blob: 2cc5fbd36feaf56571b22b31a46a14936e418b62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:convert";
import "dart:typed_data";
/// The ISO-8859-2/Latin-2 (Eastern European) code page.
final CodePage latin2 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-2", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_2");
/// The ISO-8859-3/Latin-3 (South European) code page.
final CodePage latin3 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-3", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_3");
/// The ISO-8859-4/Latin-4 (North European) code page.
final CodePage latin4 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-4", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_4");
/// The ISO-8859-5/Latin-Cyrillic code page.
final CodePage latinCyrillic =
CodePage._bmp("cyrillic", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_5");
/// The ISO-8859-6/Latin-Arabic code page.
final CodePage latinArabic =
CodePage._bmp("arabic", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_6");
/// The ISO-8859-7/Latin-Greek code page.
final CodePage latinGreek =
CodePage._bmp("greek", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_7");
/// The ISO-8859-7/Latin-Hebrew code page.
final CodePage latinHebrew =
CodePage._bmp("hebrew", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_8");
/// The ISO-8859-9/Latin-5 (Turkish) code page.
final CodePage latin5 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-5", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_9");
/// The ISO-8859-10/Latin-6 (Nordic) code page.
final CodePage latin6 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-6", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_10");
/// The ISO-8859-11/Latin-Thai code page.
final CodePage latinThai =
CodePage._bmp("tis620", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_11");
/// The ISO-8859-13/Latin-6 (Baltic Rim) code page.
final CodePage latin7 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-7", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_13");
/// The ISO-8859-14/Latin-8 (Celtic) code page.
final CodePage latin8 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-8", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_14");
/// The ISO-8859-15/Latin-9 (Western European revised) code page.
final CodePage latin9 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-9", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_15");
/// The ISO-8859-16/Latin-10 (South Eastern European) code page.
final CodePage latin10 =
CodePage._bmp("latin-10", "$_ascii$_noControls$_top8859_16");
/// Characters in ISO-8859-2 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_2 = "\xa0Ą˘Ł¤ĽŚ§¨ŠŞŤŹ\xadŽŻ°ą˛ł´ľśˇ¸šşťź˝žż"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-3 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_3 = "\xa0Ħ˘£\uFFFD¤Ĥ§¨İŞĞĴ\xad\uFFFDŻ°ħ²³´µĥ·¸ışğĵ½\uFFFDż"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-4 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_4 = "\xa0ĄĸŖ¤ĨĻ§¨ŠĒĢŦ\xadŽ¯°ą˛ŗ´ĩļˇ¸šēģŧŊžŋ"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-5 above the ASCII and top control characters.
/// Characters in ISO-8859-6 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_6 = "\xa0\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD¤\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-7 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_7 = "\xa0‘’£€₯¦§¨©ͺ«¬\xad\uFFFD―°±²³΄΅Ά·ΈΉΊ»Ό½ΎΏ"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-8 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_8 = "\xa0\uFFFD¢£¤¥¦§¨©×«¬\xad®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹÷»¼½¾\uFFFD"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-9 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_9 = "\xa0¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬\xad®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-10 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_10 = "\xa0ĄĒĢĪĨĶ§ĻĐŠŦŽ\xadŪŊ°ąēģīĩķ·ļđšŧž―ūŋ"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-11 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_11 = "\xa0กขฃคฅฆงจฉชซฌญฎฏฐฑฒณดตถทธนบปผฝพฟ"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-13 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_13 = "\xa0”¢£¤„¦§Ø©Ŗ«¬\xad®Æ°±²³“µ¶·ø¹ŗ»¼½¾æ"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-14 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_14 = "\xa0Ḃḃ£ĊċḊ§Ẁ©ẂḋỲ\xad®ŸḞḟĠġṀṁ¶ṖẁṗẃṠỳẄẅṡ"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-15 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_15 = "\xa0¡¢£€¥Š§š©ª«¬\xad®¯°±²³Žµ¶·ž¹º»ŒœŸ¿"
/// Characters in ISO-8859-16 above the ASCII and top control characters.
const _top8859_16 = "\xa0ĄąŁ€„Š§š©Ș«Ź\xadźŻ°±ČłŽ”¶·žčș»ŒœŸż"
const _noControls = "\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD"
/// ASCII characters without control characters. Shared by many code pages.
const _ascii = "$_noControls"
r""" !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"""
/// A mapping between bytes and characters.
