blob: 8458400c466d940cc15f5c3ce3c17c50d661960a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'sdk_manager.dart';
Logger _logger = Logger('flutter_web');
/// Handle provisioning package:flutter_web and related work.
class FlutterWebManager {
final FlutterSdk flutterSdk;
Directory _projectDirectory;
bool _initedFlutterWeb = false;
FlutterWebManager(this.flutterSdk) {
_projectDirectory = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dartpad');
Future<void> dispose() => _projectDirectory.delete(recursive: true);
Directory get projectDirectory => _projectDirectory;
String get packagesFilePath => path.join(projectDirectory.path, '.packages');
void _init() {
// create a pubspec.yaml file
final pubspec = createPubspec(true);
File(path.join(_projectDirectory.path, 'pubspec.yaml'))
// create a .packages file
final packagesFileContents = '''
File(path.join(_projectDirectory.path, '.packages'))
// and create a lib/ folder for completeness
Directory(path.join(_projectDirectory.path, 'lib')).createSync();
Future<void> warmup() async {
try {
if (_initedFlutterWeb) {
}'creating flutter web pubspec');
final pubspec = createPubspec(true);
await File(path.join(_projectDirectory.path, 'pubspec.yaml'))
await _runPubGet();
_initedFlutterWeb = true;
} catch (e, s) {
_logger.warning('Error initializing flutter web', e, s);
String get summaryFilePath {
return path.join('artifacts', 'flutter_web.dill');
static final Set<String> _flutterWebImportPrefixes = <String>{
bool usesFlutterWeb(Set<String> imports) {
return imports.any((String import) {
return _flutterWebImportPrefixes.any(
(String prefix) => import.startsWith(prefix),
bool hasUnsupportedImport(Set<String> imports) {
return getUnsupportedImport(imports) != null;
String getUnsupportedImport(Set<String> imports) {
for (final import in imports) {
// All dart: imports are ok;
if (import.startsWith('dart:')) {
// Currently we only allow flutter web imports.
if (import.startsWith('package:')) {
if (_flutterWebImportPrefixes
.any((String prefix) => import.startsWith(prefix))) {
return import;
// Don't allow file imports.
return import;
return null;
Future<void> _runPubGet() async {'running flutter pub get (${_projectDirectory.path})');
final observatoryPort = await _findFreePort();
// The DART_VM_OPTIONS flag is included here to override the one sent by the
// Dart SDK during tests. Without the flag, the Flutter tool will attempt to
// spin up its own observatory on the same port as the one already
// instantiated by the Dart SDK running the test, causing a hang.
// The value should be an available port number.
final result = await Process.start(
path.join(flutterSdk.flutterBinPath, 'flutter'),
['pub', 'get'],
workingDirectory: _projectDirectory.path,
environment: {'DART_VM_OPTIONS': '--enable-vm-service=$observatoryPort'},
final code = await result.exitCode;
if (code != 0) {
_logger.warning('pub get failed: ${result.exitCode}');
throw 'pub get failed: ${result.exitCode}: ${result.stderr}';
Future<int> _findFreePort({bool ipv6 = false}) async {
var port = 0;
ServerSocket serverSocket;
final loopback =
ipv6 ? InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6 : InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4;
try {
serverSocket = await ServerSocket.bind(loopback, 0);
port = serverSocket.port;
} on SocketException catch (e) {
// If ipv4 loopback bind fails, try ipv6.
if (!ipv6) {
return _findFreePort(ipv6: true);
_logger.severe('Could not find free port for `pub get`: $e');
} catch (e) {
// Failures are signaled by a return value of 0 from this function.
_logger.severe('Could not find free port for `pub get`: $e');
} finally {
if (serverSocket != null) {
await serverSocket.close();
return port;
static const String _samplePackageName = 'dartpad_sample';
static String createPubspec(bool includeFlutterWeb) {
var content = '''
name: $_samplePackageName
if (includeFlutterWeb) {
content += '''
sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
return content;