blob: bd0dd7bf153e620db46efdae752176874f06a939 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library services.analyzer_server_test;
import 'package:dart_services/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:dart_services/src/protos/dart_services.pb.dart' as proto;
import 'package:dart_services/src/common.dart';
import 'package:dart_services/src/flutter_web.dart';
import 'package:dart_services/src/sdk_manager.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
const completionCode = r'''
void main() {
int i = 0;
const completionFilterCode = r'''
void main() {
const completionLargeNamespaces = r'''
class A {}
class AB {}
class ABC {}
void main() {
var c = A
class ZZ {}
class a {}
const quickFixesCode = r'''
void main() {
int i = 0
const badFormatCode = r'''
void main()
int i = 0;
const formattedCode = r'''
void main() {
int i = 0;
const formatWithIssues = '''
void main() { foo() }
void main() => defineTests();
void defineTests() {
AnalysisServerWrapper analysisServer;
FlutterWebManager flutterWebManager;
group('Platform SDK analysis_server', () {
setUp(() async {
flutterWebManager = FlutterWebManager(SdkManager.flutterSdk);
analysisServer = AnalysisServerWrapper(sdkPath, flutterWebManager);
await analysisServer.init();
tearDown(() => analysisServer.shutdown());
test('simple_completion', () {
// Just after i.
return analysisServer.complete(completionCode, 32).then((results) {
expect(results.replacementLength, 0);
expect(results.replacementOffset, 32);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'abs'), true);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'codeUnitAt'), false);
test('repro #126 - completions polluted on second request', () {
return analysisServer.complete(completionFilterCode, 17).then((results) {
return analysisServer
.complete(completionFilterCode, 17)
.then((results) {
expect(results.replacementLength, 2);
expect(results.replacementOffset, 16);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'print'), true);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'pow'), false);
test('import_test', () {
final testCode = "import '/'; main() { int a = 0; a. }";
return analysisServer.complete(testCode, 9).then((results) {
expect(results.completions.every((completion) {
return completion.completion['completion'].startsWith('dart:');
}), true);
test('import_and_other_test', () {
final testCode = "import '/'; main() { int a = 0; a. }";
return analysisServer.complete(testCode, 34).then((results) {
expect(completionsContains(results, 'abs'), true);
test('simple_quickFix', () async {
final results = await analysisServer.getFixes(quickFixesCode, 25);
expect(results.fixes.length, 2);
// Fixes are not guaranteed to arrive in a particular order.
results.fixes.sort((a, b) => a.offset.compareTo(b.offset));
expect(results.fixes[0].offset, 20);
expect(results.fixes[0].length, 1); // We need an insertion.
expect(results.fixes[1].offset, 24);
expect(results.fixes[1].length, 1); // We need an insertion.
expect(results.fixes[1].fixes.length, 1);
final candidateFix = results.fixes[1].fixes[0];
expect(candidateFix.message.contains(';'), true);
expect(candidateFix.edits[0].length, 0);
expect(candidateFix.edits[0].offset, 25);
expect(candidateFix.edits[0].replacement, ';');
test('simple_format', () async {
final results = await analysisServer.format(badFormatCode, 0);
expect(results.newString, formattedCode);
test('format good code', () async {
final results =
await analysisServer.format(formattedCode.replaceAll('\n', ' '), 0);
expect(results.newString, formattedCode);
test('format with issues', () async {
final results = await analysisServer.format(formatWithIssues, 0);
expect(results.newString, formatWithIssues);
test('analyze', () async {
final results = await analysisServer.analyze(sampleCode);
expect(results.issues, isEmpty);
test('analyze with errors', () async {
final results = await analysisServer.analyze(sampleCodeError);
expect(results.issues, hasLength(1));
test('analyze strong', () async {
final results = await analysisServer.analyze(sampleStrongError);
expect(results.issues, hasLength(1));
final issue = results.issues.first;
expect(issue.kind, 'error');
test('filter completions', () async {
// just after A
final idx = 61;
expect(completionLargeNamespaces.substring(idx - 1, idx), 'A');
final results =
await analysisServer.complete(completionLargeNamespaces, 61);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'A'), true);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'AB'), true);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'ABC'), true);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'a'), true);
expect(completionsContains(results, 'ZZ'), false);
group('Flutter cached SDK analysis_server', () {
setUp(() async {
flutterWebManager = FlutterWebManager(SdkManager.flutterSdk);
analysisServer = AnalysisServerWrapper(
SdkManager.flutterSdk.sdkPath, flutterWebManager);
await analysisServer.init();
tearDown(() => analysisServer.shutdown());
test('analyze working Dart code', () async {
final results = await analysisServer.analyze(sampleCode);
expect(results.issues, isEmpty);
test('analyze working Flutter code', () async {
final results = await analysisServer.analyze(sampleCode);
expect(results.issues, isEmpty);
bool completionsContains(proto.CompleteResponse response, String expected) =>
.any((completion) => completion.completion['completion'] == expected);