Add MapKeySet and MapValueSet to the collection package.

These classes provide Set views that are implemented as Maps under the


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git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5a6381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## 0.9.3
+* Add a `MapKeySet` class that exposes an unmodifiable `Set` view of a `Map`'s
+  keys.
+* Add a `MapValueSet` class that takes a function from values to keys and uses
+  it to expose a `Set` view of a `Map`'s values.
diff --git a/lib/wrappers.dart b/lib/wrappers.dart
index 0fcc8c2..c9e919d 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers.dart
+++ b/lib/wrappers.dart
@@ -19,19 +19,15 @@
 part "src/unmodifiable_wrappers.dart";
- * Creates an [Iterable] that delegates all operations to a base iterable.
+ * A base class for delegating iterables.
- * This class can be used hide non-`Iterable` methods of an iterable object,
- * or it can be extended to add extra functionality on top of an existing
- * iterable object.
+ * Subclasses can provide a [_base] that should be delegated to. Unlike
+ * [DelegatingIterable], this allows the base to be created on demand.
-class DelegatingIterable<E> implements Iterable<E> {
-  final Iterable<E> _base;
+abstract class _DelegatingIterableBase<E> implements Iterable<E> {
+  Iterable<E> get _base;
-  /**
-   * Create a wrapper that forwards operations to [base].
-   */
-  const DelegatingIterable(Iterable<E> base) : _base = base;
+  const _DelegatingIterableBase();
   bool any(bool test(E element)) => _base.any(test);
@@ -93,6 +89,22 @@
   String toString() => _base.toString();
+ * Creates an [Iterable] that delegates all operations to a base iterable.
+ *
+ * This class can be used hide non-`Iterable` methods of an iterable object,
+ * or it can be extended to add extra functionality on top of an existing
+ * iterable object.
+ */
+class DelegatingIterable<E> extends _DelegatingIterableBase<E> {
+  final Iterable<E> _base;
+  /**
+   * Create a wrapper that forwards operations to [base].
+   */
+  const DelegatingIterable(Iterable<E> base) : _base = base;
  * Creates a [List] that delegates all operations to a base list.
@@ -337,3 +349,219 @@
   String toString() => _base.toString();
+ * An unmodifiable [Set] view of the keys of a [Map].
+ *
+ * The set delegates all operations to the underlying map.
+ *
+ * A `Map` can only contain each key once, so its keys can always
+ * be viewed as a `Set` without any loss, even if the [Map.keys]
+ * getter only shows an [Iterable] view of the keys.
+ *
+ * Note that [lookup] is not supported for this set.
+ */
+class MapKeySet<E> extends _DelegatingIterableBase<E>
+    with UnmodifiableSetMixin<E> {
+  final Map<E, dynamic> _baseMap;
+  MapKeySet(Map<E, dynamic> base) : _baseMap = base;
+  Iterable<E> get _base => _baseMap.keys;
+  bool contains(Object element) => _baseMap.containsKey(element);
+  bool get isEmpty => _baseMap.isEmpty;
+  bool get isNotEmpty => _baseMap.isNotEmpty;
+  int get length => _baseMap.length;
+  String toString() => "{${_base.join(', ')}}";
+  bool containsAll(Iterable<Object> other) => other.every(contains);
+  /**
+   * Returns a new set with the the elements of [this] that are not in [other].
+   *
+   * That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] that are
+   * not elements of [other] according to `other.contains`.
+   *
+   * Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which
+   * may be different than the equality operation [this] uses.
+   */
+  Set<E> difference(Set<E> other) =>
+      where((element) => !other.contains(element)).toSet();
+  /**
+   * Returns a new set which is the intersection between [this] and [other].
+   *
+   * That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] that are
+   * also elements of [other] according to `other.contains`.
+   *
+   * Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which
+   * may be different than the equality operation [this] uses.
+   */
+  Set<E> intersection(Set<Object> other) => where(other.contains).toSet();
+  /**
+   * Throws an [UnsupportedError] since there's no corresponding method for
+   * [Map]s.
