blob: b4d4d6c9e7ccc81ca9cd5546f0a1b640bd4007ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion The semantics of such an enum declaration, E, is defined as
/// introducing a (semantic) class, C, just like a similar class declaration.
/// ...
/// Superclass: The superclass of C is an implementation-specific built-in class
/// EnumImpl, with the mixins declared by E applied. (The EnumImpl class may be
/// the Enum class itself or it may be another class which extends or implements
/// Enum, but as seen from a non-platform library the interface of EnumImpl is
/// the same as that of Enum, and its methods work as specified for Enum )
/// If E is declared as enum Name with Mixin1, Mixin2 … then the superclass of C
/// is the mixin application EnumImpl with Mixin1, Mixin2.
/// It’s a compile-time error if such a mixin application introduces any
/// instance variables. We need to be able to call an implementation specific
/// superclass const constructor of Enum, and a mixin application of a mixin
/// with a field does not make its forwarding constructor const. Currently
/// that’s the only restriction, but if we add further restrictions on mixin
/// applications having const forwarding constructors, those should also apply
/// here.
/// @description Check that superclass of `C` is the mixin application
/// `EnumImpl` with `Mixin1`, `Mixin2`.
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
mixin M1 on Object {
int mixedInMethod1(int v) => v;
mixin M2 on Enum {
int mixedInMethod2(int i) => index + i;
enum E with M1, M2 {
e1(1, 1),
e2(2, 2),
e3(3, 3);
final int val1;
final int val2;
const E(this.val1, this.val2);
int get test1 => super.mixedInMethod1(val1);
int get test2 => super.mixedInMethod2(val2);
main() {
Expect.equals(1, E.e1.test1);
Expect.equals(1, E.e1.test2);
Expect.equals(2, E.e2.test1);
Expect.equals(3, E.e2.test2);
Expect.equals(3, E.e3.test1);
Expect.equals(5, E.e3.test2);