Correct a misused putIfAbsent call (#109)

There is no need to assign within the callback for a `putIfAbsent`
default. Refactor to the most idiomatic version today which is to use
`??=` (since we don't ever assign a null value so we don't care about
the distinction between a missing key and a key assigned to null) and
return the value directly rather than putting it in the Map and then
pulling it back out.
diff --git a/lib/src/analyzer.dart b/lib/src/analyzer.dart
index 2f6d449..7ed553f 100644
--- a/lib/src/analyzer.dart
+++ b/lib/src/analyzer.dart
@@ -716,11 +716,8 @@
   bool _allIncludes(rulesets) =>
       rulesets.every((rule) => rule is IncludeDirective || rule is NoOp);
-  CallMixin _createCallDeclMixin(MixinDefinition mixinDef) {
-    callMap.putIfAbsent(,
-        () => callMap[] = CallMixin(mixinDef, varDefs));
-    return callMap[];
-  }
+  CallMixin _createCallDeclMixin(MixinDefinition mixinDef) =>
+      callMap[] ??= CallMixin(mixinDef, varDefs);
   void visitStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss) {