blob: d6f9d6423539f6bfe87a2b53fbdd14385e5b43ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* Future<WebSocket> connect(
* String url, {
* Iterable<String> protocols,
* Map<String, dynamic> headers,
* CompressionOptions compression: CompressionOptions.compressionDefault
* })
* Create a new WebSocket connection. The URL supplied in url must use the
* scheme ws or wss.
* The protocols argument is specifying the subprotocols the client is willing
* to speak.
* The headers argument is specifying additional HTTP headers for setting up
* the connection. This would typically be the Origin header and potentially
* cookies. The keys of the map are the header fields and the values are either
* String or List.
* If headers is provided, there are a number of headers which are controlled by
* the WebSocket connection process. These headers are:
* - connection
* - sec-websocket-key
* - sec-websocket-protocol
* - sec-websocket-version
* - upgrade
* If any of these are passed in the headers map they will be ignored.
* If the url contains user information this will be passed as basic
* authentication when setting up the connection.
* @description Checks that the static method WebSocket.connect creates a new
* Future that will complete with WebSocket. Tests methods and properties of
* created instance
* @author
import "dart:async";
import "dart:io";
import "../http_utils.dart";
import "allTests_A01.lib.dart";
Future<Stream> create<T>(Iterable<T> data) async {
HttpServer? server;
server = await spawnWebSocketServer((WebSocket ws) {
data.forEach((T x) => ws.add(x));
ws.close(WebSocketStatus.normalClosure).then((_) {
return WebSocket.connect("ws://${server.address.address}:${server.port}/");
main() {