blob: 51d478432b920a1fa4d7edcdf89d0bab786a5248 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* @description Letter spacing and Ligature
import "../../testharness.dart";
const String htmlEL1 = '''
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
@font-face {
font-family: megalopolis;
src: url($testSuiteRoot/third_party/MEgalopolis/MEgalopolisExtra.woff) format("woff");
.dligDiv {
-moz-font-feature-settings:"frac" 1, "dlig" 1;
-moz-font-feature-settings:"frac=1, dlig=1";
-ms-font-feature-settings:"frac" 1, "dlig" 1;
-o-font-feature-settings:"frac" 1, "dlig" 1;
-webkit-font-feature-settings:"frac" 1, "dlig" 1;
font-feature-settings:"frac" 1, "dlig" 1;
.common {
font-size: 24px;
line-height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
font-family: megalopolis;
p { font-family: serif; font-style: italic; }
const String htmlEL2 = r'''
<div class="dligDiv common">
<span class="dligSpan">CACACACA</span>
<div class="common">
<span class="letterSpace">CACACACA</span>
void testLetterSpaceAndLigature(e) {
var elementWidthWithLigatureAndLetterSpacing = (document.getElementsByClassName("dligSpan")[0] as Element).getBoundingClientRect().width;
var elementWidthWithLetterSpacing = (document.getElementsByClassName("letterSpace")[0] as Element).getBoundingClientRect().width;
"Ligature not applied due to letter spacing.");
void main() {
document.head.appendHtml(htmlEL1, treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
document.body.appendHtml(htmlEL2, treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
// setup({ explicit_done: true });