blob: be5aff150968006d60ed24a3dada2c4f3eb3a908 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of '../visitor.dart';
// CSS specific types:
class Identifier extends TreeNode {
String name;
Identifier(, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
Identifier clone() => Identifier(name, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitIdentifier(this);
String toString() => name;
class Wildcard extends TreeNode {
Wildcard(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
Wildcard clone() => Wildcard(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitWildcard(this);
String get name => '*';
class ThisOperator extends TreeNode {
ThisOperator(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
ThisOperator clone() => ThisOperator(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitThisOperator(this);
String get name => '&';
class Negation extends TreeNode {
Negation(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
Negation clone() => Negation(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitNegation(this);
String get name => 'not';
// calc(...)
// TODO(terry): Hack to handle calc however the expressions should be fully
// parsed and in the AST.
class CalcTerm extends LiteralTerm {
final LiteralTerm expr;
CalcTerm(var value, String t, this.expr, SourceSpan span)
: super(value, t, span);
CalcTerm clone() => CalcTerm(value, text, expr.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitCalcTerm(this);
String toString() => "$text($expr)";
// /* .... */
class CssComment extends TreeNode {
final String comment;
CssComment(this.comment, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
CssComment clone() => CssComment(comment, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitCssComment(this);
// CDO/CDC (Comment Definition Open <!-- and Comment Definition Close -->).
class CommentDefinition extends CssComment {
CommentDefinition(String comment, SourceSpan span) : super(comment, span);
CommentDefinition clone() => CommentDefinition(comment, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitCommentDefinition(this);
class SelectorGroup extends TreeNode {
final List<Selector> selectors;
SelectorGroup(this.selectors, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
SelectorGroup clone() => SelectorGroup(selectors, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSelectorGroup(this);
class Selector extends TreeNode {
final List<SimpleSelectorSequence> simpleSelectorSequences;
Selector(this.simpleSelectorSequences, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
void add(SimpleSelectorSequence seq) => simpleSelectorSequences.add(seq);
int get length => simpleSelectorSequences.length;
Selector clone() {
var simpleSequences = => ss.clone()).toList();
return Selector(simpleSequences, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSelector(this);
class SimpleSelectorSequence extends TreeNode {
/// +, >, ~, NONE
int combinator;
final SimpleSelector simpleSelector;
SimpleSelectorSequence(this.simpleSelector, SourceSpan span,
[int combinator = TokenKind.COMBINATOR_NONE])
: combinator = combinator,
bool get isCombinatorNone => combinator == TokenKind.COMBINATOR_NONE;
bool get isCombinatorPlus => combinator == TokenKind.COMBINATOR_PLUS;
bool get isCombinatorGreater => combinator == TokenKind.COMBINATOR_GREATER;
bool get isCombinatorTilde => combinator == TokenKind.COMBINATOR_TILDE;
bool get isCombinatorDescendant =>
combinator == TokenKind.COMBINATOR_DESCENDANT;
bool get isCombinatorDeep => combinator == TokenKind.COMBINATOR_DEEP;
bool get isCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant =>
String get _combinatorToString {
switch (combinator) {
return ' >>> ';
return ' /deep/ ';
return ' ';
return ' > ';
return ' + ';
return ' ~ ';
return '';
SimpleSelectorSequence clone() =>
SimpleSelectorSequence(simpleSelector, span, combinator);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSimpleSelectorSequence(this);
String toString() =>;
// All other selectors (element, #id, .class, attribute, pseudo, negation,
// namespace, *) are derived from this selector.
abstract class SimpleSelector extends TreeNode {
final _name; // Wildcard, ThisOperator, Identifier, Negation, others?
SimpleSelector(this._name, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
String get name =>;
bool get isWildcard => _name is Wildcard;
bool get isThis => _name is ThisOperator;
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSimpleSelector(this);
// element name
class ElementSelector extends SimpleSelector {
ElementSelector(name, SourceSpan span) : super(name, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitElementSelector(this);
ElementSelector clone() => ElementSelector(_name, span);
String toString() => name;
// namespace|element
class NamespaceSelector extends SimpleSelector {
final _namespace; // null, Wildcard or Identifier
NamespaceSelector(this._namespace, var name, SourceSpan span)
: super(name, span);
String get namespace =>
_namespace is Wildcard ? '*' : _namespace == null ? '' :;
bool get isNamespaceWildcard => _namespace is Wildcard;
SimpleSelector get nameAsSimpleSelector => _name;
NamespaceSelector clone() => NamespaceSelector(_namespace, "", span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitNamespaceSelector(this);
String toString() => "$namespace|${}";
// [attr op value]
class AttributeSelector extends SimpleSelector {
final int _op;
final _value;
AttributeSelector(Identifier name, this._op, this._value, SourceSpan span)
: super(name, span);
int get operatorKind => _op;
get value => _value;
String matchOperator() {
switch (_op) {
case TokenKind.EQUALS:
return '=';
case TokenKind.INCLUDES:
return '~=';
case TokenKind.DASH_MATCH:
return '|=';
case TokenKind.PREFIX_MATCH:
return '^=';
case TokenKind.SUFFIX_MATCH:
return '\$=';
return '*=';
case TokenKind.NO_MATCH:
return '';
return null;
// Return the TokenKind for operator used by visitAttributeSelector.
