
  • Hash, MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 now implement Converter. They convert between List<int>s and the new Digest class, which represents a hash digest. The Converter APIs—Hash.convert() and Hash.startChunkedConversion—should be used in preference to the old APIs, which are now deprecated.

  • SHA1, SHA256, and HMAC have been renamed to Sha1, Sha256, and Hmac, respectively. The old names still work, but are deprecated.

  • Top-level sha1, sha256, and md5 fields have been added to make it easier to use those hash algorithms without having to instantiate new instances.

  • Hashing now works correctly for input sizes up to 2^64 bytes.


  • Hash.add, Hash.close, and Hash.newInstance are deprecated. Hash.convert should be used for hashing single values, and Hash.startChunkedConversion should be used for hashing streamed values.

  • SHA1 and SHA256 are deprecated. Use the top-level sha1 and sha256 fields instead.

  • While the MD5 class is not deprecated, the new MD5() constructor is. Use the top-level md5 field instead.

  • HMAC is deprecated. Use Hmac instead.

  • Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, Base64Decoder, Base64EncoderSink, Base64DecoderSink, and BASE64 are deprecated. Use the Base64 APIs in dart:convert instead.

  • CryptoUtils is deprecated. Use the Base64 APIs in dart:convert and the hex APIs in the convert package instead.


  • Base64 convert returns an Uint8List
  • Base64 codec and encoder can now take an encodePaddingCharacter
  • Implement a Base64 codec similar to codecs in ‘dart:convert’


  • ChangeLog starts here.