blob: 36a49eb1226d3e87586593681bcf8276a724a4b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion We propose the following to also be allowed:
/// enum Name<T> with Mixin1, Mixin2 implements Interface1, Interface2 {
/// id1<int>(args1), id2<String>(args2), id3<bool>(args3);
/// memberDeclaration*
/// const Name(params) : initList;
/// }
/// where memberDeclaration* is any sequence of static and instance member
/// declarations and/or an unnamed generative const constructor declaration.
/// ...
/// The superclass of the mixin applications is the Enum class (which has an
/// abstract index getter, so the only valid super invocations are those valid
/// on Object).
/// @description Check that enum can implement interfaces
/// @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=enhanced-enums
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
class I1 {
int interfaceMethod1() => 0;
int get interfaceGetter1 => 0;
void set interfaceSetter1(int value) {}
abstract class I2<T> {
T interfaceMethod2();
T get interfaceGetter2;
void set interfaceSetter2(T value);
enum E<T> implements I1, I2<T> {
e1<int>(1, "1", 11),
e2<String>("2", "22", 22),
e3<bool>(false, "3", 33);
const E(T t, String s, int v): _t = t, _s = s, _v = v;
final _t;
final _s;
final _v;
int interfaceMethod1() => _v;
int get interfaceGetter1 => _v;
void set interfaceSetter1(int value) {}
T interfaceMethod2() => _t;
T get interfaceGetter2 => _t;
void set interfaceSetter2(T value) {}
main() {
Expect.equals(11, E.e1.interfaceMethod1());
Expect.equals(22, E.e2.interfaceGetter1);
E.e3.interfaceSetter1 = 42;
Expect.equals(false, E.e3.interfaceMethod2());
Expect.equals("2", E.e2.interfaceGetter2);
E.e1.interfaceSetter2 = 42;