String matchOperatorAsTokenString() {
switch (_op) {
case TokenKind.EQUALS:
return 'EQUALS';
case TokenKind.INCLUDES:
return 'INCLUDES';
case TokenKind.DASH_MATCH:
return 'DASH_MATCH';
case TokenKind.PREFIX_MATCH:
return 'PREFIX_MATCH';
case TokenKind.SUFFIX_MATCH:
return 'SUFFIX_MATCH';
return null;
String valueToString() {
if (_value != null) {
if (_value is Identifier) {
} else {
return '"${_value}"';
} else {
return '';
AttributeSelector clone() => AttributeSelector(_name, _op, _value, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitAttributeSelector(this);
String toString() => "[$name${matchOperator()}${valueToString()}]";
// #id
class IdSelector extends SimpleSelector {
IdSelector(Identifier name, SourceSpan span) : super(name, span);
IdSelector clone() => IdSelector(_name, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitIdSelector(this);
String toString() => "#$_name";
// .class
class ClassSelector extends SimpleSelector {
ClassSelector(Identifier name, SourceSpan span) : super(name, span);
ClassSelector clone() => ClassSelector(_name, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitClassSelector(this);
String toString() => ".$_name";
// :pseudoClass
class PseudoClassSelector extends SimpleSelector {
PseudoClassSelector(Identifier name, SourceSpan span) : super(name, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitPseudoClassSelector(this);
PseudoClassSelector clone() => PseudoClassSelector(_name, span);
String toString() => ":$name";
// ::pseudoElement
class PseudoElementSelector extends SimpleSelector {
// If true, this is a CSS2.1 pseudo-element with only a single ':'.
final bool isLegacy;
PseudoElementSelector(Identifier name, SourceSpan span,
{this.isLegacy = false})
: super(name, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitPseudoElementSelector(this);
PseudoElementSelector clone() => PseudoElementSelector(_name, span);
String toString() => "${isLegacy ? ':' : '::'}$name";
// :pseudoClassFunction(argument)
class PseudoClassFunctionSelector extends PseudoClassSelector {
final TreeNode _argument; // Selector, SelectorExpression
PseudoClassFunctionSelector(Identifier name, this._argument, SourceSpan span)
: super(name, span);
PseudoClassFunctionSelector clone() =>
PseudoClassFunctionSelector(_name, _argument, span);
TreeNode get argument => _argument;
Selector get selector => _argument as Selector;
SelectorExpression get expression => _argument as SelectorExpression;
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitPseudoClassFunctionSelector(this);
// ::pseudoElementFunction(expression)
class PseudoElementFunctionSelector extends PseudoElementSelector {
final SelectorExpression expression;
Identifier name, this.expression, SourceSpan span)
: super(name, span);
PseudoElementFunctionSelector clone() =>
PseudoElementFunctionSelector(_name, expression, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) =>
class SelectorExpression extends TreeNode {
final List<Expression> expressions;
SelectorExpression(this.expressions, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
SelectorExpression clone() {
return SelectorExpression( => e.clone()).toList(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSelectorExpression(this);
// :NOT(negation_arg)
class NegationSelector extends SimpleSelector {
final SimpleSelector negationArg;
NegationSelector(this.negationArg, SourceSpan span)
: super(Negation(span), span);
NegationSelector clone() => NegationSelector(negationArg, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitNegationSelector(this);
class NoOp extends TreeNode {
NoOp() : super(null);
NoOp clone() => NoOp();
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitNoOp(this);
class StyleSheet extends TreeNode {
/// Contains charset, ruleset, directives (media, page, etc.), and selectors.
final List<TreeNode> topLevels;
StyleSheet(this.topLevels, SourceSpan span) : super(span) {
for (final node in topLevels) {
assert(node is TopLevelProduction || node is Directive);
/// Selectors only in this tree.
StyleSheet.selector(this.topLevels, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
StyleSheet clone() {
var clonedTopLevels = => e.clone()).toList();
return StyleSheet(clonedTopLevels, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitStyleSheet(this);
class TopLevelProduction extends TreeNode {
TopLevelProduction(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
TopLevelProduction clone() => TopLevelProduction(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitTopLevelProduction(this);
class RuleSet extends TopLevelProduction {
final SelectorGroup _selectorGroup;
final DeclarationGroup _declarationGroup;
RuleSet(this._selectorGroup, this._declarationGroup, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
SelectorGroup get selectorGroup => _selectorGroup;
DeclarationGroup get declarationGroup => _declarationGroup;
RuleSet clone() {
var cloneSelectorGroup = _selectorGroup.clone();
var cloneDeclarationGroup = _declarationGroup.clone();
return RuleSet(cloneSelectorGroup, cloneDeclarationGroup, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitRuleSet(this);
class Directive extends TreeNode {
Directive(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
bool get isBuiltIn => true; // Known CSS directive?
bool get isExtension => false; // SCSS extension?
