blob: 7d688fc4bdfc2cb2c45eabaf1ec446ec0ba93a82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart';
import 'encoder_sink.dart';
/// A String representing a mapping from numbers between 0 and 63, inclusive, to
/// their corresponding encoded character.
/// This is the table for URL-safe encodings.
const _encodeTableUrlSafe =
/// A String representing a mapping from numbers between 0 and 63, inclusive, to
/// their corresponding encoded character.
/// This is the table for URL-unsafe encodings.
const _encodeTable =
/// The line length for Base64 strings with line separators.
const _lineLength = 76;
/// An encoder that converts sequences of bytes to strings using [Base64][rfc].
/// [rfc]:
class Base64Encoder extends Converter<List<int>, String> {
/// Whether this encoder generates URL-safe strings.
final bool _urlSafe;
/// Whether this encoder adds line breaks to the output.
final bool _addLineSeparator;
/// The sequence of bytes to use as a padding character.
final List<int> _pad;
/// Creates a new [Base64Encoder].
/// The default [BASE64.encoder] will be good enough for most cases. A new
/// codec only needs to be instantiated when you want to do multiple
/// conversions with the same configuration.
/// If [urlSafe] is `true`, a URL-safe alphabet will be used. Specifically,
/// the characters `-` and `_` will be used instead of `+` and `/`.
/// If [addLineSeparator] is `true`, `\r\n` line separators will be added
/// every 76 characters.
/// If [encodePaddingCharacter] is `true`, the padding character `=` will be
/// written as `%3D`.
const Base64Encoder(
{bool urlSafe: false,
bool addLineSeparator: false,
bool encodePaddingCharacter: false})
: _urlSafe = urlSafe,
_addLineSeparator = addLineSeparator,
_pad = encodePaddingCharacter
? const [$percent, $3, $D]
: const [$equal];
/// Converts [bytes] to Base64.
/// If [start] and [end] are provided, only the sublist `bytes.sublist(start,
/// end)` is converted.
String convert(List<int> bytes, [int start = 0, int end]) {
RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, bytes.length);
if (end == null) end = bytes.length;
var length = end - start;
if (length == 0) return "";
var lookup = _urlSafe ? _encodeTableUrlSafe : _encodeTable;
// The total length of the 24-bit chunks.
var remainderLength = length.remainder(3);
var chunkLength = length - remainderLength;
// The size of the base output.
var baseOutputLength = (length ~/ 3) * 4;
var remainderOutputLength = remainderLength > 0 ? 3 + _pad.length : 0;
var outputLength = baseOutputLength + remainderOutputLength;
if (_addLineSeparator) {
// Add extra expected length to account for line separators.
outputLength += ((outputLength - 1) ~/ _lineLength) * 2;
var out = new List<int>(outputLength);
// Encode 24 bit chunks.
var input = start;
var output = 0;
var chunks = 0;
while (input < chunkLength) {
// Get a 24-bit chunk from the next three input bytes. Mask each byte to
// make sure we don't do something bad if the user passes in non-byte
// ints.
var chunk = (bytes[input++] << 16) & 0x00FF0000;
chunk |= (bytes[input++] << 8) & 0x0000FF00;
chunk |= bytes[input++] & 0x000000FF;
// Split the 24-bit chunk into four 6-bit sections to encode as
// characters.
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt(chunk >> 18);
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt((chunk >> 12) & 0x3F);
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt((chunk >> 6) & 0x3F);
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt(chunk & 0x3F);
// Add an optional line separator for every 76 characters we emit; that
// is, every 19 chunks.
if (_addLineSeparator && chunks == 19 && output < outputLength - 2) {
out[output++] = $cr;
out[output++] = $lf;
chunks = 0;
// If the input length isn't a multiple of 3, encode the remaining bytes and
// add padding.
if (remainderLength == 1) {
var byte = bytes[input];
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt(byte >> 2);
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt((byte << 4) & 0x3F);
out.setRange(output, output + _pad.length, _pad);
out.setRange(output + _pad.length, output + 2 * _pad.length, _pad);
} else if (remainderLength == 2) {
var byte1 = bytes[input++];
var byte2 = bytes[input];
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt(byte1 >> 2);
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt(((byte1 << 4) | (byte2 >> 4)) & 0x3F);
out[output++] = lookup.codeUnitAt((byte2 << 2) & 0x3F);
out.setRange(output, output + _pad.length, _pad);
return new String.fromCharCodes(out);
Base64EncoderSink startChunkedConversion(Sink<String> sink) {
StringConversionSink stringSink = sink is StringConversionSink
? sink
: new StringConversionSink.from(sink);
return new Base64EncoderSink(stringSink, _urlSafe, _addLineSeparator);