blob: 5c7bbb456d7305bbc7a91aa0fa6522aa267e9cf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// @assertion Finally, we define inference on a setOrMapLiteral collection as
/// follows:
/// ...
/// Otherwise, collection is still ambiguous, the downwards context for the
/// elements of collection is ?, and the disambiguation is done using the
/// immediate elements of collection as follows:
/// ...
/// If all elements can be a map, and at least one element must be a map, then e
/// is a map literal with static type Map<K, V> where K is the least upper bound
/// of the key types of the elements and V is the least upper bound of the value
/// types.
/// @description Checks that if all elements can be a map, and at least one
/// element must be a map, then e is a map literal with static type Map<K, V>
/// where K is the least upper bound of the key types of the elements and V is
/// the least upper bound of the value types.
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
main() {
dynamic d1 = 1;
dynamic d2 = 2;
var m = {d1: d2, 3: 4};
Expect.isTrue(m is Map<dynamic, dynamic>);
Expect.isFalse(m is Map<int, int>);
Expect.runtimeIsType<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>(m);
Expect.runtimeIsNotType<Map<int, int>>(m);