Directive clone() => Directive(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitDirective(this);
class DocumentDirective extends Directive {
final List<LiteralTerm> functions;
final List<TreeNode> groupRuleBody;
DocumentDirective(this.functions, this.groupRuleBody, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
DocumentDirective clone() {
var clonedFunctions = <LiteralTerm>[];
for (var function in functions) {
var clonedGroupRuleBody = <TreeNode>[];
for (var rule in groupRuleBody) {
return DocumentDirective(clonedFunctions, clonedGroupRuleBody, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitDocumentDirective(this);
class SupportsDirective extends Directive {
final SupportsCondition condition;
final List<TreeNode> groupRuleBody;
SupportsDirective(this.condition, this.groupRuleBody, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
SupportsDirective clone() {
var clonedCondition = condition.clone();
var clonedGroupRuleBody = <TreeNode>[];
for (var rule in groupRuleBody) {
return SupportsDirective(clonedCondition, clonedGroupRuleBody, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSupportsDirective(this);
abstract class SupportsCondition extends TreeNode {
SupportsCondition(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
class SupportsConditionInParens extends SupportsCondition {
/// A [Declaration] or nested [SupportsCondition].
final TreeNode condition;
SupportsConditionInParens(Declaration declaration, SourceSpan span)
: condition = declaration,
SupportsConditionInParens.nested(SupportsCondition condition, SourceSpan span)
: condition = condition,
SupportsConditionInParens clone() =>
SupportsConditionInParens(condition.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSupportsConditionInParens(this);
class SupportsNegation extends SupportsCondition {
final SupportsConditionInParens condition;
SupportsNegation(this.condition, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
SupportsNegation clone() => SupportsNegation(condition.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSupportsNegation(this);
class SupportsConjunction extends SupportsCondition {
final List<SupportsConditionInParens> conditions;
SupportsConjunction(this.conditions, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
SupportsConjunction clone() {
var clonedConditions = <SupportsConditionInParens>[];
for (var condition in conditions) {
return SupportsConjunction(clonedConditions, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSupportsConjunction(this);
class SupportsDisjunction extends SupportsCondition {
final List<SupportsConditionInParens> conditions;
SupportsDisjunction(this.conditions, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
SupportsDisjunction clone() {
var clonedConditions = <SupportsConditionInParens>[];
for (var condition in conditions) {
return SupportsDisjunction(clonedConditions, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitSupportsDisjunction(this);
class ViewportDirective extends Directive {
final String name;
final DeclarationGroup declarations;
ViewportDirective(, this.declarations, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
ViewportDirective clone() =>
ViewportDirective(name, declarations.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitViewportDirective(this);
class ImportDirective extends Directive {
/// import name specified.
final String import;
/// Any media queries for this import.
final List<MediaQuery> mediaQueries;
ImportDirective(this.import, this.mediaQueries, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
ImportDirective clone() {
var cloneMediaQueries = <MediaQuery>[];
for (var mediaQuery in mediaQueries) {
return ImportDirective(import, cloneMediaQueries, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitImportDirective(this);
/// MediaExpression grammar:
/// '(' S* media_feature S* [ ':' S* expr ]? ')' S*
class MediaExpression extends TreeNode {
final bool andOperator;
final Identifier _mediaFeature;
final Expressions exprs;
this.andOperator, this._mediaFeature, this.exprs, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
String get mediaFeature =>;
MediaExpression clone() {
var clonedExprs = exprs.clone();
return MediaExpression(andOperator, _mediaFeature, clonedExprs, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitMediaExpression(this);
/// MediaQuery grammar:
/// : [ONLY | NOT]? S* media_type S* [ AND S* media_expression ]*
/// | media_expression [ AND S* media_expression ]*
/// media_type
/// : IDENT
/// media_expression
/// : '(' S* media_feature S* [ ':' S* expr ]? ')' S*
/// media_feature
/// : IDENT
class MediaQuery extends TreeNode {
/// not, only or no operator.
