blob: ae27f98f8d6a20893fbe38206e2d11594c364fab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tests priority queue implementations utilities.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:collection/src/priority_queue.dart';
void main() {
testInt(() => HeapPriorityQueue<int>());
testCustom((comparator) => HeapPriorityQueue<C>(comparator));
void testDefault() {
test('PriorityQueue() returns a HeapPriorityQueue', () {
expect(PriorityQueue<int>(), TypeMatcher<HeapPriorityQueue<int>>());
testInt(() => PriorityQueue<int>());
testCustom((comparator) => PriorityQueue<C>(comparator));
void testInt(PriorityQueue<int> Function() create) {
for (var count in [1, 5, 127, 128]) {
testQueue('int:$count', create, List<int>.generate(count, (x) => x), count);
void testCustom(
PriorityQueue<C> Function(int Function(C, C)? comparator) create) {
for (var count in [1, 5, 127, 128]) {
testQueue('Custom:$count/null', () => create(null),
List<C>.generate(count, (x) => C(x)), C(count));
testQueue('Custom:$count/compare', () => create(compare),
List<C>.generate(count, (x) => C(x)), C(count));
testQueue('Custom:$count/compareNeg', () => create(compareNeg),
List<C>.generate(count, (x) => C(count - x)), C(0));
/// Test that a queue behaves correctly.
/// The elements must be in priority order, from highest to lowest.
void testQueue(
String name, PriorityQueue Function() create, List elements, notElement) {
test(name, () => testQueueBody(create, elements, notElement));
void testQueueBody<T>(
PriorityQueue<T> Function() create, List<T> elements, notElement) {
var q = create();
expect(q.isEmpty, isTrue);
expect(q, hasLength(0));
expect(() {
}, throwsStateError);
expect(() {
}, throwsStateError);
// Tests removeFirst, first, contains, toList and toSet.
void testElements() {
expect(q.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
expect(q, hasLength(elements.length));
expect(q.toList(), equals(elements));
expect(q.toSet().toList(), equals(elements));
expect(q.toUnorderedList(), unorderedEquals(elements));
expect(q.unorderedElements, unorderedEquals(elements));
var allElements = q.removeAll();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
expect(q.contains(elements[i]), isTrue);
expect(q.contains(notElement), isFalse);
var all = [];
while (q.isNotEmpty) {
var expected = q.first;
var actual = q.removeFirst();
expect(actual, same(expected));
expect(all.length, elements.length);
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
expect(all[i], same(elements[i]));
expect(q.isEmpty, isTrue);
// Add elements in a non-linear order (gray order).
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
int gray;
do {
gray = j ^ (j >> 1);
} while (gray >= elements.length);
// Add elements by picking the middle element first, and then recursing
// on each side.
void addRec(int min, int max) {
var mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1);
if (mid + 1 < max) addRec(mid + 1, max);
if (mid > min) addRec(min, mid);
addRec(0, elements.length);
// Test removeAll.
expect(q, hasLength(elements.length));
var all = q.removeAll();
expect(q.isEmpty, isTrue);
expect(all, hasLength(elements.length));
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
expect(all, contains(elements[i]));
// Test the same element more than once in queue.
expect(q, hasLength(elements.length * 2));
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
expect(q.contains(element), isTrue);
expect(q.removeFirst(), element);
expect(q.removeFirst(), element);
// Test queue with all same element.
var a = elements[0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
expect(q, hasLength(elements.length));
expect(q.contains(a), isTrue);
expect(q.contains(notElement), isFalse);
q.removeAll().forEach((x) => expect(x, same(a)));
// Test remove.
for (var element in elements.reversed) {
expect(q.remove(element), isTrue);
expect(q.isEmpty, isTrue);
void testDuplicates() {
// Check how the heap handles duplicate, or equal-but-not-identical, values.
test('duplicates', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<C>(compare);
var c1 = C(0);
var c2 = C(0);
// Can contain the same element more than once.
expect(c1, equals(c2));
expect(c1, isNot(same(c2)));
expect(q.length, 2);
expect(q.contains(c1), true);
expect(q.contains(c2), true);
expect(q.remove(c2), true);
expect(q.length, 1);
expect(q.removeFirst(), same(c1));
// Can contain equal elements.
expect(q.length, 2);
expect(q.contains(c1), true);
expect(q.contains(c2), true);
expect(q.remove(c1), true);
expect(q.length, 1);
expect(q.first, anyOf(same(c1), same(c2)));
void testNullable() {
// Check that the queue works with a nullable type, and a comparator
// which accepts `null`.
