blob: bef2cff79aad2f66ab53522e323efe081c9cb8bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @description Test the Blob constructor.
* @static-warning
import "dart:html";
import "dart:typed_data";
import "../../testcommon.dart";
import "../../../Utils/async_utils.dart";
main() {
// Test the different ways you can construct a Blob.
shouldBeTrue(new Blob([]) is Blob);
shouldBeTrue(new Blob(['hello']) is Blob);
shouldBeTrue(new Blob(['hello'], 'text/html') is Blob);
shouldBeTrue(new Blob(['hello'], 'text/html', 'native') is Blob);
shouldBeTrue(new Blob(['hello'], 'text/html', 'transparent') is Blob);
// Test invalid blob parts.
shouldThrow(() => new Blob('hello'));
shouldThrow(() => new Blob(0));
// Test valid blob parts.
shouldBeTrue(new Blob([]) is Blob);
shouldBeTrue(new Blob(['stringPrimitive']) is Blob);
shouldBeTrue(new Blob([new Blob([])]) is Blob);
shouldBeTrue(new Blob([new Blob([new Blob([])])]) is Blob);
// Test some invalid property bags.
shouldThrow(() => new Blob([], 'hello', 'illegalValue'));
debug('non ASCII type');
shouldThrow(() => new Blob([], 'hello\u00EE')); // type property must consist of ASCII characters.');
// Test that the type/size is correctly added to the Blob.
shouldBe((new Blob([], 'text/html')).type, 'text/html');
shouldBe((new Blob([], 'text/html')).size, 0);
debug('type with charset');
shouldBe((new Blob([], 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8')).type, 'text/plain;charset=utf-8');
// Test ArrayBufferView parameters.
shouldBe(new Blob([new Uint8List(100)]).size, 100);
shouldBe(new Blob([new Uint8ClampedList(100)]).size, 100);
shouldBe(new Blob([new Uint16List(100)]).size, 200);
shouldBe(new Blob([new Uint32List(100)]).size, 400);
shouldBe(new Blob([new Int8List(100)]).size, 100);
shouldBe(new Blob([new Int16List(100)]).size, 200);
shouldBe(new Blob([new Int32List(100)]).size, 400);
shouldBe(new Blob([new Float32List(100)]).size, 400);
shouldBe(new Blob([new Float64List(100)]).size, 800);
// Test ArrayBuffer parameters.
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Uint8List(100)).buffer]).size, 100);
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Uint8ClampedList(100)).buffer]).size, 100);
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Uint16List(100)).buffer]).size, 200);
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Uint32List(100)).buffer]).size, 400);
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Int8List(100)).buffer]).size, 100);
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Int16List(100)).buffer]).size, 200);
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Int32List(100)).buffer]).size, 400);
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Float32List(100)).buffer]).size, 400);
shouldBe(new Blob([(new Float64List(100)).buffer]).size, 800);