blob: 9c563b7f72c7f28083643e3e26ef0d7adab28f9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* @description
import "../../../testharness.dart";
import "parsing-test-utils.dart";
void main() {
description('Testing parsing of the shape-outside property.');
// The test functions and globals used here are defined in parsing-test-utils.dart.
validShapeValues.forEach((elt) {
var value = (elt is List) ? elt[0] : elt;
var expectedValue = (elt is List) ? elt[1] : elt;
var computedValue = (elt is List && elt.length > 2) ? elt[2] : expectedValue;
testShapeSpecifiedProperty("shape-outside", value, expectedValue);
testShapeComputedProperty("shape-outside", value, computedValue);
testLocalURLShapeProperty("shape-outside", "url('image')", "url(image)");
invalidShapeValues.forEach((value) {
testShapePropertyParsingFailure("shape-outside", value, "none");
[// [property, parentValue, childValue, expectedValue]
["-webkit-shape-outside", "none", "circle(30px at 10px 20px)", "parent: none, child: circle(30px at 10px 20px)"],
["-webkit-shape-outside", "circle(30px at 10px 20px)", "initial", "parent: circle(30px at 10px 20px), child: none"],
["-webkit-shape-outside", "circle(30px at 10px 20px)", "", "parent: circle(30px at 10px 20px), child: none"],
["-webkit-shape-outside", "circle(30px at 10px 20px)", "inherit", "parent: circle(30px at 10px 20px), child: circle(30px at 10px 20px)"],
["shape-outside", "", "inherit", "parent: none, child: none"],
["shape-outside", "none", "inherit", "parent: none, child: none"]]