blob: c71889ae45012c27c857af9a66ee654a7313aaed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library protoc.indenting_writer;
/// A buffer for writing indented source code.
class IndentingWriter {
final StringBuffer _buffer = new StringBuffer();
String _indent = "";
bool _needIndent = true;
/// Appends a string indented to the current level.
/// (Indentation will be added after newline characters where needed.)
void print(String text) {
var lastNewline = text.lastIndexOf('\n');
if (lastNewline == -1) {
for (String line in text.substring(0, lastNewline).split('\n')) {
_writeChunk(text.substring(lastNewline + 1));
/// Same as print, but with a newline at the end.
void println([String text = '']) {
/// Prints a block of text with the body indented one more level.
void addBlock(String start, String end, void body(),
{endWithNewline = true}) {
_addBlock(start, end, body, endWithNewline, _indent + ' ');
/// Prints a block of text with an unindented body.
/// (For example, for triple quotes.)
void addUnindentedBlock(String start, String end, void body(),
{endWithNewline = true}) {
_addBlock(start, end, body, endWithNewline, '');
void _addBlock(
String start, String end, void body(), endWithNewline, newIndent) {
var oldIndent = _indent;
_indent = newIndent;
_indent = oldIndent;
if (endWithNewline) {
} else {
String toString() => _buffer.toString();
/// Writes part of a line of text.
/// Adds indentation if we're at the start of a line.
void _writeChunk(String chunk) {
if (chunk.isEmpty) return;
if (_needIndent) {
_needIndent = false;
void _newline() {
_needIndent = true;