final int _mediaUnary;
final Identifier _mediaType;
final List<MediaExpression> expressions;
this._mediaUnary, this._mediaType, this.expressions, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
bool get hasMediaType => _mediaType != null;
String get mediaType =>;
bool get hasUnary => _mediaUnary != -1;
String get unary =>
TokenKind.idToValue(TokenKind.MEDIA_OPERATORS, _mediaUnary).toUpperCase();
MediaQuery clone() {
var cloneExpressions = <MediaExpression>[];
for (var expr in expressions) {
return MediaQuery(_mediaUnary, _mediaType, cloneExpressions, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitMediaQuery(this);
class MediaDirective extends Directive {
final List<MediaQuery> mediaQueries;
final List<TreeNode> rules;
MediaDirective(this.mediaQueries, this.rules, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
MediaDirective clone() {
var cloneQueries = <MediaQuery>[];
for (var mediaQuery in mediaQueries) {
var cloneRules = <TreeNode>[];
for (var rule in rules) {
return MediaDirective(cloneQueries, cloneRules, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitMediaDirective(this);
class HostDirective extends Directive {
final List<TreeNode> rules;
HostDirective(this.rules, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
HostDirective clone() {
var cloneRules = <TreeNode>[];
for (var rule in rules) {
return HostDirective(cloneRules, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitHostDirective(this);
class PageDirective extends Directive {
final String _ident;
final String _pseudoPage;
final List<DeclarationGroup> _declsMargin;
this._ident, this._pseudoPage, this._declsMargin, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
PageDirective clone() {
var cloneDeclsMargin = <DeclarationGroup>[];
for (var declMargin in _declsMargin) {
return PageDirective(_ident, _pseudoPage, cloneDeclsMargin, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitPageDirective(this);
bool get hasIdent => _ident != null && _ident.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPseudoPage => _pseudoPage != null && _pseudoPage.isNotEmpty;
class CharsetDirective extends Directive {
final String charEncoding;
CharsetDirective(this.charEncoding, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
CharsetDirective clone() => CharsetDirective(charEncoding, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitCharsetDirective(this);
class KeyFrameDirective extends Directive {
// Either @keyframe or keyframe prefixed with @-webkit-, @-moz-, @-ms-, @-o-.
final int _keyframeName;
final Identifier name;
final List<KeyFrameBlock> _blocks;
KeyFrameDirective(this._keyframeName,, SourceSpan span)
: _blocks = [],
add(KeyFrameBlock block) {
String get keyFrameName {
switch (_keyframeName) {
return '@keyframes';
return '@-webkit-keyframes';
return '@-moz-keyframes';
return '@-o-keyframes';
return null;
KeyFrameDirective clone() {
var directive = KeyFrameDirective(_keyframeName, name.clone(), span);
for (var block in _blocks) {
return directive;
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitKeyFrameDirective(this);
class KeyFrameBlock extends Expression {
final Expressions _blockSelectors;
final DeclarationGroup _declarations;
KeyFrameBlock(this._blockSelectors, this._declarations, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
KeyFrameBlock clone() =>
KeyFrameBlock(_blockSelectors.clone(), _declarations.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitKeyFrameBlock(this);
class FontFaceDirective extends Directive {
final DeclarationGroup _declarations;
FontFaceDirective(this._declarations, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
FontFaceDirective clone() => FontFaceDirective(_declarations.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitFontFaceDirective(this);
class StyletDirective extends Directive {
final String dartClassName;
final List<TreeNode> rules;
StyletDirective(this.dartClassName, this.rules, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
bool get isBuiltIn => false;
bool get isExtension => true;
StyletDirective clone() {
var cloneRules = <TreeNode>[];
for (var rule in rules) {
return StyletDirective(dartClassName, cloneRules, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitStyletDirective(this);
class NamespaceDirective extends Directive {
/// Namespace prefix.
final String _prefix;
/// URI associated with this namespace.
final String _uri;
NamespaceDirective(this._prefix, this._uri, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
NamespaceDirective clone() => NamespaceDirective(_prefix, _uri, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitNamespaceDirective(this);
String get prefix => _prefix.isNotEmpty ? '$_prefix ' : '';
/// To support Less syntax @name: expression
class VarDefinitionDirective extends Directive {
final VarDefinition def;
VarDefinitionDirective(this.def, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
VarDefinitionDirective clone() => VarDefinitionDirective(def.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitVarDefinitionDirective(this);
class MixinDefinition extends Directive {
final String name;
final List<TreeNode> definedArgs;
final bool varArgs;
MixinDefinition(, this.definedArgs, this.varArgs, SourceSpan span)
: super(span);
MixinDefinition clone() {
var cloneDefinedArgs = <TreeNode>[];
for (var definedArg in definedArgs) {
return MixinDefinition(name, cloneDefinedArgs, varArgs, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitMixinDefinition(this);
/// Support a Sass @mixin. See for description.
