blob: c8bab579d5543ddd2b7230da53685bf15ba31eba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion The mixinMember production allows the same instance or static
/// members that a class would allow, but no constructors (for now).
/// @description Checks that mixin declaration allows same instance or static
/// members that a class would allow. Test non abstract members and type
/// parameters
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
class S {}
class T {}
class X extends S {}
class Y extends T {}
class I<T1> {}
class J<T1> {}
class B<T1> {}
class C<T1> {}
mixin M<X extends S, Y extends T> on B<X>, C<Y> implements I<S>, J<T> {
static String s = "S.s";
static String get gs => s;
static set ss(String v) {
s = v;
static String sf() => "S.sf()";
String i = "M.i";
String get gi => i;
set si(String v) {
i = v;
String mi() => "M.mi()";
int operator +(MA v) => v.i.length * 2;
class A<T1, T2, T3, T4> implements B<T1>, C<T2>, I<T3>, J<T4> {
class MA extends A<X, Y, S, T> with M<X, Y> {
main() {
Expect.equals("S.s", M.s);
Expect.equals("S.sf()", M.sf());
Expect.equals("S.s",; = "x";
MA ma = new MA();
Expect.equals(6, ma + ma);
Expect.equals("M.i", ma.i);
Expect.equals("M.mi()", ma.mi());
Expect.equals("M.i",; = "xx";
Expect.equals(4, ma + ma);