blob: 8f39bedd6f5a3f6a8cb9ecb2f20567a4a2201881 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http show BaseClient;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'commits_cache.dart';
import 'firestore.dart';
import 'gerrit_change.dart';
import 'result.dart';
bool isChangedResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) =>
result['changed'] && !result['flaky'] && !result['previous_flaky'];
class Tryjob {
static final changeRefRegExp = RegExp(r'refs/changes/(\d*)/(\d*)');
final http.BaseClient httpClient;
final FirestoreService firestore;
final CommitsCache commits;
String builderName;
String baseRevision;
String baseResultsHash;
int buildNumber;
int review;
int patchset;
bool success = true;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> landedResults;
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> lastLandedResultByName = {};
final int countChunks;
final String buildbucketID;
int countChanges = 0;
int countUnapproved = 0;
Tryjob(String changeRef, this.countChunks, this.buildbucketID,
this.baseRevision, this.commits, this.firestore, this.httpClient) {
final match = changeRefRegExp.matchAsPrefix(changeRef);
review = int.parse(match[1]);
patchset = int.parse(match[2]);
Future<void> update() {
return GerritInfo(review, patchset, firestore, httpClient).update();
bool isNotLandedResult(Map<String, dynamic> change) =>
!lastLandedResultByName.containsKey(change[fName]) ||
change[fResult] != lastLandedResultByName[change[fName]][fResult];
Future<void> process(List<Map<String, dynamic>> results) async {
await update();
builderName = results.first['builder_name'];
buildNumber = int.parse(results.first['build_number']);
baseResultsHash = results.first['previous_commit_hash'];
final resultsByConfiguration = groupBy<Map<String, dynamic>, String>(
results.where(isChangedResult), (result) => result['configuration']);
for (final configuration in resultsByConfiguration.keys) {
if (baseRevision != null && baseResultsHash != null) {
landedResults = await fetchLandedResults(configuration);
// Map will contain the last result with each name.
lastLandedResultByName = {
for (final result in landedResults) result[fName]: result
await Pool(30)
if (countChunks != null) {
await firestore.storeTryBuildChunkCount(builderName, buildNumber,
buildbucketID, review, patchset, countChunks);
await firestore.storeTryChunkStatus(
builderName, buildNumber, buildbucketID, review, patchset, success);
final report = [
"Processed ${results.length} results from $builderName build $buildNumber",
"Tryjob on CL $review patchset $patchset",
if (countChanges > 0) "Stored $countChanges changes",
if (!success) "Found unapproved new failures",
if (countUnapproved > 0) "$countUnapproved tests found",
Future<void> storeChange(change) async {
final approved = await firestore.storeTryChange(change, review, patchset);
if (!approved && !change['matches']) {
success = false;
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> fetchLandedResults(
String configuration) async {
final resultsBase = await commits.fetchByHash(baseResultsHash);
final rebaseBase = await commits.fetchByHash(baseRevision);
final results = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
if (resultsBase[fIndex] > rebaseBase[fIndex]) {
print("Try build is rebased on $baseRevision, which is before "
"the commit $baseResultsHash with CI comparison results");
return results;
final reviews = <int>[];
for (var index = resultsBase[fIndex] + 1;
index <= rebaseBase[fIndex];
++index) {
final commit = await commits.fetchByIndex(index);
if (commit[fReview] != null) {
for (final landedReview in reviews) {
results.addAll(await firestore.tryResults(landedReview, configuration));
return results;