blob: 81e249c0893c03896b4242050ec28012469c3b39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library protoc.benchmark;
import 'generated/benchmark.pb.dart' as pb;
typedef Benchmark CreateBenchmarkFunc(pb.Request request);
// Describes how to construct a benchmark.
class BenchmarkType {
final pb.BenchmarkID id;
final CreateBenchmarkFunc create;
const BenchmarkType(, this.create);
abstract class Profiler {
void startProfile(pb.Request request);
void endProfile(pb.Sample s);
/// A benchmark that also reports the counts for various operations.
/// (A modification of BenchmarkBase from the benchmark_harness library.)
abstract class Benchmark {
static const int _DEFAULT_REPS = 10;
final pb.BenchmarkID id;
String get summary =>;
pb.Request makeRequest(
[Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
int samples = 20]) =>
new pb.Request() = id
..params = makeParams()
..duration = duration.inMilliseconds
..samples = samples;
pb.Params makeParams();
/// Runs a benchmark for the requested number of times.
/// The length of each iterator is the number of [samples]
/// requested. If you create more than one iterator, each
/// iterator runs benchmarks independently and will return
/// different samples.
/// If a [profiler] is provided, it will be used for one extra sample.
/// (Not included in results.)
Iterable<pb.Sample> measure(pb.Request r, int samples,
{Profiler profiler}) sync* {
int sampleMillis = r.duration;
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
yield _measureOnce(sampleMillis);
if (profiler != null) {
var s = _measureOnce(sampleMillis);
void checkRequest(pb.Request r) {
if ( != id) {
throw new ArgumentError("invalid benchmark id: ${}");
if (r.params != makeParams()) {
throw new ArgumentError("parameters don't match: ${r.params}");
pb.Sample _measureOnce(int sampleMillis) {
// Warmup for at least 100ms. Discard result.
_measureFor(() {
return 1;
}, 100);
var sample = _measureFor(exercise, sampleMillis);
return sample;
// Lifecycle methods
/// Called before the benchmark runs. (Not measured.)
void setup() {}
/// Runs a short version of the benchmark. By default invokes [run] once.
/// (Not measured.)
void warmup() {
/// Exercises the code and returns the number of repetitions.
int exercise() {
for (int i = 0; i < _DEFAULT_REPS; i++) {
/// The code being measured.
void run();
/// Sets any counters in the sample.
/// (Clears them for the next run if necessary.)
void setCounts(pb.Sample m) {}
/// Called after the benchmark finishes.
void teardown() {}
String summarizeResponse(pb.Response r) {
var prefix = summary.padRight(39);
var sampleCount = r.samples.length.toStringAsFixed(0).padLeft(2);
var median = measureSample(medianSample(r)).toStringAsFixed(0).padLeft(4);
var max = measureSample(maxSample(r)).toStringAsFixed(0).padLeft(4);
return "$prefix samples: $sampleCount"
" median: $median max: $max $measureSampleUnits";
/// Returns the sample with the median measurement.
pb.Sample medianSample(pb.Response response) {
if (response == null || response.samples.isEmpty) return null;
var samples = []..addAll(response.samples);
samples.sort((a, b) {
return measureSample(a).compareTo(measureSample(b));
int index = samples.length ~/ 2;
return samples[index];
/// Returns the sample with the highest measurement.
pb.Sample maxSample(pb.Response response) {
if (response == null) return null;
pb.Sample best;
for (var s in response.samples) {
if (best == null) best = s;
if (measureSample(best) < measureSample(s)) {
best = s;
return best;
double measureSample(pb.Sample s);
String get measureSampleUnits;
toString() => summary;
/// Measures the average time spent per repetition.
/// Executes [runner] repeatedly until [minimumMillis] has been reached.
/// [runner] should return the number of times it ran the benchmark.
static pb.Sample _measureFor(Function runner, int minimumMillis) {
int minimumMicros = minimumMillis * 1000;
int reps = 0;
int elapsed = 0;
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch()..start();
while (elapsed < minimumMicros) {
reps += runner();
elapsed = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
return new pb.Sample()
..duration = elapsed
..loopCount = reps
..counts = new pb.Counts();
double int32ReadsPerMillisecond(pb.Sample s) {
if (s == null || !s.counts.hasInt32Reads() || !s.hasDuration()) return 0.0;
return s.counts.int32Reads * 1000 / s.duration;
double int64ReadsPerMillisecond(pb.Sample s) {
if (s == null || !s.counts.hasInt64Reads() || !s.hasDuration()) return 0.0;
return s.counts.int64Reads * 1000 / s.duration;
double stringReadsPerMillisecond(pb.Sample s) {
if (s == null || !s.counts.hasStringReads() || !s.hasDuration()) return 0.0;
return s.counts.stringReads * 1000 / s.duration;
double stringWritesPerMillisecond(pb.Sample s) {
if (s == null || !s.counts.hasStringWrites() || !s.hasDuration()) return 0.0;
return s.counts.stringWrites * 1000 / s.duration;