/// A code page is a way to map bytes to character.
/// As such, it can only represent 256 different characters.
class CodePage extends Encoding {
final CodePageDecoder decoder;
final String name;
CodePageEncoder? _encoder;
/// Creates a code page with the given name and characters.
/// The [characters] string must contain 256 code points (runes)
/// in the order of the bytes representing them.
/// Any byte not defined by the code page should have a
/// U+FFFD (invalid character) code point at its place in
/// [characters].
/// The name is used by [].
factory CodePage(String name, String characters) = CodePage._general;
/// Creates a code page with the characters of [characters].
/// The [characters] must contain precisely 256 characters (code points).
/// A U+FFFD (invalid character) entry in [character] means that the
/// corresponding byte does not have a definition in this code page.
CodePage._general(, String characters)
: decoder = _createDecoder(characters);
/// Creates a code page with characters from the basic multilingual plane.
/// The basic multilingual plane (BMP) contains the first 65536 code points.
/// As such, each character can be represented by a single UTF-16 code unit,
/// which makes some operations more efficient.
/// The [characters] must contain precisely 256 code points from the BMP
/// which means that it should have length 256 and not contain any surrogates.
/// A U+FFFD (invalid character) entry in [character] means that the
/// corresponding byte does not have a definition in this code page.
CodePage._bmp(, String characters)
: decoder = _BmpCodePageDecoder(characters);
/// The character associated with a particular byte in this code page.
/// The [byte] must be in the range 0..255.
/// The returned value should be a Unicode scalar value
/// (a non-surrogate code point).
/// If a code page does not have a defined character for a particular
/// byte, it should return the Unicode invalid character (U+FFFD)
/// instad.
int operator [](int byte) => decoder._char(byte);
/// Encodes [input] using `encoder.convert`.
Uint8List encode(String input, {int? invalidCharacter}) =>
encoder.convert(input, invalidCharacter: invalidCharacter);
/// Decodes [bytes] using `encoder.convert`.
String decode(List<int> bytes, {bool allowInvalid = false}) =>
decoder.convert(bytes, allowInvalid: allowInvalid);
CodePageEncoder get encoder => _encoder ??= decoder._createEncoder();
/// A code page decoder, converts from bytes to characters.
/// A code page assigns characters to a subset of byte values.
/// The decoder converts those bytes back to their characters.
abstract class CodePageDecoder implements Converter<List<int>, String> {
/// Decodes a sequence of bytes into a string using a code page.
/// The code page assigns one character to each byte.
/// Values in [input] must be bytes (integers in the range 0..255).
/// If [allowInvalid] is true, non-byte values in [input],
/// or byte values not defined as a character in the code page,
/// are emitted as U+FFFD (the Unicode invalid character).
/// If not true, the bytes must be calid and defined characters.
String convert(List<int> input, {bool allowInvalid = false});
CodePageEncoder _createEncoder();
int _char(int byte);
/// Creates a decoder from [characters].
/// Recognizes if [characters] contains only characters in the BMP,
/// and creates a [BmpCodePageDecoder] in that case.
