blob: 8871c80fc54c68dc90dccc40a971b1c69efa570c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion bool supportsAnsiEscapes
* Currently, a [TERM] environment variable containing the string [xterm] will
* be taken as evidence that ANSI escape sequences are supported.
* @description Checks that [supportsAnsiEscapes] is set [true] if [TERM]
* environment variable is [xterm] in the child process which was started not
* from terminal.
* @author
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "dart:io";
run_process() {
exit(((Platform.environment.containsKey("TERM") &&
Platform.environment["TERM"] == "xterm")) ==
? 0
: 1);
run_main() async {
String executable = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
String eScript = Platform.script.toString();
int called = -1;
executable, [...Platform.executableArguments, eScript, "test"],
runInShell: true)
.then((ProcessResult results) {
called = results.exitCode;
if (called != 0 && called != 1) print(results.stderr);
Expect.isTrue(called == 0 || called == 1);
main(List<String> args) {
args.length > 0 ? run_process() : run_main();