blob: 8d0e3e22a1069ee462e07c4281aeef54c2dc341a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* @description
import "dart:html";
import "../../testharness.dart";
const String htmlEL2 = r'''
<p>This test checks various characters that should always be zero width to ensure that they are when enclosed by complex script characters.
The WebKit text system ensures this in a way that's independent of the fonts installed on the system.</p>
<p id="result">FAIL: Script did not run to completion.</p>
<span id="characters">&#x0915;&#x093E;&#x0916;</span></p>
int testChar(a, b, ch) {
// Strings a and b selected here do not have any 'interaction' between them.
var span = document.getElementById("characters"); = a + b;
var abWidth = span.offsetWidth; = a;
var aWidth = span.offsetWidth; = a + new String.fromCharCode(ch) + b;
var abWithChWidth = span.offsetWidth;
if (abWithChWidth > abWidth)
return 1;
if (abWidth > aWidth)
return 0;
return 1;
int testWithZeroWidthSpace(String a, String b) {
int failedCount=0;
for (var i = 1; i < 32; ++i)
if (i != 9 && i != 10 && i != 13)
failedCount += testChar(a, b, i);
for (var i = 0x7F; i < 0xA0; ++i)
failedCount += testChar(a, b, i);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0xAD);
// ZWJ (U+200C) and ZWNJ (U+200D) are excluded because they
// can affect the rendering in complex script text.
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0x200B);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0x200E);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0x200F);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0x202A);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0x202B);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0x202C);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0x202D);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0x202E);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0xFEFF);
failedCount += testChar(a, b, 0xFFFC);
return failedCount;
void runTests(e) {
var failedDevanagariCount = testWithZeroWidthSpace("\u0915\u093E", "\u0916");
var failedArabicCount = testWithZeroWidthSpace("\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u0648\u0633\u0637\u0020\u200B\u200B\u0647\u0648\u0020\u0020", "\u0647\u0648\u0020");
shouldBe(failedDevanagariCount, 0,
"$failedDevanagariCount characters had non-zero width or failed to get measured when test with Devanagari");
shouldBe(failedArabicCount, 0,
"$failedArabicCount characters had non-zero width or failed to get measured when test with Arabic");
document.getElementById("result").firstChild.text = "PASS: All characters had zero-width.";
void main() {
document.body.appendHtml(htmlEL2, treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());