class MixinRulesetDirective extends MixinDefinition {
final List<TreeNode> rulesets;
MixinRulesetDirective(String name, List<TreeNode> args, bool varArgs,
this.rulesets, SourceSpan span)
: super(name, args, varArgs, span);
MixinRulesetDirective clone() {
var clonedArgs = <VarDefinition>[];
for (var arg in definedArgs) {
var clonedRulesets = <TreeNode>[];
for (var ruleset in rulesets) {
return MixinRulesetDirective(
name, clonedArgs, varArgs, clonedRulesets, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitMixinRulesetDirective(this);
class MixinDeclarationDirective extends MixinDefinition {
final DeclarationGroup declarations;
MixinDeclarationDirective(String name, List<TreeNode> args, bool varArgs,
this.declarations, SourceSpan span)
: super(name, args, varArgs, span);
MixinDeclarationDirective clone() {
var clonedArgs = <TreeNode>[];
for (var arg in definedArgs) {
return MixinDeclarationDirective(
name, clonedArgs, varArgs, declarations.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitMixinDeclarationDirective(this);
/// To support consuming a Sass mixin @include.
class IncludeDirective extends Directive {
final String name;
final List<List<Expression>> args;
IncludeDirective(, this.args, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
IncludeDirective clone() {
var cloneArgs = <List<Expression>>[];
for (var arg in args) {
cloneArgs.add( => term.clone()).toList());
return IncludeDirective(name, cloneArgs, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitIncludeDirective(this);
/// To support Sass @content.
class ContentDirective extends Directive {
ContentDirective(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitContentDirective(this);
class Declaration extends TreeNode {
final Identifier _property;
final Expression _expression;
/// Style exposed to Dart.
DartStyleExpression dartStyle;
final bool important;
/// IE CSS hacks that can only be read by a particular IE version.
/// 7 implies IE 7 or older property (e.g., `*background: blue;`)
/// * Note: IE 8 or older property (e.g., `background: green\9;`) is handled
/// by IE8Term in declaration expression handling.
/// * Note: IE 6 only property with a leading underscore is a valid IDENT
/// since an ident can start with underscore (e.g., `_background: red;`)
final bool isIE7;
Declaration(this._property, this._expression, this.dartStyle, SourceSpan span,
{bool important = false, bool ie7 = false})
: this.important = important,
this.isIE7 = ie7,
String get property => isIE7 ? '*${}' :;
Expression get expression => _expression;
bool get hasDartStyle => dartStyle != null;
Declaration clone() =>
Declaration(_property.clone(), _expression.clone(), dartStyle, span,
important: important);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitDeclaration(this);
// TODO(terry): Consider 2 kinds of VarDefinitions static at top-level and
// dynamic when in a declaration. Currently, Less syntax
// '@foo: expression' and 'var-foo: expression' in a declaration
// are statically resolved. Better solution, if @foo or var-foo
// are top-level are then statically resolved and var-foo in a
// declaration group (surrounded by a selector) would be dynamic.
class VarDefinition extends Declaration {
bool badUsage = false;
VarDefinition(Identifier definedName, Expression expr, SourceSpan span)
: super(definedName, expr, null, span);
String get definedName =>;
VarDefinition clone() => VarDefinition(
_property.clone(), expression != null ? expression.clone() : null, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitVarDefinition(this);
/// Node for usage of @include mixin[(args,...)] found in a declaration group
/// instead of at a ruleset (toplevel) e.g.,
/// div {
/// @include mixin1;
/// }
class IncludeMixinAtDeclaration extends Declaration {
final IncludeDirective include;
IncludeMixinAtDeclaration(this.include, SourceSpan span)
: super(null, null, null, span);
IncludeMixinAtDeclaration clone() =>
IncludeMixinAtDeclaration(include.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitIncludeMixinAtDeclaration(this);
class ExtendDeclaration extends Declaration {
final List<TreeNode> selectors;
ExtendDeclaration(this.selectors, SourceSpan span)
: super(null, null, null, span);
ExtendDeclaration clone() {
var newSelector = => s.clone()).toList();
return ExtendDeclaration(newSelector, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitExtendDeclaration(this);
class DeclarationGroup extends TreeNode {
/// Can be either Declaration or RuleSet (if nested selector).
final List<TreeNode> declarations;
DeclarationGroup(this.declarations, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
DeclarationGroup clone() {
var clonedDecls = => d.clone()).toList();
return DeclarationGroup(clonedDecls, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitDeclarationGroup(this);
class MarginGroup extends DeclarationGroup {
final int margin_sym; // TokenType for for @margin sym.
