blob: 84961b745bc5b26caa8677802ea8ce02eb9b7044 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion For set literals with element type T, the static type is always
/// Set<T>, but static analysis will reject an assignment of a non-constant set
/// literal to a type that is not a super-type of LinkedHashSet<T> (an implicit
/// down-cast below the type LinkedHashSet<T>), and of a constant set literal to
/// a type that is not a super-type of Set<T> (that is, any implicit down-cast).
/// @description Check that static analysis will reject an assignment of a
/// non-constant set literal to a type that is not a super-type of
/// LinkedHashSet<T>
/// @author
import "dart:collection";
class C<T> with SetMixin<T> implements LinkedHashSet<T> {
factory C({bool equals(T e1, T e2)?,
int hashCode(T e)?,
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)?}) => throw "Should not reach here";
bool add(T value) => throw "Should not reach here";
T lookup(Object? element) => throw "Should not reach here";
bool remove(Object? value) => throw "Should not reach here";
bool contains(Object? element) => throw "Should not reach here";
Set<T> toSet() => throw "Should not reach here";
Iterator<T> get iterator => throw "Should not reach here";
int get length => throw "Should not reach here";
main() {
C<int> c1 = <int> {};
// ^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Set<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'C<int>'.
C<int> c2 = {3, 1, 4,};
// ^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Set<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'C<int>'.
C c3 = {3, 1, 4,};
// ^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Set<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'C<dynamic>'.
dynamic d;
C c4 = {3, 1, 4, null, d};
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Set<dynamic>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'C<dynamic>'.