blob: efcf61dcfaf04dc05f8a8e84f21f1f459e38aae8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @description This test checks the basic functionality of NodeIterator.
import "dart:html";
import "../../../../Utils/expect.dart";
//import "../../../testcommon.dart";
import "../../../resources/testharness.dart";
main() {
// Tree order: #a -> "b" -> #c -> #d -> "e" -> #f -> "g" -> <!--h--> -> "i" -> <!--j-->.
var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'a';
div.innerHtml = 'b<div id="c"><div id="d">e<span id="f">g<!--h--></span>i</div><!--j--></div>';
return div;
test(() {
var root = createSampleDOM();
var iterator = new NodeIterator(root, 0xFFFFFFFF);
assert_true(iterator is NodeIterator);
assert_equals(iterator.root, root);
assert_equals(iterator.referenceNode, root);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, true);
assert_equals(iterator.whatToShow, 0xFFFFFFFF);
//assert_equals(iterator.filter, null);
}, 'Construct a NodeIterator by document.createNodeIterator().');
// |expected| should be an object indicating the expected type of node.
assert_node(actual, expected)
// have to use more strict type assertions for dart,
// since type checking is with runtimeType,
// ex. DivElement instead of Element
assert_equals(actual.runtimeType, expected['type']);
if (expected.containsKey('id'))
assert_equals(, expected['id']);
if (expected.containsKey('nodeValue'))
assert_equals(actual.nodeValue, expected['nodeValue']);
// |expectedNodes| should be an array of objects that can be passed to |assert_node|.
testIteratorForwardAndBackward(iterator, expectedNodes)
assert_equals(iterator.referenceNode, iterator.root);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, true);
// Going forward.
var index = 0;
var node;
while ((node = iterator.nextNode()) != null) {
assert_node(node, expectedNodes[index]);
assert_node(iterator.referenceNode, expectedNodes[index]);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, false);
assert_equals(index, expectedNodes.length);
assert_equals(node, null);
assert_node(iterator.referenceNode, expectedNodes[expectedNodes.length - 1]);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, false);
// Going backward.
while ((node = iterator.previousNode()) != null) {
assert_node(node, expectedNodes[index]);
assert_node(iterator.referenceNode, expectedNodes[index]);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, true);
assert_equals(index, -1);
assert_equals(node, null);
assert_node(iterator.referenceNode, expectedNodes[0]);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, true);
var expectedAll = [
{ 'type': DivElement, 'id': 'a' },
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'b' },
{ 'type': DivElement, 'id': 'c' },
{ 'type': DivElement, 'id': 'd' },
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'e' },
{ 'type': SpanElement, 'id': 'f' },
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'g' },
{ 'type': Comment, 'nodeValue': 'h' },
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'i' },
{ 'type': Comment, 'nodeValue': 'j' },
test(() {
var iterator = new NodeIterator(createSampleDOM(), 0xFFFFFFFF);
testIteratorForwardAndBackward(iterator, expectedAll);
}, 'Iterate over all nodes forward then backward.');
test(() {
var expected = [
{ 'type': DivElement, 'id': 'a' },
{ 'type': DivElement, 'id': 'c' },
{ 'type': DivElement, 'id': 'd' },
{ 'type': SpanElement, 'id': 'f' },
var iterator = new NodeIterator(createSampleDOM(), NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
testIteratorForwardAndBackward(iterator, expected);
}, 'Iterate over all elements forward then backward.');
test(() {
var expected = [
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'b' },
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'e' },
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'g' },
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'i' },
var iterator = new NodeIterator(createSampleDOM(), NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
testIteratorForwardAndBackward(iterator, expected);
}, 'Iterate over all text nodes forward then backward.');
test(() {
var expected = [
{ 'type': Comment, 'nodeValue': 'h' },
{ 'type': Comment, 'nodeValue': 'j' },
var iterator = new NodeIterator(createSampleDOM(), NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT);
testIteratorForwardAndBackward(iterator, expected);
}, 'Iterate over all comment nodes forward then backward.');
test(() {
var iterator = new NodeIterator(createSampleDOM(), 0);
assert_equals(iterator.referenceNode, iterator.root);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, true);
assert_equals(iterator.nextNode(), null);
assert_equals(iterator.referenceNode, iterator.root);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, true);
assert_equals(iterator.previousNode(), null);
assert_equals(iterator.referenceNode, iterator.root);
assert_equals(iterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode, true);
}, 'Test the behavior of NodeIterator when no nodes match with the given filter.');
// no such ctor in dart: NodeIterator(node,int,filter)
test(() {
var expected = [
{ 'type': Text, 'nodeValue': 'e' },
{ 'type': Element, 'id': 'f' },
{ 'type': Comment, 'nodeValue': 'j' },
var filter = (node) {
if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && == 'f' ||
node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue == 'e' ||
node.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE && node.nodeValue == 'j') {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
var iterator = new NodeIterator(createSampleDOM(),
NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, filter);
testIteratorForwardAndBackward(iterator, expected);
}, 'Test the behavior of NodeIterator when NodeFilter is specified.');
// no such ctor in dart: NodeIterator(node,int,filter,...)
test(() {
var filter = (node) {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
[true, false].forEach((expandEntityReferences) {
var iterator = new NodeIterator(createSampleDOM(),
NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, filter, expandEntityReferences);
assert_true(iterator is NodeIterator);
testIteratorForwardAndBackward(iterator, expectedAll);
}, 'Test that the fourth argument (expandEntityReferences) is ignored.');