MarginGroup(this.margin_sym, List<TreeNode> decls, SourceSpan span)
: super(decls, span);
MarginGroup clone() =>
MarginGroup(margin_sym, super.clone().declarations, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitMarginGroup(this);
class VarUsage extends Expression {
final String name;
final List<Expression> defaultValues;
VarUsage(, this.defaultValues, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
VarUsage clone() {
var clonedValues = <Expression>[];
for (var expr in defaultValues) {
return VarUsage(name, clonedValues, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitVarUsage(this);
class OperatorSlash extends Expression {
OperatorSlash(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
OperatorSlash clone() => OperatorSlash(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitOperatorSlash(this);
class OperatorComma extends Expression {
OperatorComma(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
OperatorComma clone() => OperatorComma(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitOperatorComma(this);
class OperatorPlus extends Expression {
OperatorPlus(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
OperatorPlus clone() => OperatorPlus(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitOperatorPlus(this);
class OperatorMinus extends Expression {
OperatorMinus(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
OperatorMinus clone() => OperatorMinus(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitOperatorMinus(this);
class UnicodeRangeTerm extends Expression {
final String first;
final String second;
UnicodeRangeTerm(this.first, this.second, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
bool get hasSecond => second != null;
UnicodeRangeTerm clone() => UnicodeRangeTerm(first, second, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitUnicodeRangeTerm(this);
class LiteralTerm extends Expression {
// TODO(terry): value and text fields can be made final once all CSS resources
// are copied/symlink'd in the build tool and UriVisitor in
// web_ui is removed.
dynamic value;
String text;
LiteralTerm(this.value, this.text, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
LiteralTerm clone() => LiteralTerm(value, text, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralTerm(this);
class NumberTerm extends LiteralTerm {
NumberTerm(value, String t, SourceSpan span) : super(value, t, span);
NumberTerm clone() => NumberTerm(value, text, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitNumberTerm(this);
class UnitTerm extends LiteralTerm {
final int unit;
UnitTerm(value, String t, SourceSpan span, this.unit) : super(value, t, span);
UnitTerm clone() => UnitTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitUnitTerm(this);
String unitToString() => TokenKind.unitToString(unit);
String toString() => '$text${unitToString()}';
class LengthTerm extends UnitTerm {
LengthTerm(value, String t, SourceSpan span,
[int unit = TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX])
: super(value, t, span, unit) {
assert(this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_CM ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_MM ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_IN ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PT ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PC);
LengthTerm clone() => LengthTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitLengthTerm(this);
class PercentageTerm extends LiteralTerm {
PercentageTerm(value, String t, SourceSpan span) : super(value, t, span);
PercentageTerm clone() => PercentageTerm(value, text, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitPercentageTerm(this);
class EmTerm extends LiteralTerm {
EmTerm(value, String t, SourceSpan span) : super(value, t, span);
EmTerm clone() => EmTerm(value, text, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitEmTerm(this);
class ExTerm extends LiteralTerm {
ExTerm(value, String t, SourceSpan span) : super(value, t, span);
ExTerm clone() => ExTerm(value, text, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitExTerm(this);
class AngleTerm extends UnitTerm {
AngleTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span,
[int unit = TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX])
: super(value, t, span, unit) {
assert(this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_ANGLE_DEG ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_ANGLE_RAD ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_ANGLE_GRAD ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_ANGLE_TURN);
AngleTerm clone() => AngleTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitAngleTerm(this);
class TimeTerm extends UnitTerm {
TimeTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span,
[int unit = TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX])
: super(value, t, span, unit) {
assert(this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_ANGLE_DEG ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_TIME_MS ||
this.unit == TokenKind.UNIT_TIME_S);
TimeTerm clone() => TimeTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitTimeTerm(this);
class FreqTerm extends UnitTerm {
FreqTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span,
[int unit = TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX])
: super(value, t, span, unit) {
assert(unit == TokenKind.UNIT_FREQ_HZ || unit == TokenKind.UNIT_FREQ_KHZ);
FreqTerm clone() => FreqTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitFreqTerm(this);
class FractionTerm extends LiteralTerm {
FractionTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span) : super(value, t, span);
FractionTerm clone() => FractionTerm(value, text, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitFractionTerm(this);
class UriTerm extends LiteralTerm {
UriTerm(String value, SourceSpan span) : super(value, value, span);
UriTerm clone() => UriTerm(value, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitUriTerm(this);
class ResolutionTerm extends UnitTerm {
ResolutionTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span,
[int unit = TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX])
: super(value, t, span, unit) {
assert(unit == TokenKind.UNIT_RESOLUTION_DPI ||
unit == TokenKind.UNIT_RESOLUTION_DPCM ||
unit == TokenKind.UNIT_RESOLUTION_DPPX);
ResolutionTerm clone() => ResolutionTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitResolutionTerm(this);
class ChTerm extends UnitTerm {
ChTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span,
[int unit = TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX])
: super(value, t, span, unit) {
assert(unit == TokenKind.UNIT_CH);
ChTerm clone() => ChTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitChTerm(this);
class RemTerm extends UnitTerm {
RemTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span,
[int unit = TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX])
: super(value, t, span, unit) {
assert(unit == TokenKind.UNIT_REM);
RemTerm clone() => RemTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitRemTerm(this);
class ViewportTerm extends UnitTerm {
ViewportTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span,
[int unit = TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX])
: super(value, t, span, unit) {
assert(unit == TokenKind.UNIT_VIEWPORT_VW ||
unit == TokenKind.UNIT_VIEWPORT_VH ||
unit == TokenKind.UNIT_VIEWPORT_VMIN ||
unit == TokenKind.UNIT_VIEWPORT_VMAX);
ViewportTerm clone() => ViewportTerm(value, text, span, unit);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitViewportTerm(this);
/// Type to signal a bad hex value for HexColorTerm.value.
