blob: 08d1d841f4d5ee11cbbfc78f6592d4d9d5b77896 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "constants.dart";
import "table.dart";
/// Iterates grapheme cluster breaks of a string.
/// Iterates the grapheme cluster breaks of the substring of
/// [base] from [cursor] to [end].
/// To iterate a substring, use:
/// ```dart
/// var breaks = Breaks(string, start, end, stateSoT);
/// int brk = 0;
/// while((brk = breaks.nextBreak) >= 0) {
/// print("Break at index $brk");
/// }
/// ```
/// If you use [stateSoTNoBreak] instead of [stateSoT], the
/// initial break between the start-of-text and the first grapheme
/// is suppressed.
class Breaks {
/// Text being iterated.
final String base;
/// end of substring of [base] being iterated.
final int end;
/// Position of the first yet-unprocessed code point.
int cursor;
/// Current state based on code points processed so far.
int state;
Breaks(this.base, this.cursor, this.end, this.state);
/// Creates a copy of the current iteration, at the exact same state.
Breaks copy() => Breaks(base, cursor, end, state);
/// The index of the next grapheme cluster break in last-to-first index order.
/// Returns a negative number if there are no further breaks,
/// which means that [cursor] has reached [end].
int nextBreak() {
while (cursor < end) {
int breakAt = cursor;
int char = base.codeUnitAt(cursor++);
if (char & 0xFC00 != 0xD800) {
state = move(state, low(char));
if (state & stateNoBreak == 0) {
return breakAt;
// The category of an unpaired lead surrogate is Control.
int category = categoryControl;
if (cursor < end) {
int nextChar = base.codeUnitAt(cursor);
if (nextChar & 0xFC00 == 0xDC00) {
category = high(char, nextChar);
state = move(state, category);
if (state & stateNoBreak == 0) {
return breakAt;
state = move(state, categoryEoT);
if (state & stateNoBreak == 0) return cursor;
return -1;
/// Iterates grapheme cluster breaks backwards.
/// Given a substring of a [base] string from [start] to [cursor],
/// iterates the grapheme cluster breaks from [cursor] to [start].
/// To iterate a substring, do
/// ```dart
/// var breaks = BackBreaks(string, start, end, stateEoT);
/// int brk = 0;
/// while ((brk = breaks.nextBreak()) >= 0) {
/// print("Break at index $brk");
/// }
/// ```
/// If the initial [state] is [stateEoTNoBreak] instead of [stateEoT],
/// the initial break between the last grapheme and the end-of-text
/// is suppressed.
class BackBreaks {
/// Text being iterated.
final String base;
/// Start of substring of [base] being iterated.
final int start;
/// Position after the last yet-unprocessed code point.
int cursor;
/// Current state based on code points processed so far.
int state;
BackBreaks(this.base, this.cursor, this.start, this.state);
BackBreaks copy() => BackBreaks(base, cursor, start, state);
/// The index of the next grapheme cluster break in first-to-last index order.
/// Returns a negative number if there are no further breaks,
/// which means that [cursor] has reached [start].
int nextBreak() {
while (cursor > start) {
int breakAt = cursor;
int char = base.codeUnitAt(--cursor);
if (char & 0xFC00 != 0xDC00) {
state = moveBack(state, low(char));
if (state >= stateLookaheadMin) state = _lookAhead(state);
if (state & stateNoBreak == 0) {
return breakAt;
// The category of an unpaired tail surrogate is Control.
int category = categoryControl;
if (cursor >= start) {
int prevChar = base.codeUnitAt(cursor - 1);
if (prevChar & 0xFC00 == 0xD800) {
category = high(prevChar, char);
cursor -= 1;
state = moveBack(state, category);
if (state >= stateLookaheadMin) state = _lookAhead(state);
if (state & stateNoBreak == 0) {
return breakAt;
state = moveBack(state, categoryEoT);
if (state >= stateLookaheadMin) state = _lookAhead(state);
if (state & stateNoBreak == 0) return cursor;
return -1;
int _lookAhead(int state) => lookAhead(base, start, cursor, state);
/// Request a lookahead for [state].
