blob: c910630fd04b56d2597065fff3009622a96d69ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';
import 'package:current_results/src/result.dart';
import 'package:current_results/src/generated/query.pb.dart' as query_api;
import 'package:current_results/src/generated/result.pb.dart' as api;
int compareNames(Result a, Result b) =>;
int compareNamesPrefixMatchesBelow(Result a, Result b) => < 0 || ? -1 : 1;
/// Holds the test results for all configurations.
/// Answers queries about the test results.
/// Used for holding the current test results in memory.
/// Can also be used to hold a snapshot of results data at a past time.
class Slice {
/// The current results, stored separately for each configuration in a
/// list sorted by test name.
final _stored = <String, List<Result>>{};
/// A sorted list of all test names seen. Names are not removed from this list.
List<String> testNames = [];
int _size = 0;
int get size => _size;
void add(List<String> lines) {
if (lines.isEmpty) return;
final results = => Result.fromApi(api.Result()
supportNamesWithUnderscores: true)));
final configuration = results.first.configuration;
if (results.any((result) => result.configuration != configuration)) {
print('Loaded results list with multiple configurations: '
'first result: ${results.first}');
final sorted = results.toList()..sort(compareNames);
_size -= _stored[configuration]?.length ?? 0;
_stored[configuration] = sorted;
_size += sorted.length;
testNames = _mergeIfNeeded(testNames, sorted);
print('latest results of $configuration: ${sorted.length} results '
'(total: $_size)');
static List<String> _mergeIfNeeded(List<String> names, List<Result> sorted) {
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
while (i < names.length && j < sorted.length) {
final compare = names[i].compareTo(sorted[j].name);
if (compare < 0) {
} else if (compare == 0) {
} else
if (j == sorted.length) return names;
// J points to the first unfound element in sorted.
// I points to the first element in names greater than the unfound name.
final result = names.sublist(0, i);
while (i < names.length && j < sorted.length) {
final compare = names[i].compareTo(sorted[j].name);
if (compare <= 0) {
if (compare == 0) j++;
} else {
if (i < names.length) {
result.addAll(names.getRange(i, names.length));
while (j < sorted.length) {
print('Added ${result.length - names.length} new test names '
'(total ${result.length})');
return result;
query_api.GetResultsResponse query(query_api.GetResultsRequest query) {
final response = query_api.GetResultsResponse();
final configurations =
query.configurations.isEmpty ? _stored.keys : query.configurations;
if (query.names.isEmpty) {
for (final configuration in configurations) {
return response;
for (final configuration in configurations) {
final sorted = _stored[configuration];
if (sorted == null) {
throw GrpcError.notFound(
"Results for configuration $configuration not found");
for (final testNamePrefix in query.names) {
final prefixResult =
Result(testNamePrefix, null, null, null, null, null, null);
final start =
lowerBound<Result>(sorted, prefixResult, compare: compareNames);
if (start < sorted.length &&
sorted[start].name.startsWith(testNamePrefix)) {
var end = start + 1;
if (end < sorted.length &&
sorted[end].name.startsWith(testNamePrefix)) {
end = lowerBound<Result>(sorted, prefixResult,
compare: compareNamesPrefixMatchesBelow);
.addAll(sorted.getRange(start, end).map(Result.toApi));
return response;
query_api.ListTestsResponse listTests(query_api.ListTestsRequest query) {
var limit = min(query.limit, 100000);
if (limit == 0) limit = 20;
final prefix = query.prefix;
final response = query_api.ListTestsResponse();
final start = lowerBound(testNames, prefix);
final end = min(start + limit, testNames.length);
for (final name in testNames.getRange(start, end)) {
if (name.startsWith(prefix)) {
} else {
return response;