blob: ab56c3be871db5bb6bfee52f9c7b650e78942ea4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:test/test.dart";
import "package:collection/collection.dart";
void main() {
group("mapMap()", () {
test("with an empty map returns an empty map", () {
key: expectAsync((_, __) {}, count: 0),
value: expectAsync((_, __) {}, count: 0)),
test("with no callbacks, returns a copy of the map", () {
var map = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2};
var result = mapMap(map);
expect(result, equals({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}));
// The resulting map should be a copy.
result["foo"] = 3;
expect(map, equals({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}));
test("maps the map's keys", () {
expect(mapMap({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, key: (key, value) => key[value]),
equals({"o": 1, "r": 2}));
test("maps the map's values", () {
expect(mapMap({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, value: (key, value) => key[value]),
equals({"foo": "o", "bar": "r"}));
test("maps both the map's keys and values", () {
mapMap({"foo": 1, "bar": 2},
key: (key, value) => "$key$value",
value: (key, value) => key[value]),
equals({"foo1": "o", "bar2": "r"}));
group("mergeMaps()", () {
test("with empty maps returns an empty map", () {
expect(mergeMaps({}, {}, value: expectAsync((_, __) {}, count: 0)),
test("returns a map with all values in both input maps", () {
expect(mergeMaps({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"baz": 3, "qux": 4}),
equals({"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3, "qux": 4}));
test("the second map's values win by default", () {
expect(mergeMaps({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"bar": 3, "baz": 4}),
equals({"foo": 1, "bar": 3, "baz": 4}));
test("uses the callback to merge values", () {
expect(mergeMaps({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"bar": 3, "baz": 4},
value: (value1, value2) => value1 + value2),
equals({"foo": 1, "bar": 5, "baz": 4}));
group("groupBy()", () {
test("returns an empty map for an empty iterable", () {
expect(groupBy([], expectAsync((_) {}, count: 0)), isEmpty);
test("groups elements by the function's return value", () {
groupBy(["foo", "bar", "baz", "bop", "qux"], (string) => string[1]),
equals({"o": ["foo", "bop"], "a": ["bar", "baz"], "u": ["qux"]}));
group("minBy()", () {
test("returns null for an empty iterable", () {
minBy([], expectAsync((_) {}, count: 0),
compare: expectAsync((_, __) {}, count: 0)),
test("returns the element for which the ordering function returns the "
"smallest value", () {
[{"foo": 3}, {"foo": 5}, {"foo": 4}, {"foo": 1}, {"foo": 2}],
(map) => map["foo"]),
equals({"foo": 1}));
test("uses a custom comparator if provided", () {
[{"foo": 3}, {"foo": 5}, {"foo": 4}, {"foo": 1}, {"foo": 2}],
(map) => map,
compare: (map1, map2) => map1["foo"].compareTo(map2["foo"])),
equals({"foo": 1}));
group("maxBy()", () {
test("returns null for an empty iterable", () {
maxBy([], expectAsync((_) {}, count: 0),
compare: expectAsync((_, __) {}, count: 0)),
test("returns the element for which the ordering function returns the "
"largest value", () {
[{"foo": 3}, {"foo": 5}, {"foo": 4}, {"foo": 1}, {"foo": 2}],
(map) => map["foo"]),
equals({"foo": 5}));
test("uses a custom comparator if provided", () {
[{"foo": 3}, {"foo": 5}, {"foo": 4}, {"foo": 1}, {"foo": 2}],
(map) => map,
compare: (map1, map2) => map1["foo"].compareTo(map2["foo"])),
equals({"foo": 5}));
group("transitiveClosure()", () {
test("returns an empty map for an empty graph", () {
expect(transitiveClosure({}), isEmpty);
test("returns the input when there are no transitive connections", () {
"foo": ["bar"],
"bar": [],
"bang": ["qux", "zap"],
"qux": [],
"zap": []
}), equals({
"foo": ["bar"],
"bar": [],
"bang": ["qux", "zap"],
"qux": [],
"zap": []
test("flattens transitive connections", () {
"qux": [],
"bar": ["baz"],
"baz": ["qux"],
"foo": ["bar"]
}), equals({
"foo": ["bar", "baz", "qux"],
"bar": ["baz", "qux"],
"baz": ["qux"],
"qux": []
test("handles loops", () {
"foo": ["bar"],
"bar": ["baz"],
"baz": ["foo"]
}), equals({
"foo": ["bar", "baz", "foo"],
"bar": ["baz", "foo", "bar"],
"baz": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
group("stronglyConnectedComponents()", () {
test("returns an empty list for an empty graph", () {
expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({}), isEmpty);
test("returns one set for a singleton graph", () {
expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({"a": []}),
equals([new Set.from(["a"])]));
test("returns two sets for a two-element tree", () {
expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({"a": ["b"], "b": []}),
equals([new Set.from(["a"]), new Set.from(["b"])]));
test("returns one set for a two-element loop", () {
expect(stronglyConnectedComponents({"a": ["b"], "b": ["a"]}),
equals([new Set.from(["a", "b"])]));
test("returns individual vertices for a tree", () {
"foo": ["bar"],
"bar": ["baz", "bang"],
"baz": ["qux"],
"bang": ["zap"],
"qux": [],
"zap": []
}), equals([
// This is expected to return *a* topological ordering, but this isn't
// the only valid one. If the function implementation changes in the
// future, this test may need to be updated.
new Set.from(["foo"]),
new Set.from(["bar"]),
new Set.from(["bang"]),
new Set.from(["zap"]),
new Set.from(["baz"]),
new Set.from(["qux"])
test("returns a single set for a fully cyclic graph", () {
"foo": ["bar"],
"bar": ["baz"],
"baz": ["bang"],
"bang": ["foo"]
}), equals([new Set.from(["foo", "bar", "baz", "bang"])]));
test("returns separate sets for each strongly connected component", () {
"a": ["b"],
"b": ["c", "e", "f"],
"c": ["d", "g"],
"d": ["c", "h"],
"e": ["a", "f"],
"f": ["g"],
"g": ["f"],
"h": ["g", "d"]
}), equals([
// This is expected to return *a* topological ordering, but this isn't
// the only valid one. If the function implementation changes in the
// future, this test may need to be updated.
new Set.from(["a", "b", "e"]),
new Set.from(["c", "d", "h"]),
new Set.from(["f", "g"]),
test("always returns components in topological order", () {
"bar": ["baz", "bang"],
"zap": [],
"baz": ["qux"],
"qux": [],
"foo": ["bar"],
"bang": ["zap"]
}), equals([
// This is expected to return *a* topological ordering, but this isn't
// the only valid one. If the function implementation changes in the
// future, this test may need to be updated.
new Set.from(["foo"]),
new Set.from(["bar"]),
new Set.from(["bang"]),
new Set.from(["zap"]),
new Set.from(["baz"]),
new Set.from(["qux"])