blob: 6acf448e9e49cc809cb289462ef9f82eb331b26d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* @description This is a test for window.find().
import "../../testharness.dart";
bool windowFind(String string, [bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrap, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog]) {
return window.find(string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog);
void main() {
Text diag=new Text("This is a test for window.find(). Failure!");
// Need to force layout for window.find() to operate correctly.
var forceLayout = document.body.offsetHeight;
shouldBeFalse(windowFind('nonsense'), 'found: nonsense');
// -- failure when flipping
// case sensitivity back-to-back.
shouldBeFalse(windowFind('nonsense', true), 'found: nonsense');
shouldBeFalse(windowFind('nonsense', false), 'found: nonsense');
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('for'), 'not found: for');
shouldBeFalse(windowFind('for'), 'found: for');
// Go backwards.
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('test', true, true, false), 'not found: test');
shouldBeFalse(windowFind('for', true, true, false), 'found: for');
// Backwards and case sensitivity.
shouldBeFalse(windowFind('this', true, true, false), 'found: this');
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('This', true, true, false), 'not found: This');
// Wrap-around forwards.
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('for', true, false, true), 'not found: for');
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('for', true, false, true), 'not found: for');
// Wrap-around backwards.
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('for', true, true, true), 'not found: for');
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('for', true, true, true), 'not found: for');
// Case sensitivity, forwards.
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('for', true, false, true), 'not found: for');
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('fOR', false, false, true), 'not found: for');
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('for', false, false, true), 'not found: for');
shouldBeTrue(windowFind('for', true, false, true), 'not found: for');
shouldBeFalse(windowFind('FOR', true, false, true), 'found: FOR');
diag.text="This is a test for window.find(). SUCCESS!";