+   */
+  E lookup(E element) => throw new UnsupportedError(
+      "MapKeySet doesn't support lookup().");
+  /**
+   * Returns a new set which contains all the elements of [this] and [other].
+   *
+   * That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] and all
+   * the elements of [other].
+   *
+   * Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which
+   * may be different than the equality operation [this] uses.
+   */
+  Set<E> union(Set<E> other) => toSet()..addAll(other);
+ * Creates a modifiable [Set] view of the values of a [Map].
+ * 
+ * The `Set` view assumes that the keys of the `Map` can be uniquely determined
+ * from the values. The `keyForValue` function passed to the constructor finds
+ * the key for a single value. The `keyForValue` function should be consistent
+ * with equality. If `value1 == value2` then `keyForValue(value1)` and
+ * `keyForValue(value2)` should be considered equal keys by the underlying map,
+ * and vice versa.
+ *
+ * Modifying the set will modify the underlying map based on the key returned by
+ * `keyForValue`.
+ *
+ * If the `Map` contents are not compatible with the `keyForValue` function, the
+ * set will not work consistently, and may give meaningless responses or do
+ * inconsistent updates.
+ *
+ * This set can, for example, be used on a map from database record IDs to the
+ * records. It exposes the records as a set, and allows for writing both
+ * `recordSet.add(databaseRecord)` and `recordMap[id]`.
+ *
+ * Effectively, the map will act as a kind of index for the set.
+ */
+class MapValueSet<K, V> extends _DelegatingIterableBase<V> implements Set<V> {
+  final Map<K, V> _baseMap;
+  final Function _keyForValue;
+  /**
+   * Creates a new [MapValueSet] based on [base].
+   *
+   * [keyForValue] returns the key in the map that should be associated with the
+   * given value. The set's notion of equality is identical to the equality of
+   * the return values of [keyForValue].
+   */
+  MapValueSet(Map<K, V> base, K keyForValue(V value))
+      : _baseMap = base,
+        _keyForValue = keyForValue;
+  Iterable<V> get _base => _baseMap.values;
+  bool contains(Object element) {
+    if (element != null && element is! V) return false;
+    return _baseMap.containsKey(_keyForValue(element));
+  }
+  bool get isEmpty => _baseMap.isEmpty;
+  bool get isNotEmpty => _baseMap.isNotEmpty;
+  int get length => _baseMap.length;
+  String toString() => toSet().toString();
+  bool add(V value) {
+    K key = _keyForValue(value);
+    bool result = false;
+    _baseMap.putIfAbsent(key, () {
+      result = true;
+      return value;
+    });
+    return result;
+  }
+  void addAll(Iterable<V> elements) => elements.forEach(add);
+  void clear() => _baseMap.clear();
+  bool containsAll(Iterable<Object> other) => other.every(contains);
+  /**
+   * Returns a new set with the the elements of [this] that are not in [other].
+   *
+   * That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] that are
+   * not elements of [other] according to `other.contains`.
+   *
+   * Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which
+   * may be different than the equality operation [this] uses.
+   */
+  Set<V> difference(Set<V> other) =>
+      where((element) => !other.contains(element)).toSet();
+  /**
+   * Returns a new set which is the intersection between [this] and [other].
+   *
+   * That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] that are
+   * also elements of [other] according to `other.contains`.
+   *
+   * Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which
+   * may be different than the equality operation [this] uses.
+   */
+  Set<V> intersection(Set<Object> other) => where(other.contains).toSet();
+  V lookup(V element) => _baseMap[_keyForValue(element)];
+  bool remove(Object value) {
+    if (value != null && value is! V) return false;
+    var key = _keyForValue(value);
+    if (!_baseMap.containsKey(key)) return false;
+    _baseMap.remove(key);
+    return true;
+  }
+  void removeAll(Iterable<Object> elements) => elements.forEach(remove);
+  void removeWhere(bool test(V element)) {
+    var toRemove = [];
+    _baseMap.forEach((key, value) {
+      if (test(value)) toRemove.add(key);
+    });
+    toRemove.forEach(_baseMap.remove);
+  }
+  void retainAll(Iterable<Object> elements) {
+    var valuesToRetain = new Set<V>.identity();
+    for (var element in elements) {
+      if (element != null && element is! V) continue;
+      var key = _keyForValue(element);
+      if (!_baseMap.containsKey(key)) continue;
+      valuesToRetain.add(_baseMap[key]);
+    }
+    var keysToRemove = [];
+    _baseMap.forEach((k, v) {
+      if (!valuesToRetain.contains(v)) keysToRemove.add(k);
+    });
+    keysToRemove.forEach(_baseMap.remove);
+  }
+  void retainWhere(bool test(V element)) =>
+      removeWhere((element) => !test(element));
+  /**
+   * Returns a new set which contains all the elements of [this] and [other].
