blob: de232804b291a8bbdc974bf5fa048082e6dbb473 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* @description 'columns' property with 'auto' and something else
import "dart:html";
import "../../testharness.dart";
const String htmlEL2 = r'''
<div id="element"></div>
List<List> tests =
[["-webkit-columns:auto 3;", "auto", "3", "auto 3"],
["-webkit-columns:auto 10em;", "10em", "auto", "10em auto"],
["-webkit-columns:3 auto;", "auto", "3", "auto 3"],
["-webkit-columns:10em auto;", "10em", "auto", "10em auto"],
["-webkit-columns:7 7em; -webkit-columns:auto auto auto;", "7em", "7", "7em 7"],
["-webkit-columns:7 7em; -webkit-columns:10em auto auto;", "7em", "7", "7em 7"],
["-webkit-columns:7 7em; -webkit-columns:auto;", "auto", "auto", "auto auto"],
["-webkit-columns:7 7em; -webkit-columns:auto auto;", "auto", "auto", "auto auto"],
["-webkit-columns:auto; -webkit-columns:initial;", "initial", "initial", "initial"],
["-webkit-columns:auto; -webkit-columns:initial initial;", "auto", "auto", "auto auto"],
["-webkit-columns:auto; -webkit-columns:inherit;", "inherit", "inherit", "inherit"],
["-webkit-columns:auto; -webkit-columns:inherit inherit;", "auto", "auto", "auto auto"],
["-webkit-columns:7;", "auto", "7", "auto 7"],
["-webkit-columns:7em;", "7em", "auto", "7em auto"]];
void test1(List testData) {
Element element = document.getElementById("element"); = testData[0];
shouldBe(, testData[1], "Wrong columnWidth for <" + testData[0] + ">");
shouldBe(, testData[2], "Wrong columnCount for <" + testData[0] + ">");
shouldBe(, testData[3], "Wrong columns for <" + testData[0] + ">");
void main() {
description("Test the behavior when 'auto' is part of the 'columns' property value. See");
document.body.appendHtml(htmlEL2, treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
Element element = document.getElementById("element");
if ('-webkit-columns')) {
for (List testData in tests) {