blob: b8a8158c0f76cc9cdad66b006f075514247eaf31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @description This tests that [attr=value] CSS selectors are case sensitive
* depending on attr
import "dart:html";
import "../../testcommon.dart";
import "../../../Utils/async_utils.dart";
import "pwd.dart";
main() {
// List of all HTML4 attrs
// true = case sensitive
var htmlAttrs = {
"abbr" : true,
"accept-charset" : false,
"accept" : false,
"accesskey" : true,
"action" : true,
"align" : false,
"alink" : false,
"alt" : true,
"archive" : true,
"axis" : false,
"background" : true,
"bgcolor" : false,
"border" : true,
"cellpadding" : true,
"cellspacing" : true,
"char" : true,
"charoff" : true,
"charset" : false,
"checked" : false,
"cite" : true,
"class" : true,
"classid" : true,
"clear" : false,
"code" : true,
"codebase" : true,
"codetype" : false,
"color" : false,
"cols" : true,
"colspan" : true,
"compact" : false,
"content" : true,
"coords" : true,
"data" : true,
"datetime" : true,
"declare" : false,
"defer" : false,
"dir" : false,
"disabled" : false,
"enctype" : false,
"face" : false,
"for" : true,
"frame" : false,
"frameborder" : true,
"headers" : true,
"height" : true,
"href" : true,
"hreflang" : false,
"hspace" : true,
"http-equiv" : false,
"id" : true,
"ismap" : true,
"label" : true,
"lang" : false,
"language" : false,
"link" : false,
"longdesc" : true,
"marginheight" : true,
"marginwidth" : true,
"maxlength" : true,
"media" : false,
"method" : false,
"multiple" : false,
"name" : true,
"nohref" : false,
"noresize" : false,
"noshade" : false,
"nowrap" : false,
"object" : true,
"onblur" : true,
"onchange" : true,
"onclick" : true,
"ondblclick" : true,
"onfocus" : true,
"onkeydown" : true,
"onkeypress" : true,
"onkeyup" : true,
"onload" : true,
"onmousedown" : true,
"onmousemove" : true,
"onmouseout" : true,
"onmouseover" : true,
"onmouseup" : true,
"onreset" : true,
"onselect" : true,
"onsubmit" : true,
"onunload" : true,
"profile" : true,
"prompt" : true,
"readonly" : false,
"rel" : false,
"rev" : false,
"rows" : true,
"rowspan" : true,
"rules" : false,
"scheme" : true,
"scope" : false,
"scrolling" : false,
"selected" : false,
"shape" : false,
"size" : true,
"span" : true,
"src" : true,
"standby" : true,
"start" : true,
"style" : true,
"summary" : true,
"tabindex" : true,
"target" : false,
"text" : false,
"title" : true,
"type" : false,
"usemap" : true,
"valign" : false,
"value" : true,
"valuetype" : false,
"version" : true,
"vlink" : false,
"vspace" : true,
"width" : true
isCaseSensitive(attrName) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.append(new Text("br { color: red; float: right; border-color: red; }\n"));
style.append(new Text("br[" + attrName + "=foo] { color: blue; }\n"));
style.append(new Text("br[" + attrName + "~=foo] { float: left; }\n"));
style.append(new Text("br[" + attrName + "|=foo] { border-left-color: green; }\n"));
style.append(new Text("br[" + attrName + "^=foo] { border-right-color: pink; }\n"));
style.append(new Text("br[" + attrName + r"$=foo] { border-top-color: orange; }\n"));
style.append(new Text("br[" + attrName + "*=foo] { border-bottom-color: black; }\n"));
var testElement = document.createElement("br");
testElement.setAttribute(attrName, "FOO");
var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(testElement, '');
var isCaseInsensitive = (computedStyle.getPropertyValue("color") == "rgb(0, 0, 255)");
if ((computedStyle.getPropertyValue("float") == "left") != isCaseInsensitive)
testFailed("~=foo and =foo for " + attrName + " did not match with same case sensitivity");
if ((computedStyle.getPropertyValue("border-left-color") == "rgb(0, 128, 0)") != isCaseInsensitive)
testFailed("|=foo and =foo for " + attrName + " did not match with same case sensitivity");
if ((computedStyle.getPropertyValue("border-right-color") == "rgb(255, 192, 203)") != isCaseInsensitive)
testFailed("^=foo and =foo for " + attrName + " did not match with same case sensitivity");
if ((computedStyle.getPropertyValue("border-top-color") == "rgb(255, 165, 0)") != isCaseInsensitive)
testFailed(r"$=foo and =foo for " + attrName + " did not match with same case sensitivity");
if ((computedStyle.getPropertyValue("border-bottom-color") == "rgb(0, 0, 0)") != isCaseInsensitive)
testFailed("*=foo and =foo for " + attrName + " did not match with same case sensitivity");
// clean up
return !isCaseInsensitive;
for (var attr in htmlAttrs.keys) {
shouldBe(isCaseSensitive(attr), htmlAttrs[attr]);
// test a nonexistent attr
shouldBe(isCaseSensitive("foobar"), true);