+   *
+   * That is, the returned set contains all the elements of this [Set] and all
+   * the elements of [other].
+   *
+   * Note that the returned set will use the default equality operation, which
+   * may be different than the equality operation [this] uses.
+   */
+  Set<V> union(Set<V> other) => toSet()..addAll(other);
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index 58482ce..45cf9b7 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: collection
-version: 0.9.2
+version: 0.9.3-dev
 author: Dart Team <>
 description: Collections and utilities functions and classes related to collections.
diff --git a/test/wrapper_test.dart b/test/wrapper_test.dart
index 86a0ddd..5858aaf 100644
--- a/test/wrapper_test.dart
+++ b/test/wrapper_test.dart
@@ -265,6 +265,178 @@
+  // Runs tests of Set behavior.
+  //
+  // [setUpSet] should return a set with two elements: "foo" and "bar".
+  void testTwoElementSet(Set<String> setUpSet()) {
+    group("with two elements", () {
+      var set;
+      setUp(() => set = setUpSet());
+      test(".any", () {
+        expect(set.any((element) => element == "foo"), isTrue);
+        expect(set.any((element) => element == "baz"), isFalse);
+      });
+      test(".elementAt", () {
+        expect(set.elementAt(0), equals("foo"));
+        expect(set.elementAt(1), equals("bar"));
+        expect(() => set.elementAt(2), throwsRangeError);
+      });
+      test(".every", () {
+        expect(set.every((element) => element == "foo"), isFalse);
+        expect(set.every((element) => element is String), isTrue);
+      });
+      test(".expand", () {
+        expect(set.expand((element) {
+          return [element.substring(0, 1), element.substring(1)];
+        }), equals(["f", "oo", "b", "ar"]));
+      });
+      test(".first", () {
+        expect(set.first, equals("foo"));
+      });
+      test(".firstWhere", () {
+        expect(set.firstWhere((element) => element is String), equals("foo"));
+        expect(set.firstWhere((element) => element.startsWith("b")),
+            equals("bar"));
+        expect(() => set.firstWhere((element) => element is int),
+            throwsStateError);
+        expect(set.firstWhere((element) => element is int, orElse: () => "baz"),
+            equals("baz"));
+      });
+      test(".fold", () {
+        expect(set.fold("start", (previous, element) => previous + element),
+            equals("startfoobar"));
+      });
+      test(".forEach", () {
+        var values = [];
+        set.forEach(values.add);
+        expect(values, equals(["foo", "bar"]));
+      });
+      test(".iterator", () {
+        var values = [];
+        for (var element in set) {
+          values.add(element);
+        }
+        expect(values, equals(["foo", "bar"]));
+      });
+      test(".join", () {
+        expect(set.join(", "), equals("foo, bar"));
+      });
+      test(".last", () {
+        expect(set.last, equals("bar"));
+      });
+      test(".lastWhere", () {
+        expect(set.lastWhere((element) => element is String), equals("bar"));
+        expect(set.lastWhere((element) => element.startsWith("f")),
+            equals("foo"));
+        expect(() => set.lastWhere((element) => element is int),
+            throwsStateError);
+        expect(set.lastWhere((element) => element is int, orElse: () => "baz"),
+            equals("baz"));
+      });
+      test(".map", () {
+        expect( => element.substring(1)),
+            equals(["oo", "ar"]));
+      });
+      test(".reduce", () {
+        expect(set.reduce((previous, element) => previous + element),
+            equals("foobar"));
+      });
+      test(".singleWhere", () {
+        expect(() => set.singleWhere((element) => element == "baz"),
+            throwsStateError);
+        expect(set.singleWhere((element) => element == "foo"),
+            "foo");
+        expect(() => set.singleWhere((element) => element is String),
+            throwsStateError);
+      });
+      test(".skip", () {
+        expect(set.skip(0), equals(["foo", "bar"]));
+        expect(set.skip(1), equals(["bar"]));