class BAD_HEX_VALUE {}
class HexColorTerm extends LiteralTerm {
HexColorTerm(var value, String t, SourceSpan span) : super(value, t, span);
HexColorTerm clone() => HexColorTerm(value, text, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitHexColorTerm(this);
class FunctionTerm extends LiteralTerm {
final Expressions _params;
FunctionTerm(var value, String t, this._params, SourceSpan span)
: super(value, t, span);
FunctionTerm clone() => FunctionTerm(value, text, _params.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionTerm(this);
/// A "\9" was encountered at the end of the expression and before a semi-colon.
/// This is an IE trick to ignore a property or value except by IE 8 and older
/// browsers.
class IE8Term extends LiteralTerm {
IE8Term(SourceSpan span) : super('\\9', '\\9', span);
IE8Term clone() => IE8Term(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitIE8Term(this);
class GroupTerm extends Expression {
final List<LiteralTerm> _terms;
GroupTerm(SourceSpan span)
: _terms = [],
void add(LiteralTerm term) {
GroupTerm clone() => GroupTerm(span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitGroupTerm(this);
class ItemTerm extends NumberTerm {
ItemTerm(dynamic value, String t, SourceSpan span) : super(value, t, span);
ItemTerm clone() => ItemTerm(value, text, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitItemTerm(this);
class Expressions extends Expression {
final List<Expression> expressions = [];
Expressions(SourceSpan span) : super(span);
void add(Expression expression) {
Expressions clone() {
var clonedExprs = Expressions(span);
for (var expr in expressions) {
return clonedExprs;
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitExpressions(this);
class BinaryExpression extends Expression {
final Token op;
final Expression x;
final Expression y;
BinaryExpression(this.op, this.x, this.y, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
BinaryExpression clone() => BinaryExpression(op, x.clone(), y.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitBinaryExpression(this);
class UnaryExpression extends Expression {
final Token op;
final Expression self;
UnaryExpression(this.op, this.self, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
UnaryExpression clone() => UnaryExpression(op, self.clone(), span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitUnaryExpression(this);
abstract class DartStyleExpression extends TreeNode {
static const int unknownType = 0;
static const int fontStyle = 1;
static const int marginStyle = 2;
static const int borderStyle = 3;
static const int paddingStyle = 4;
static const int heightStyle = 5;
static const int widthStyle = 6;
final int _styleType;
int priority;
DartStyleExpression(this._styleType, SourceSpan span) : super(span);
// Merges give 2 DartStyleExpression (or derived from DartStyleExpression,
// e.g., FontExpression, etc.) will merge if the two expressions are of the
// same property name (implies same exact type e.g, FontExpression).
merged(DartStyleExpression newDartExpr);
bool get isUnknown => _styleType == 0 || _styleType == null;
bool get isFont => _styleType == fontStyle;
bool get isMargin => _styleType == marginStyle;
bool get isBorder => _styleType == borderStyle;
bool get isPadding => _styleType == paddingStyle;
bool get isHeight => _styleType == heightStyle;
bool get isWidth => _styleType == widthStyle;
bool get isBoxExpression => isMargin || isBorder || isPadding;
bool isSame(DartStyleExpression other) => this._styleType == other._styleType;
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitDartStyleExpression(this);
class FontExpression extends DartStyleExpression {
final Font font;
// font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height font-family
// TODO(terry): Only px/pt for now need to handle all possible units to
// support calc expressions on units.
FontExpression(SourceSpan span,
{Object /* LengthTerm | num */ size,
List<String> family,
int weight,
String style,
String variant,
LineHeight lineHeight})
: font = Font(
size: size is LengthTerm ? size.value : size as num,
family: family,
weight: weight,
style: style,
variant: variant,
lineHeight: lineHeight),
super(DartStyleExpression.fontStyle, span);
FontExpression merged(DartStyleExpression newFontExpr) {
if (newFontExpr is FontExpression && this.isFont && newFontExpr.isFont) {
return FontExpression.merge(this, newFontExpr);
return null;
/// Merge the two FontExpression and return the result.