CodePageDecoder _createDecoder(String characters) {
var result = Uint32List(256);
var i = 0;
var allChars = 0;
for (var char in characters.runes) {
if (i >= 256) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
characters, "characters", "Must contain 256 characters");
result[i] = char;
allChars |= char;
if (i < 256) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
characters, "characters", "Must contain 256 characters");
if (allChars <= 0xFFFF) {
// It's in the BMP.
return _BmpCodePageDecoder(characters);
return _NonBmpCodePageDecoder._(result);
/// Code page with non-BMP characters.
class _NonBmpCodePageDecoder extends Converter<List<int>, String>
implements CodePageDecoder {
final Uint32List _characters;
_NonBmpCodePageDecoder(String characters) : this._(_buildMapping(characters));
int _char(int byte) => _characters[byte];
static Uint32List _buildMapping(String characters) {
var result = Uint32List(256);
var i = 0;
for (var char in characters.runes) {
if (i >= 256) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
characters, "characters", "Must contain 256 characters");
result[i++] = char;
if (i < 256) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
characters, "characters", "Must contain 256 characters");
return result;
CodePageEncoder _createEncoder() {
var result = <int, int>{};
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
var char = _characters[i];
if (char != 0xFFFD) {
result[char] = i;
return CodePageEncoder._(result);
String convert(List<int> input, {bool allowInvalid = false}) {
var buffer = Uint32List(input.length);
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var byte = input[i];
if (byte & 0xff != byte) throw FormatException("Not a byte", input, i);
buffer[i] = _characters[byte];
return String.fromCharCodes(buffer);
class _BmpCodePageDecoder extends Converter<List<int>, String>
implements CodePageDecoder {
final String _characters;
_BmpCodePageDecoder(String characters) : _characters = characters {
if (characters.length != 256) {
throw ArgumentError.value(characters, "characters",
"Must contain 256 characters. Was ${characters.length}");
int _char(int byte) => _characters.codeUnitAt(byte);
String convert(List<int> bytes, {bool allowInvalid = false}) {
if (allowInvalid) return _convertAllowInvalid(bytes);
var count = bytes.length;
var codeUnits = Uint16List(count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var byte = bytes[i];
if (byte != byte & 0xff) {
throw FormatException("Not a byte value", bytes, i);
var character = _characters.codeUnitAt(byte);
if (character == 0xFFFD) {
throw FormatException("Not defined in this code page", bytes, i);
codeUnits[i] = character;
return String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits);
String _convertAllowInvalid(List<int> bytes) {
var count = bytes.length;
var codeUnits = Uint16List(count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var byte = bytes[i];
int character;
if (byte == byte & 0xff) {
character = _characters.codeUnitAt(byte);
} else {
character = 0xFFFD;
codeUnits[i] = character;
return String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits);
CodePageEncoder _createEncoder() => CodePageEncoder._bmp(_characters);
/// Encoder for a code page.
/// Converts a string into bytes where each byte represents that character
/// according to the code page definition.
class CodePageEncoder extends Converter<String, List<int>> {
final Map<int, int> _encoding;
CodePageEncoder._bmp(String characters)
: _encoding = _createBmpEncoding(characters);
static Map<int, int> _createBmpEncoding(String characters) {
var encoding = <int, int>{};
for (var i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
var char = characters.codeUnitAt(i);
if (char != 0xFFFD) encoding[characters.codeUnitAt(i)] = i;
return encoding;
/// Converts input to the byte encoding in this code page.
/// If [invalidCharacter] is supplied, it must be a byte value
/// (in the range 0..255).
/// If [input] contains characters that are not available
/// in this code page, they are replaced by the [invalidCharacter] byte,
/// and then [invalidCharacter] must have been supplied.
Uint8List convert(String input, {int? invalidCharacter}) {
if (invalidCharacter != null) {
invalidCharacter, 0, 255, "invalidCharacter");
var count = input.length;
var result = Uint8List(count);
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var char = input.codeUnitAt(i);
var byte = _encoding[char];
if (byte == null) {
// Check for surrogate.
var offset = i;
if (char & 0xFC00 == 0xD800 && i + 1 < count) {
var next = input.codeUnitAt(i + 1);
if ((next & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) {
i = i + 1;
char = 0x10000 + ((char & 0x3ff) << 10) + (next & 0x3ff);
byte = _encoding[char];
if (byte != null) break nullCheck;
byte = invalidCharacter ??
(throw FormatException(
"Not a character in this code page", input, offset));
result[j++] = byte;
return Uint8List.sublistView(result, 0, j);