+        expect(set.skip(2), equals([]));
+      });
+      test(".skipWhile", () {
+        expect(set.skipWhile((element) => element.startsWith("f")),
+            equals(["bar"]));
+        expect(set.skipWhile((element) => element.startsWith("z")),
+            equals(["foo", "bar"]));
+        expect(set.skipWhile((element) => element is String),
+            equals([]));
+      });
+      test(".take", () {
+        expect(set.take(0), equals([]));
+        expect(set.take(1), equals(["foo"]));
+        expect(set.take(2), equals(["foo", "bar"]));
+      });
+      test(".takeWhile", () {
+        expect(set.takeWhile((element) => element.startsWith("f")),
+            equals(["foo"]));
+        expect(set.takeWhile((element) => element.startsWith("z")),
+            equals([]));
+        expect(set.takeWhile((element) => element is String),
+            equals(["foo", "bar"]));
+      });
+      test(".toList", () {
+        expect(set.toList(), equals(["foo", "bar"]));
+        expect(() => set.toList(growable: false).add("baz"),
+            throwsUnsupportedError);
+        expect(set.toList()..add("baz"), equals(["foo", "bar", "baz"]));
+      });
+      test(".toSet", () {
+        expect(set.toSet(), equals(new Set.from(["foo", "bar"])));
+      });
+      test(".where", () {
+        expect(set.where((element) => element.startsWith("f")),
+            equals(["foo"]));
+        expect(set.where((element) => element.startsWith("z")), equals([]));
+        expect(set.where((element) => element is String),
+            equals(["foo", "bar"]));
+      });
+      test(".containsAll", () {
+        expect(set.containsAll(["foo", "bar"]), isTrue);
+        expect(set.containsAll(["foo"]), isTrue);
+        expect(set.containsAll(["foo", "bar", "qux"]), isFalse);
+      });
+      test(".difference", () {
+        expect(set.difference(new Set.from(["foo", "baz"])),
+            equals(new Set.from(["bar"])));
+      });
+      test(".intersection", () {
+        expect(set.intersection(new Set.from(["foo", "baz"])),
+            equals(new Set.from(["foo"])));
+      });
+      test(".union", () {
+        expect(set.union(new Set.from(["foo", "baz"])),
+            equals(new Set.from(["foo", "bar", "baz"])));
+      });
+    });
+  }
   test("Iterable", () {
     testIterable(new IterableExpector());
@@ -284,4 +456,209 @@
   test("Map", () {
     testMap(new MapExpector());
+  group("MapKeySet", () {
+    var map;
+    var set;
+    setUp(() {
+      map = new Map<String, int>();
+      set = new MapKeySet<String>(map);
+    });
+    testTwoElementSet(() {
+      map["foo"] = 1;
+      map["bar"] = 2;
+      return set;
+    });
+    test(".single", () {
+      expect(() => set.single, throwsStateError);
+      map["foo"] = 1;
+      expect(set.single, equals("foo"));
+      map["bar"] = 1;
+      expect(() => set.single, throwsStateError);
+    });
+    test(".toString", () {
+      expect(set.toString(), equals("{}"));
+      map["foo"] = 1;
+      map["bar"] = 2;
+      expect(set.toString(), equals("{foo, bar}"));
+    });
+    test(".contains", () {
+      expect(set.contains("foo"), isFalse);
+      map["foo"] = 1;
+      expect(set.contains("foo"), isTrue);
+    });
+    test(".isEmpty", () {
+      expect(set.isEmpty, isTrue);
+      map["foo"] = 1;
+      expect(set.isEmpty, isFalse);
+    });
+    test(".isNotEmpty", () {
+      expect(set.isNotEmpty, isFalse);
+      map["foo"] = 1;
+      expect(set.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
+    });
+    test(".length", () {
+      expect(set, hasLength(0));
+      map["foo"] = 1;
+      expect(set, hasLength(1));
+      map["bar"] = 2;
+      expect(set, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test("is unmodifiable", () {
+      expect(() => set.add("baz"), throwsUnsupportedError);
+      expect(() => set.addAll(["baz", "bang"]), throwsUnsupportedError);
+      expect(() => set.remove("foo"), throwsUnsupportedError);
+      expect(() => set.removeAll(["baz", "bang"]), throwsUnsupportedError);
+      expect(() => set.retainAll(["foo"]), throwsUnsupportedError);
