tree: e5a5e6a77e15e67e880c75ceaaf11037d6499519 [path history] [tgz]
  1. bin/
  2. lib/
  3. test/
  4. .gitignore
  5. analysis_options.yaml
  8. pubspec.yaml

This folder contains implementation of symbolization tooling capable of extracting Android and iOS crashes from plain text comments on GitHub and then automatically symbolize these crash reports using Flutter Engine symbols stored in the Cloud Storage.


Server exposing simple HTTP API to this functionality. It has two endpoints:

  • POST /symbolize with GitHub‘s issue JSON payload runs symbolization on the issue’s body and returns result as a JSON serialized list of SymbolizationResult.
  • POST /command with GitHub's issue_comment payload executes the given comment as a bot command (if it represents one).

Note: the server itself does not listen to GitHub events - instead there is a Cloud Function exposed as a GitHub WebHook which routes relevant issue_comment events to it.



Creates .config.json with authorization tokens. It is recommended to run this script to at least configure GitHub OAuth token to ensure that you don‘t hit GitHub’s API quota limits for unauthorized users.

$ bin/configure.dart --github-token ... --sendgrid-token ... --failure-email ...


$ bin/command.dart [--act] <issue-number> 'keywords*'

Execute the given string of keywords as a @flutter-symbolizer-bot command in context of the issue with the given issue-number number.

By default would simply print @flutter-symbolizer-bot response to stdout.

If --act is passed then bot would actually post a comment with its response to the issue using GitHub OAuth token from .config.json.


$ bin/symbolize.dart <input-file> 'keywords*'

Symbolize contents of the given file using overrides specified through keywords.



You would at minimum need GitHub OAuth token to run test - otherwise they hit GitHub API limits for unauthorized users and timeout.

Run bin/configure.dart to create .config.json.

bin/configure.dart --github-token ... --sendgrid-token ... --failure-email ...

NDK tooling

To run tests or scripts locally you would need to create tools folder containing a small subset of NDK tooling. This is done by running

$ ./ <path-to-ndk>

Changing model.dart

We use freezed to define our model classes. To regenerate model.g.dart and mode.freezed.dart after editing model.dart run:

$ pub run build_runner build


$ pub run test -j1 --no-chain-stack-traces
  • -j1 is needed to avoid racy access to symbols cache from multiple tests
  • --no-chain-stack-traces needed to avoid timeouts caused by stack trace chaining overheads.

To update expectation files set REGENERATE_EXPECTATIONS environment variable to true (export REGENERATE_EXPECTATIONS=true).


Bot is running on crash-symbolizer Compute Engine instance and is kept alive by superviserd. The GCE instance is not directly reachable from the outside world. To deploy a new version run:

  • GITHUB_TOKEN provides OAuth token for flutter-symbolizer-bot account;
  • SENDGRID_TOKEN provides SendGrid API token
  • FAILURE_EMAIL configures email that bot should report exceptions to.
  • Under certain conditions your machine might not be able to connect to GCE instance. In this case you will need to proxy your deployment through another machine that can connect to the instance. You can specify this “proxy” machine via DEPLOYMENT_PROXY.

SDK version

We deploy the code in form of Kernel binary - which means your local SDK needs to match the version of Dart SDK installed on crash-symbolizer. Deployment script will verify this for you.