// Compares `null` before instances of `C`.
int nullCompareFirst(C? a, C? b) => a == null
? b == null
? 0
: -1
: b == null
? 1
: compare(a, b);
int nullCompareLast(C? a, C? b) => a == null
? b == null
? 0
: 1
: b == null
? -1
: compare(a, b);
var c1 = C(1);
var c2 = C(2);
var c3 = C(3);
test('nulls first', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<C?>(nullCompareFirst);
expect(q.length, 3);
expect(q.contains(null), true);
expect(q.contains(c1), true);
expect(q.contains(c3), false);
expect(q.removeFirst(), null);
expect(q.length, 2);
expect(q.contains(null), false);
expect(q.length, 3);
expect(q.contains(null), true);
expect(q.length, 4);
expect(q.contains(null), true);
expect(q.remove(null), true);
expect(q.length, 3);
expect(q.toList(), [null, c1, c2]);
test('nulls last', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<C?>(nullCompareLast);
expect(q.length, 3);
expect(q.contains(null), true);
expect(q.contains(c1), true);
expect(q.contains(c3), false);
expect(q.first, c1);
expect(q.length, 4);
expect(q.contains(null), true);
expect(q.length, 5);
expect(q.contains(null), true);
expect(q.remove(null), true);
expect(q.length, 4);
expect(q.toList(), [c1, c2, null, null]);
void testConcurrentModification() {
group('concurrent modification for', () {
test('add', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<int>((a, b) => a - b)
..addAll([6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 8]);
var e = q.unorderedElements;
q.add(12); // Modifiation before creating iterator is not a problem.
var it = e.iterator;
q.add(7); // Modification after creatig iterator is a problem.
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
it = e.iterator; // New iterator is not affected.
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
q.add(9); // Modification during iteration is a problem.
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
test('addAll', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<int>((a, b) => a - b)
..addAll([6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 8]);
var e = q.unorderedElements;
q.addAll([12]); // Modifiation before creating iterator is not a problem.
var it = e.iterator;
q.addAll([7]); // Modification after creatig iterator is a problem.
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
it = e.iterator; // New iterator is not affected.
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
q.addAll([]); // Adding nothing is not a modification.
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
q.addAll([9]); // Modification during iteration is a problem.
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
test('removeFirst', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<int>((a, b) => a - b)
..addAll([6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 8]);
var e = q.unorderedElements;
2); // Modifiation before creating iterator is not a problem.
var it = e.iterator;
3); // Modification after creatig iterator is a problem.
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
it = e.iterator; // New iterator is not affected.
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(q.removeFirst(), 4); // Modification during iteration is a problem.
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
test('remove', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<int>((a, b) => a - b)
..addAll([6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 8]);
var e = q.unorderedElements;
expect(q.remove(3), true);
var it = e.iterator;
expect(q.remove(2), true);
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
it = e.iterator;
expect(q.remove(99), false);
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(q.remove(5), true);
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
test('removeAll', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<int>((a, b) => a - b)
..addAll([6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 8]);
var e = q.unorderedElements;
var it = e.iterator;
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(q.removeAll(), hasLength(6));
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
test('clear', () {
var q = HeapPriorityQueue<int>((a, b) => a - b)
..addAll([6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 8]);
var e = q.unorderedElements;
var it = e.iterator;
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.moveNext(), true);
expect(it.moveNext, throwsConcurrentModificationError);
// Custom class.
// Class is comparable, comparators match normal and inverse order.
int compare(C c1, C c2) => c1.value - c2.value;
int compareNeg(C c1, C c2) => c2.value - c1.value;
class C implements Comparable<C> {
final int value;
const C(this.value);
int get hashCode => value;
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is C && value == other.value;
int compareTo(C other) => value - other.value;
String toString() => 'C($value)';