factory FontExpression.merge(FontExpression x, FontExpression y) {
return FontExpression._merge(x, y, y.span);
FontExpression._merge(FontExpression x, FontExpression y, SourceSpan span)
: font = Font.merge(x.font, y.font),
super(DartStyleExpression.fontStyle, span);
FontExpression clone() => FontExpression(span,
size: font.size,
weight: font.weight,
variant: font.variant,
lineHeight: font.lineHeight);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitFontExpression(this);
abstract class BoxExpression extends DartStyleExpression {
final BoxEdge box;
BoxExpression(int styleType, SourceSpan span,
: super(styleType, span);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitBoxExpression(this);
String get formattedBoxEdge {
if ( == box.left && == box.bottom && == box.right) {
return '.uniform(${})';
} else {
var left = box.left == null ? 0 : box.left;
var top = == null ? 0 :;
var right = box.right == null ? 0 : box.right;
var bottom = box.bottom == null ? 0 : box.bottom;
return '.clockwiseFromTop($top,$right,$bottom,$left)';
class MarginExpression extends BoxExpression {
// TODO(terry): Does auto for margin need to be exposed to Dart UI framework?
/// Margin expression ripped apart.
MarginExpression(SourceSpan span, {num top, num right, num bottom, num left})
: super(DartStyleExpression.marginStyle, span,
BoxEdge(left, top, right, bottom));
MarginExpression.boxEdge(SourceSpan span, BoxEdge box)
: super(DartStyleExpression.marginStyle, span, box);
merged(DartStyleExpression newMarginExpr) {
if (newMarginExpr is MarginExpression &&
this.isMargin &&
newMarginExpr.isMargin) {
return MarginExpression.merge(this, newMarginExpr);
return null;
/// Merge the two MarginExpressions and return the result.
factory MarginExpression.merge(MarginExpression x, MarginExpression y) {
return MarginExpression._merge(x, y, y.span);
MarginExpression x, MarginExpression y, SourceSpan span)
: super(x._styleType, span, BoxEdge.merge(,;
MarginExpression clone() => MarginExpression(span,
top:, right: box.right, bottom: box.bottom, left: box.left);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitMarginExpression(this);
class BorderExpression extends BoxExpression {
/// Border expression ripped apart.
BorderExpression(SourceSpan span, {num top, num right, num bottom, num left})
: super(DartStyleExpression.borderStyle, span,
BoxEdge(left, top, right, bottom));
BorderExpression.boxEdge(SourceSpan span, BoxEdge box)
: super(DartStyleExpression.borderStyle, span, box);
merged(DartStyleExpression newBorderExpr) {
if (newBorderExpr is BorderExpression &&
this.isBorder &&
newBorderExpr.isBorder) {
return BorderExpression.merge(this, newBorderExpr);
return null;
/// Merge the two BorderExpression and return the result.
factory BorderExpression.merge(BorderExpression x, BorderExpression y) {
return BorderExpression._merge(x, y, y.span);
BorderExpression x, BorderExpression y, SourceSpan span)
: super(
DartStyleExpression.borderStyle, span, BoxEdge.merge(,;
BorderExpression clone() => BorderExpression(span,
top:, right: box.right, bottom: box.bottom, left: box.left);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitBorderExpression(this);
class HeightExpression extends DartStyleExpression {
final height;
HeightExpression(SourceSpan span, this.height)
: super(DartStyleExpression.heightStyle, span);
merged(DartStyleExpression newHeightExpr) {
if (newHeightExpr is DartStyleExpression &&
this.isHeight &&
newHeightExpr.isHeight) {
return newHeightExpr;
return null;
HeightExpression clone() => HeightExpression(span, height);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitHeightExpression(this);
class WidthExpression extends DartStyleExpression {
final width;
WidthExpression(SourceSpan span, this.width)
: super(DartStyleExpression.widthStyle, span);
merged(DartStyleExpression newWidthExpr) {
if (newWidthExpr is WidthExpression &&
this.isWidth &&
newWidthExpr.isWidth) {
return newWidthExpr;
return null;
WidthExpression clone() => WidthExpression(span, width);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitWidthExpression(this);
class PaddingExpression extends BoxExpression {
/// Padding expression ripped apart.
PaddingExpression(SourceSpan span, {num top, num right, num bottom, num left})
: super(DartStyleExpression.paddingStyle, span,
BoxEdge(left, top, right, bottom));
PaddingExpression.boxEdge(SourceSpan span, BoxEdge box)
: super(DartStyleExpression.paddingStyle, span, box);
merged(DartStyleExpression newPaddingExpr) {
if (newPaddingExpr is PaddingExpression &&
this.isPadding &&
newPaddingExpr.isPadding) {
return PaddingExpression.merge(this, newPaddingExpr);
return null;
/// Merge the two PaddingExpression and return the result.
factory PaddingExpression.merge(PaddingExpression x, PaddingExpression y) {
return PaddingExpression._merge(x, y, y.span);
PaddingExpression x, PaddingExpression y, SourceSpan span)
: super(DartStyleExpression.paddingStyle, span,
PaddingExpression clone() => PaddingExpression(span,
top:, right: box.right, bottom: box.bottom, left: box.left);
visit(VisitorBase visitor) => visitor.visitPaddingExpression(this);