blob: f2a792ac15494e288b487a51368022da2d7b289f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:test/test.dart";
import "package:collection/collection.dart";
void main() {
group("with an empty outer set", () {
var set;
setUp(() {
set = new UnionSet<int>(new Set());
test("length returns 0", () {
expect(set.length, equals(0));
test("contains() returns false", () {
expect(set.contains(0), isFalse);
expect(set.contains(null), isFalse);
expect(set.contains("foo"), isFalse);
test("lookup() returns null", () {
expect(set.lookup(0), isNull);
expect(set.lookup(null), isNull);
expect(set.lookup("foo"), isNull);
test("toSet() returns an empty set", () {
expect(set.toSet(), isEmpty);
expect(set.toSet(), isNot(same(set)));
test("map() doesn't run on any elements", () {
expect( {}, count: 0)), isEmpty);
group("with multiple disjoint sets", () {
var set;
setUp(() {
set = new UnionSet<int>.from([
new Set.from([1, 2]),
new Set.from([3, 4]),
new Set.from([5]),
new Set()
], disjoint: true);
test("length returns the total length", () {
expect(set.length, equals(5));
test("contains() returns whether any set contains the element", () {
expect(set.contains(1), isTrue);
expect(set.contains(4), isTrue);
expect(set.contains(5), isTrue);
expect(set.contains(6), isFalse);
test("lookup() returns elements that are in any set", () {
expect(set.lookup(1), equals(1));
expect(set.lookup(4), equals(4));
expect(set.lookup(5), equals(5));
expect(set.lookup(6), isNull);
test("toSet() returns the union of all the sets", () {
expect(set.toSet(), unorderedEquals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
expect(set.toSet(), isNot(same(set)));
test("map() maps the elements", () {
expect( => i * 2), unorderedEquals([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]));
group("with multiple overlapping sets", () {
var set;
setUp(() {
set = new UnionSet<int>.from([
new Set.from([1, 2, 3]),
new Set.from([3, 4]),
new Set.from([5, 1]),
new Set()
test("length returns the total length", () {
expect(set.length, equals(5));
test("contains() returns whether any set contains the element", () {
expect(set.contains(1), isTrue);
expect(set.contains(4), isTrue);
expect(set.contains(5), isTrue);
expect(set.contains(6), isFalse);
test("lookup() returns elements that are in any set", () {
expect(set.lookup(1), equals(1));
expect(set.lookup(4), equals(4));
expect(set.lookup(5), equals(5));
expect(set.lookup(6), isNull);
test("lookup() returns the first element in an ordered context", () {
var duration1 = new Duration(seconds: 0);
var duration2 = new Duration(seconds: 0);
expect(duration1, equals(duration2));
expect(duration1, isNot(same(duration2)));
var set = new UnionSet.from([
new Set.from([duration1]),
new Set.from([duration2])
expect(set.lookup(new Duration(seconds: 0)), same(duration1));
test("toSet() returns the union of all the sets", () {
expect(set.toSet(), unorderedEquals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
expect(set.toSet(), isNot(same(set)));
test("map() maps the elements", () {
expect( => i * 2), unorderedEquals([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]));
group("after an inner set was modified", () {
var set;
setUp(() {
var innerSet = new Set<int>.from([3, 7]);
set = new UnionSet<int>.from([
new Set.from([1, 2]),
new Set.from([5]),
test("length returns the total length", () {
expect(set.length, equals(5));
test("contains() returns true for a new element", () {
expect(set.contains(4), isTrue);
test("contains() returns false for a removed element", () {
expect(set.contains(7), isFalse);
test("lookup() returns a new element", () {
expect(set.lookup(4), equals(4));
test("lookup() doesn't returns a removed element", () {
expect(set.lookup(7), isNull);
test("toSet() returns the union of all the sets", () {
expect(set.toSet(), unorderedEquals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
expect(set.toSet(), isNot(same(set)));
test("map() maps the elements", () {
expect( => i * 2), unorderedEquals([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]));
group("after the outer set was modified", () {
var set;
setUp(() {
var innerSet = new Set.from([6]);
var outerSet = new Set<Set<int>>.from([
new Set.from([1, 2]),
new Set.from([5]),
set = new UnionSet<int>(outerSet);
outerSet.add(new Set.from([3, 4]));
test("length returns the total length", () {
expect(set.length, equals(5));
test("contains() returns true for a new element", () {
expect(set.contains(4), isTrue);
test("contains() returns false for a removed element", () {
expect(set.contains(6), isFalse);
test("lookup() returns a new element", () {
expect(set.lookup(4), equals(4));
test("lookup() doesn't returns a removed element", () {
expect(set.lookup(6), isNull);
test("toSet() returns the union of all the sets", () {
expect(set.toSet(), unorderedEquals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
expect(set.toSet(), isNot(same(set)));
test("map() maps the elements", () {
expect( => i * 2), unorderedEquals([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]));