changed results from the CI and from CQ runs (tryjobs). The code is in the results_feed directory. It is deployed to ci.dart.dev, using Firebase hosting.

Cloud functions

The automated testing of Dart on the CI and CQ publishes results to Cloud Pubsub, and cloud functions triggered by those Pubsub messages process the data and store it in Firestore. These functions are located in the functions directory, and are deployed on the dart-ci Google Cloud project.

Github Label Notifier

Internal users get automatic notifications of new GitHub issues created in certain repositories, by subscribing to issue labels on those repositories. This tool provides a UI for internal users to subscribe to their chosen issue labels. That UI is hosted at dart-github-label-notifier.firebaseapp.com. It also defines cloud functions that are triggered by GitHub webhooks and use the issue label subscriptions to send email notifications using SendGrid.