/// The [state] was output by the backwards grapheme cluster state
/// machine and is above [stateLookaheadMin].
/// The lookahead looks at the [base] string from just before [cursor]
/// back to [start], to detect which actual state to enter.
int lookAhead(String base, int start, int cursor, int state) {
assert(state >= stateLookaheadMin);
if (state == stateRegionalLookahead) {
return lookAheadRegional(base, start, cursor);
if (state == stateZWJPictographicLookahead) {
int prevPic = lookAheadPictorgraphicExtend(base, start, cursor);
if (prevPic >= 0) return stateZWJPictographic | stateNoBreak;
return stateExtend; // State for break before seeing ZWJ.
throw StateError("Unexpected state: ${state.toRadixString(16)}");
/// Counts preceding regional indicators.
/// The look-ahead for the backwards moving grapheme cluster
/// state machine is called when two RIs are found in a row.
/// The [cursor] points to the first code unit of the former of those RIs,
/// and it preceding RIs until [start].
/// If that count is even, there should not be a break before
/// the second of the original RIs.
/// If the count is odd, there should be a break, because that RI
/// is combined with a prior RI in the string.
int lookAheadRegional(String base, int start, int cursor) {
// Has just seen second regional indicator.
// Figure out if there are an odd or even number of preceding RIs.
int count = 0;
int index = cursor;
while (index - 2 >= start) {
int tail = base.codeUnitAt(index - 1);
if (tail & 0xFC00 != 0xDC00) break;
int lead = base.codeUnitAt(index - 2);
if (lead & 0xFC00 != 0xD800) break;
int category = high(lead, tail);
if (category != categoryRegionalIndicator) break;
index -= 2;
count ^= 1;
if (count == 0) {
return stateRegionalEven | stateNoBreak;
} else {
return stateRegionalOdd;
/// Checks if a ZWJ+Pictographic token sequence should be broken.
/// Checks whether the characters preceeding [cursor] are Pic Ext*.
/// Only the [base] string from [start] to [cursor] is checked.
/// Returns the index of the Pic character if preceeded by Pic Ext*,
/// and negative if not.
int lookAheadPictorgraphicExtend(String base, int start, int cursor) {
// Has just seen ZWJ+Pictographic. Check if preceeding is Pic Ext*.
// (If so, just move cursor back to the Pic).
int index = cursor;
while (index > start) {
int char = base.codeUnitAt(--index);
int prevChar = 0;
int category = categoryControl;
if (char & 0xFC00 != 0xDC00) {
category = low(char);
} else if (index > start &&
(prevChar = base.codeUnitAt(--index)) & 0xFC00 == 0xD800) {
category = high(prevChar, char);
} else {
if (category == categoryPictographic) {
return index;
if (category != categoryExtend) break;
return -1;
/// Whether there is a grapheme cluster boundary before [index] in [text].
/// This is a low-level function. There is no validation of the arguments.
/// They should satisfy `0 <= start <= index <= end <= text.length`.
bool isGraphemeClusterBoundary(String text, int start, int end, int index) {
assert(0 <= start);
assert(start <= index);
assert(index <= end);
assert(end <= text.length);
// Uses the backwards automaton because answering the question
// might be answered by looking only at the code points around the
// index, but it may also require looking further back. It never
// requires looking further ahead, though.
// The backwards automaton is built for this use case.
// Most of the apparent complication in this function is merely dealing with
// surrogates.
if (start < index && index < end) {
// Something on both sides of index.
int char = text.codeUnitAt(index);
int prevChar = text.codeUnitAt(index - 1);
int catAfter = categoryControl;
if (char & 0xF800 != 0xD800) {
catAfter = low(char);
} else if (char & 0xFC00 == 0xD800) {
// Lead surrogate. Combine with following tail surrogate,
// otherwise it's a control and always a boundary.
if (index + 1 >= end) return true;
int nextChar = text.codeUnitAt(index + 1);
if (nextChar & 0xFC00 != 0xDC00) return true;
catAfter = high(char, nextChar);
} else {
// Tail surrogate after index. Either combines with lead surrogate
// before or is always a bundary.