+      expect(() => set.removeWhere((_) => true), throwsUnsupportedError);
+      expect(() => set.retainWhere((_) => true), throwsUnsupportedError);
+      expect(() => set.clear(), throwsUnsupportedError);
+    });
+  });
+  group("MapValueSet", () {
+    var map;
+    var set;
+    setUp(() {
+      map = new Map<String, String>();
+      set = new MapValueSet<String, String>(map,
+          (string) => string.substring(0, 1));
+    });
+    testTwoElementSet(() {
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      return set;
+    });
+    test(".single", () {
+      expect(() => set.single, throwsStateError);
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      expect(set.single, equals("foo"));
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      expect(() => set.single, throwsStateError);
+    });
+    test(".toString", () {
+      expect(set.toString(), equals("{}"));
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      expect(set.toString(), equals("{foo, bar}"));
+    });
+    test(".contains", () {
+      expect(set.contains("foo"), isFalse);
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      expect(set.contains("foo"), isTrue);
+      expect(set.contains("fblthp"), isTrue);
+    });
+    test(".isEmpty", () {
+      expect(set.isEmpty, isTrue);
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      expect(set.isEmpty, isFalse);
+    });
+    test(".isNotEmpty", () {
+      expect(set.isNotEmpty, isFalse);
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      expect(set.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
+    });
+    test(".length", () {
+      expect(set, hasLength(0));
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      expect(set, hasLength(1));
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      expect(set, hasLength(2));
+    });
+    test(".lookup", () {
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      expect(set.lookup("fblthp"), equals("foo"));
+      expect(set.lookup("bar"), isNull);
+    });
+    test(".add", () {
+      set.add("foo");
+      set.add("bar");
+      expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "b": "bar"}));
+    });
+    test(".addAll", () {
+      set.addAll(["foo", "bar"]);
+      expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "b": "bar"}));
+    });
+    test(".clear", () {
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      set.clear();
+      expect(map, isEmpty);
+    });
+    test(".remove", () {
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      set.remove("fblthp");
+      expect(map, equals({"b": "bar"}));
+    });
+    test(".removeAll", () {
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      map["q"] = "qux";
+      set.removeAll(["fblthp", "qux"]);
+      expect(map, equals({"b": "bar"}));
+    });
+    test(".removeWhere", () {
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      map["q"] = "qoo";
+      set.removeWhere((element) => element.endsWith("o"));
+      expect(map, equals({"b": "bar"}));
+    });
+    test(".retainAll", () {
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      map["q"] = "qux";
+      set.retainAll(["fblthp", "qux"]);
+      expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "q": "qux"}));
+    });
+    test(".retainAll respects an unusual notion of equality", () {
+      map = new HashMap<String, String>(
+          equals: (value1, value2) =>
+              value1.toLowerCase() == value2.toLowerCase(),
+          hashCode: (value) => value.toLowerCase().hashCode);
+      set = new MapValueSet<String, String>(map,
+          (string) => string.substring(0, 1));
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["B"] = "bar";
+      map["Q"] = "qux";
+      set.retainAll(["fblthp", "qux"]);
+      expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "Q": "qux"}));
+    });
+    test(".retainWhere", () {
+      map["f"] = "foo";
+      map["b"] = "bar";
+      map["q"] = "qoo";
+      set.retainWhere((element) => element.endsWith("o"));
+      expect(map, equals({"f": "foo", "q": "qoo"}));
+    });
+  });