blob: 08d2fa7fdd2747415515433a7504f44dd96a5ef3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library protoc.benchmark.html_runner;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:js' show context, JsObject;
import 'generated/benchmark.pb.dart' as pb;
import 'benchmark.dart' show Profiler;
import 'dashboard_model.dart' show DashboardModel, Table, SelectEvent;
import 'dashboard_view.dart' show DashboardView;
import 'report.dart' show createPlatform, createPackages;
import 'suite.dart' show runSuite;
import '../data/index.dart' as data;
/// Displays a dashboard that can be used to run benchmarks.
Future showDashboard(pb.Suite suite, Element container) async {
// set up model
var env = await loadBrowserEnv();
var reports = await loadReports(suite);
var defaultReport = new pb.Report()..env = env;
var model = new DashboardModel(reports, new Table(suite), defaultReport);
var baseline = chooseBaseline(env, reports);
if (baseline != null) {
model = model.withBaseline(baseline);
var view = new DashboardView();
Future render(pb.Report report) async {
report.env = env;
model = model.withReport(report);
await window.animationFrame;
await new Future(() => null); // exit to regular timer task
// Set up the main loop that runs the suite.
bool running = false;
void runBenchmarks() {
if (running) return;
var profiler = new JsProfiler();
running = true;
() async {
var requests = model.table.selections.toList();
for (pb.Report report in runSuite(requests, profiler: profiler)) {
await render(report);
.whenComplete(() {
running = false;
// set up event handlers
view.onRunButtonClick.listen((_) => runBenchmarks());
view.onSelectAllClick.listen((_) {
model = model.withTable(model.table.withAllSelected());
view.onSelectNoneClick.listen((_) {
model = model.withTable(model.table.withNoneSelected());
view.onMenuChange.listen((String item) {
model = model.withBaseline(item);
view.onSelectionChange.listen((SelectEvent e) {
model = model.withTable(model.table.withSelection(e.item, e.selected));
// show the view
/// Starts and stops the DevTools profiler.
class JsProfiler implements Profiler {
static JsObject console = context["console"];
int count = 1;
startProfile(pb.Request request) {
var label = "$count-${}";
console.callMethod("profile", [label]);
endProfile(pb.Sample s) {
print("profile: $s");
Future<pb.Env> loadBrowserEnv() async {
const advice = "Run a VM benchmark to create this file.";
var pubspecYaml = await _loadDataFile(data.pubspecYamlName, advice: advice);
var pubspecLock = await _loadDataFile(data.pubspecLockName, advice: advice);
var hostname = await _loadDataFile(data.hostfileName, advice: advice);
var platform = createPlatform()
..hostname = hostname
..userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
return new pb.Env() = window.location.pathname
..platform = platform
..packages = createPackages(pubspecYaml, pubspecLock);
/// Loads all the reports saved to benchmark/data.
Future<Map<String, pb.Report>> loadReports(pb.Suite suite) async {
var out = <String, pb.Report>{};
var dataJsonContent = await _loadDataFile('data.json');
var dataJson = jsonDecode(dataJsonContent) as Map<String, dynamic>;
for (var entry in dataJson.entries) {
var report = new pb.Report.fromJson(entry.value);
if (isCompatibleBaseline(suite, report)) {
out[entry.key] = report;
print("loaded ${out.length} reports");
return out;
/// Choose the report to display on the left side for comparison.
/// Returns null if no comparable report is found.
String chooseBaseline(pb.Env env, Map<String, pb.Report> reports) {
for (var name in reports.keys) {
var candidate = reports[name];
if (candidate.env.platform == env.platform) {
return name;
return null;
/// Returns true if the baseline report used the same benchmarks.
bool isCompatibleBaseline(pb.Suite suite, pb.Report report) {
for (int i = 0; i < suite.requests.length; i++) {
if (i >= report.responses.length) {
return true; // additional benchmarks ok
var request = suite.requests[i];
var response = report.responses[i];
if (request != response.request) return false;
return true;
Future<String> _loadDataFile(String name,
{bool optional = false, String advice}) async {
try {
return await HttpRequest.getString("/data/$name");
} catch (e) {
if (optional) return null;
String error = "File is missing in benchmark/data: $name";
if (advice != null) {
error += ". $advice";
throw error;