return prevChar & 0xFC00 != 0xD800;
int catBefore = categoryControl;
if (prevChar & 0xFC00 != 0xDC00) {
catBefore = low(prevChar);
index -= 1;
} else {
// If no prior lead surrogate, it's a control and always a boundary.
index -= 2;
if (start <= index) {
int prevPrevChar = text.codeUnitAt(index);
if (prevPrevChar & 0xFC00 != 0xD800) {
return true;
catBefore = high(prevPrevChar, prevChar);
} else {
return true;
var state = moveBack(stateEoTNoBreak, catAfter);
// It requires at least two moves from EoT to trigger a lookahead,
// either ZWJ+Pic or RI+RI.
assert(state < stateLookaheadMin);
state = moveBack(state, catBefore);
if (state >= stateLookaheadMin) {
state = lookAhead(text, start, index, state);
return state & stateNoBreak == 0;
// Always boundary at EoT or SoT, unless there is nothing between them.
return start != end;
/// The most recent break no later than [index] in
/// `string.substring(start, end)`.
int previousBreak(String text, int start, int end, int index) {
assert(0 <= start);
assert(start <= index);
assert(index <= end);
assert(end <= text.length);
if (index == start || index == end) return index;
int indexBefore = index;
int nextChar = text.codeUnitAt(index);
int category = categoryControl;
if (nextChar & 0xF800 != 0xD800) {
category = low(nextChar);
} else if (nextChar & 0xFC00 == 0xD800) {
int indexAfter = index + 1;
if (indexAfter < end) {
int secondChar = text.codeUnitAt(indexAfter);
if (secondChar & 0xFC00 == 0xDC00) {
category = high(nextChar, secondChar);
} else {
int prevChar = text.codeUnitAt(index - 1);
if (prevChar & 0xFC00 == 0xD800) {
category = high(prevChar, nextChar);
indexBefore -= 1;
return BackBreaks(
text, indexBefore, start, moveBack(stateEoTNoBreak, category))
/// The next break no earlier than [index] in `string.substring(start, end)`.
/// The index need not be at a grapheme cluster boundary.
int nextBreak(String text, int start, int end, int index) {
assert(0 <= start);
assert(start <= index);
assert(index <= end);
assert(end <= text.length);
if (index == start || index == end) return index;
int indexBefore = index - 1;
int prevChar = text.codeUnitAt(indexBefore);
int prevCategory = categoryControl;
if (prevChar & 0xF800 != 0xD800) {
prevCategory = low(prevChar);
} else if (prevChar & 0xFC00 == 0xD800) {
int nextChar = text.codeUnitAt(index);
if (nextChar & 0xFC00 == 0xDC00) {
index += 1;
if (index == end) return end;
prevCategory = high(prevChar, nextChar);
} else if (indexBefore > start) {
int secondCharIndex = indexBefore - 1;
int secondChar = text.codeUnitAt(secondCharIndex);
if (secondChar & 0xFC00 == 0xD800) {
indexBefore = secondCharIndex;
prevCategory = high(secondChar, prevChar);
// The only boundaries which depend on more information than
// the previous character are the [^RI] (RI RI)* RI x RI and
// Pic Ext* ZWJ x Pic breaks. In all other cases, all the necessary
// information is in the last seen category.
int state = stateOther;
if (prevCategory == categoryRegionalIndicator) {
int prevState = lookAheadRegional(text, start, indexBefore);
if (prevState != stateRegionalOdd) {
state = stateRegionalSingle;
} else if (prevCategory == categoryZWJ || prevCategory == categoryExtend) {
int prevPic = lookAheadPictorgraphicExtend(text, start, indexBefore);
if (prevPic >= 0) {
state = prevCategory == categoryZWJ
? statePictographicZWJ
: statePictographic;
} else {
state = move(stateSoTNoBreak, prevCategory);
return Breaks(text, index, text.length, state).nextBreak();