blob: 50ecbd0b342856f43cec4d7b9af83c4bcbcc0be2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
prefix co19
# Possible status codes are listed below.
# PASS: Test is passing, does not need to be listed.
# FAIL: Test is failing. Runtime needs to be corrected.
# CRASH: Test is crashing. Runtime needs to be corrected.
# FAIL,OKAY: Test is failing. The current runtime behaviour is correct. The
# test should be corrected.
# SKIP: Test is skipped by the harness.
# Status for all architectures.
# Architecture specific status.
[ $arch == ia32 ]
[ $arch == dashc ]
[ $arch == x64 ]
[ $arch == simarm ]
[ $arch == arm ]